How to highlight products in the local store

There has been some confusion about how the location filter works.  Clients having a single store location were expecting that filter to only show results from their local store, and hide distributor results, but that is not how it was designed; the filter always shows distributor results because they are available to be shipped to that store for pickup.  Because of the confusion, we made a change to hide the location filter for dealers who have only a single store location.

For clients who have only a single store location, or who have multiple stores, but want to customers to see local inventory first in the search results, you can do one or both of the following:

1. Turn on Location Availability Texts, which will show text like "Available in-store today" prominently on the search results and the product details page.  You can turn this on in Client Preferences.  Click Add, select "Show Location Availability" from the dropdown list, and change the client setting dropdown to True.  Once that is done, you may want to customize the text and appearance of those messages. This is done in Orders > Coreshop setup on the Fragments tab.  Filter the list of fragments by the word "available" and set each of those fragments to "customize."  They will then appear in Website > Fragments as HTML that you can edit.

2. Add a Search Multiplier for your local store location(s).  You can do this in Products > Settings > Locations.  Near the bottom of the page on the Details tab, you will see an item called Search Multiplier.  It defaults to 1.00, which means that the inventory location will not affect the results of a customer's search.  If you want to force your quick ship products always to be displayed first when a customer searches, you can change this number to 100.00.  Note that there are several places where a search multiplier can be added, which may affect your search results in unexpected ways.  To see how the system calculates search relevance, you can use the report in Products > Product Relevance.

Need more help?  Submit a ticket to Coreware support at

Typing this took a lot longer than reading it!

This is an exciting update with a ton of improvements, new features, and fixes. Please make sure to click the Read More so you don't miss anything and for a chance to win a $50 Amazon card.

new feature exciting! Work Order Screen

If you are using our work order module this will be exciting news.   If you offer repairs or have a gunsmith on staff then the work order module is for you.  Lets first make sure you see the Work orders menu option on the left side menu. 

 If you don't see it then go to Employees and find the Work orders checkbox and make sure it's checked.

Now that you see the Work order menu, if you have any work orders you can see it in the work order dashboard, and then you can click edit to update the work order. 

It took us a while but hopefully, it was worth the wait!

You can do the following on the screen:

1. Change status of the work order
2. Edit the sale transaction
3. Print the work order
4. Print a service tag
5. Close the screen
6. Email the customer directly
7. Add and review notes
8. Add parts/labor (you will need to set up labor as a nonstock item)
9. Add Images to the work order

new feature Manage 4473 Search By Serial Number 

You can now search by serial number on the Manage 4473 screen.

improvement Serial Number Checking Improvement

The system will now check suspended transactions to ensure that a serial number is not on hold, preventing a serial number that's on hold from being sold. For example, if you have a serial number selected on layaway and someone tries to sell the serial number on another transaction the system will stop the user from doing that.

improvement Serial Number Search

On the suspended sale screen you can now search for a transaction by entering the serial number.

improvement Customer Transaction List Improvement

Did you know that when you click the customer's name on the sale screen it will show you all their transactions?  We improved the view to include the transaction type so you can see if it's an open special order or a work order and if it's a suspended transaction you can click the Sale Id and quickly open the sale without having to go search for it in the suspended transaction screen.

improvement Touch Screen Interface will now show the rental start and end date fields.  So if you love our Touch Screen interface and you are doing lane rentals or any other type of rental you can keep using the touch screen interface!

improvement  Items Screen Can Now Show Quantity On Order Column

You can now select Quantity on Order (what's on purchase orders) to be added to the screen.

improvement Emailing Purchase Orders

Yes, you can actually email a purchase order 😀 . And now we include the UPC code of the item on the purchase order.

improvement Receiving Screen Improvement
On the receiving screen if you select a supplier then only purchase orders for that supplier will be displayed in the PO Lookup.  We also added an easy lookup button that pulls up all the open PO's.

improvement Payment Detail and Summary Report Enhancements

You can now select a specific payment type to report on and also the detail report now shows totals for each payment type.  We now also separate payments even if they are the same payment type.  For example, if someone used two credit cards on a single transaction we were combining those into one line item on the report, we no longer do that for easier reconciliation.

improvement Payment Date

Do you have old layaway payments that you need to enter and would like to keep a history of those payments?  Well, you can now check the Change Payment date checkbox and choose a different date when a payment was made.

new feature Added a New Closeout Report

We added a new closeout report called the Condensed Closeout.  Just a little sweeter than your regular closeout report 🤣.

new feature New Cash In/Cash Out Report

improvement Search by Manufacturer

Searching by the manufacturer on the items screen will now return results even if you enter part of the manufacturer name.

improvement Receipt Improvement 

When entering a Shipping or Delivery address the receipt will now print the Company Name and Phone number entered into the delivery information screen.

fix Partial Credit Card Approval

Credit Card Payments that were approved for part of the balance should now properly work.  If someone could please test this for us because our test credit card account won't work.  Go ahead and try a visa gift card on a sale that is more than the Visa Gift Card balance.  It should properly alert the user and accept the payment as a partial payment. 

fix Deleting/Voiding a transaction should now properly update inventory committed to the sale and reduce the quantity committed.

fix Delivery Report Error

The detailed delivery report was giving an error, this issue has now been fixed.

fix Custom Sale Report Missing Payment Type

The Custom Sale Report was missing the Manual Card payment type.

fix 4473 various minor bug fixes.

announcement Win a $50 Amazon Gift Card exciting! 

If you made it to the bottom it means you deserve to have the chance to win something 😀 .  Below the What's New you can click a reaction and type a comment. Please enter a  comment and make sure to include your full name, what company you are with AND your email address which is VERY IMPORTANT. We have no idea who you are if you type a comment without identifying yourself.  

We will RANDOMLY select an email address and send the winner a $50 Amazon Gift Card.

Loyalty Points!!!

One of the best ways to keep your customers coming back to your store/web site is offering a great loyalty point program.  We are excited to announce the release of our latest Coreshop feature which is a comprehensive loyalty point program.

Some of the benefits of offering a loyalty program to your customers include:

  • Stop competing on price
  • Retain existing customers
  • Increase Customer Lifetime Value
  • Build personal relationships
  • Create brand advocates

Some interesting stats:

  • Loyalty programs increase overall revenue by 5-10%.
  • Loyalty members spend 5-20% more than non-members on average.
  • Loyalty program members buy 5-20% more frequently than non-members.

Watch the video to learn all about this great feature and how to set it up on your web site.

Receiving Screen Improvement

Exciting! Many of you have requested this feature and it's FINALLY here 😀. When you receive an item that is on a Special Order, we will show you the list of orders that the item is on and you can click on any order directly from the receiving screen to access the order.

Featured Video - Merge Data

Merging data in Corestore is a new feature that allows you to combine data together without having to go through every record individually.   It's a helpful feature and you can learn all about it by watching our latest video.