Was CoreSTORE Taking a Siesta?

It's been 2 weeks since our last update which is not normally our nature. To celebrate our return we decided the double the content, so grab some coreFFEINE and read away, don't forget - click the READ MORE button, because there is ALWAYS more to read.  Let's get down to business.  

Need more coreFFEINE? Just ask us in the comments and we will send you another bag for free (A FRESH ONE), PLEASE identify yourself, unless you are subscribed to this feed we have NO IDEA who you are.  So in general when you make a comment please let us know your name and what company you own/work for.


There is a store configuration setting in the Sales section:

Do NOT Allow Items to be Sold Below Cost? 

When this option is set, you cannot sell an item below cost, which is a good thing...most of the time.  We added a  new option in the items screen that will allow you to override this option for specific items.  You will find this option in the Pricing Tab of the items screen, this option will ONLY be displayed if the store configuration option is checked.


improvement When deleting a sale transaction (obviously you want to avoid doing this but there are times this is necessary, the system will now prompt you and ask if you want to refund the credit card transaction in the event the transaction was paid with a credit card.

new feature Added a new security option that specifies whether the employee has the security right to edit the sale/payment date.


improvement When manually importing orders from your web site, you can now import a range of orders by using a dash to separate the starting order number and ending order number:

Work Orders

improvement Work order printout will now include the Estimated Date, Estimated Labor and Estimated Parts.

new feature Work Order Status Update

We added two fields to the work order status screen:

  • Send to Supplier
  • Receive from Supplier

For our FFL users, these two fields will be used in a very near future update to automatically dispose a firearm that is being repaired and needs to be sent back to the manufacturer or to another FFL for repair and/or improvement.  This will also be used to automatically acquire the firearm that is being returned by the supplier/manufacturer.

Customer Facing Display - We've Gone Vertical!

improvement We (and by we, I mean "I") have been obsessing over the customer display because it's so important for your customers to have the best experience.  After a wonderful visit with our friends at Mad Dog Armory we realized that the vertical orientated customer display would be so much better, so we fixed up some things and made sure that if you rotate your customer display everything just falls into place beautifully.   By turning it vertically you can see more items on the screen and in one of our upcoming updates you will be able to show banners at the bottom of the screen.

improvement No matter what orientation you are (vertical, horizontal or non oriented), we have increased the font sizes of the items section so your customers can easily read the display.

improvement The logo will now be displayed in a correct size.

Miscellaneous Improvements

improvement Added the register id to the locations screen which is helpful when setting up the mobile app on a tablet to act as a customer facing display.  Stay tuned for our updated mobile app.

General Fixes

fix Fixed some pricing issues when Price is % of Subtotal, Price is % of Previous Item were set to 0 (it will now treat them the same as if they were not set).

fix Fixed some issues with integration into coreFORCE.

fix Change Due field at times was not showing the correct amount.

fix Events/Classes from coreFORCE were being taxed even when the tax flag was turned off for events.  This has now been fixed.

fix On the sales screen when starting a new work order, the first item price is set to 0 - this is correct. HOWEVER, EVERY item entered after that was changing the price to 0 which was not correct. 

fix Fixed the Consigment Report to properly align the fields when outputting the report to PDF.

fix When cancelling out of editing a sale transaction, the subsequent sale transaction would result in the register id being blank which affected daily reporting, this issue has been fixed.

fix Fixed an issue when processing cards using the IDTech VP8300 and IDTECH VP3300 which was causing a secondary call to be made to the gateway.

Things That Make You Go - HMMMMM

Category Screen - Specify Attributes

You will now see in the Category screen a new field called Attributes, and you can actually enter a list of attributes to be associated with a category.  What purpose you may ask - well, we will reveal this in one of our next updates.  

Boundbook, 4473 and 3310

improvement Modified code for enabling/disabling Section D/E buttons to take into account an edge case where the D button could be enabled while the E button was disabled even if the customer signed Section B that same day (original code was getting the number of days between today and the creation date of the 4473; it should have looked at the certification date instead, which *could* be a different date than the 4473 creation (although rare)).

improvement Force regeneration of PDF when Section D or Section E signature is provided/changed (if necessary).

FIX Fixed bug where entering values in Q28 or Q29 of Section C was bringing up dialog requiring data to be input for Q27; this no longer happens and Section C is saved properly.

FIX Q19 was not showing the "Other Countries" on the PDF if the person was a citizen of multiple countries including the US.

FIX License information was not pushing back to the connected boundbook records if the license type was 'State ID' (it was only pushing back if the type was 'Driver's License'); it now pushes back State IDs.

FIX Section B/Q19 was not clearing out the "Other Countries" field in the DB if you set Other Country Citizenship to "NO" and submitted Section B.

FIX Changing the Place of Birth toggle and submitting Section B was not clearing out the City/State (if Country was picked) or Country popup (if City/State was entered).   

fix Fixed bug where Last Modified was not being set when Section D was being saved.

fix Fixed bug where the number in the green circle displayed in the Manage 4473 list was showing the number of boundbook records *on* the 4473s, not the number of 4473s themselves. 

4473 Kiosk

improvement Added detection and alert dialog on mobile/tablet if the browser is not Chrome 

3310 - Multi Firearm Form 

new feature 3310 alerts generated that include firearms from other 3310 records with automatically set the 'multiple sale' flag and enter the date for the multiple sale when the 3310 form is displayed.    

new feature The system now flags 3310 PDFs sent by email so we can know if a 3310 was just printed as a PDF or if it was emailed to the ATF (will be used for future interface for managing 3310s)

improvement Added date/time recording of the emailing of a 3310, we were only tracking the date before and not the time.

improvement Streamlined/centralized 3310 generation.

fix Fixed issue where using the back button in the browser would at times display information from a previous entry.

fix Disposing of multiple boundbook records at once was not always creating a 3310 alert.

fix Disposing of more than 2 individual boundbook records would create multiple 3310 alerts. 

fix Logic for 3310 alerts did not take into account other boundbook records on 3310 records that still fell within the 5 day range.

Another Week Another Update!

improvement bug fixes 

The weeks are moving fast and so are your websites!

This week brings with it some behind-the-scenes efficiency updates, tweaks, and a few light bug fixes in an effort to make YOUR systems run as smoothly and quickly as possible.

Having said that, we recognize that efficiency updates aren't always "exciting" so we're also bringing you a new GunBroker feature this week, requested by one of your fellow GunBroker users!

new feature  Delete GunBroker Listings

You now have the ability to delete GunBroker listings (Orders -> GunBroker -> Listings). This offers you a way to clean up some of your listings. Simply select the check box next to the items you'd like to delete and click the "Delete Selected Products" button:

Please be aware that this does NOT delete the listing from GunBroker. This ONLY removes them from your coreFORCE listings.

new video tipNEW VIDEO! MAP Round 2!

We decided that you really can't have too many resources when it comes to learning more about coreFORCE and how to use it so following up with our updated Knowledge Base article on MAP Pricing from last week, we also updated our MAP video. If you either missed last week's What's New or would rather watch a video than read an article, you can check out our new video here. 

And make sure to SUBSCRIBE so you don't miss any of our exciting updates or our new E-Com 101 series 🎬 Coming Soon 🎥 

fix Complex Forms

We've been adding in a lot of functionality for forms recently, and as we added complexity, we noticed that some of the more complex forms, especially forms with "panels" that hide and show based on "next" and "previous" buttons, were not displaying properly in the backend. 

There is now an option to tag a form as "complex" where it will simply display the data in the back-end rather than display it as displayed to the public. This will be set in form definitions in the control tab: form_definition, complex_form, true:

announcement giveaway exciting! Introducing coreFFL!

Are you a coreFORCE user that's been hesitant about jumping into coreSTORE as well? Well, did you know coreSTORE also includes our industry-leading electronic bound book solution? If you've wanted to dip your feet in the water, we're now offering the bound book solution as a standalone product. Did we mention this product also includes UNLIMITED 4473 kiosk stations?! 

In fact, coreFFL gives you Unlimited Bound Books, Unlimited Records, Unlimited Kiosks, Unlimited Stations, and the same FANATICAL 24/7 Support! We will be holding a webinar on April 7th to introduce you to coreFFL. Join this webinar for your chance to win a TEEMI Bluetooth Scanner! Register below!

 Webinar Signup

MAP, ZAIUS, and YouTube OH MY!

announcement MAP Violations! Everyone's favorite subject! 

But really, NO one likes MAP Violations... Not you, not the distributors and manufacturers, and not us

As consumers flock eCommerce, distributors and manufacturers want to be sure that their brand's image remains protected and as such, MAP violation monitoring technology has stepped up in recent years. TrackStreet, for example, is a major bot that checks MAP compliance for manufacturers. This bot apparently has the intelligence to add the products to cart and check the in-cart price. This is just one of the solutions out there for distributors and manufacturers.

Learn more about Web Bots Here

As a software company, all of the data in our Shooting Sports Catalog comes straight from distributors and manufacturers. We are by no means responsible for the accuracy of this data. Regardless, we take pride in the services we offer and we do have in-house resources that constantly work on our catalog data and we do our best to keep information accurate. 

Meet the Team Speaking of in-house resources, meet Zach! Our full time Product Knowledge Specialist! Zach has been working for Coreware for almost 2 years and fully understands the ins-and-outs of product pricing and catalog data. Additionally, Zach has recently gained some SERIOUS traction in the world of Pro Football YouTube channels so make sure to check him out and SUBSCRIBE @ Football FACTS for Fanatics!

exciting! Speaking of YouTube, be sure to SUBSCRIBE to our YouTube Channel for all the latest webinars and updates in the world of POS, Ecommerce, and everything in between.  We’ll soon be starting a bi-monthly YouTube series called “E-Com 101” in which we’ll give you insights into the world of online sales with some tips and tricks thrown in.

important As a dealer, the burden of MAP ultimately falls on you and you alone are entirely responsible for following all rules and regulations laid out by your distributors and manufacturers. 

Of course, as a software company, it is important that we provide you with all of the tools you need to follow these rules and regulations. 

tip One of the best ways to do this is to go into Products -> Taxonomy -> Manufacturers and set your MAP policy per the manufacturer's requirements.

These are some of the options for MAP policies that we have added based on your requests over the last two years:

  • [None] - default MAP behavior: MAP price is displayed with a button that says "Add to cart for best price"
  • Strict MAP - as in the video, email for best price (customers can also skip the Email for quote and just add to cart at the MAP price)
  • Strict MAP with code - same as email for price, except the customer gets a unique promotional code they have to enter at checkout.  This is to satisfy manufacturers who require the discount to be applied at the final stage of checkout.
  • Call for price - the only way to get the real price is to call you.
  • MAP is minimum price - The minimum price the dealer can sell at is the MAP price.  No further discounts offered.
  • Ignore MAP - sell the product based on the pricing structure without regard to MAP at all.  Only use this if you are sure that this is ok with the manufacturer.

If there is ever a conflict between what's in our Shooting Sports Catalog and the dealer's Product Catalog, the system will use the HIGHER of the two MAPs to help reduce the risk of MAP violations.

important Quick Steps to MAP Violation Resolution

  1. Immediately fix the MAP price of the item in question.
  2. Optionally, deactivate the manufacturer till the corrections are made by selecting that manufacturer as "inactive".
  3. Contact the distributor that has the wrong price.
  4. Submit a Help Desk Ticket with specific details.

important FINAL NOTICE

If this is your final notice, you need to make sure to set the manufacturer as inactive so you don't get terminated. If you do get terminated, there’s little we can do, but most manufacturers are understanding and will work with dealers so long as the issues are resolved.  Maybe add those manufacturers to your Christmas card list.  It’s good to maintain good open channels of communication with manufacturers.  They may even send you a little swag to display in your store!

You will need to contact the manufacturer and/or distributor to explain the circumstances. 

Need more information or help on setting this up?

If you'd like to read more, we have some additional information in this Knowledge Base article:

Setting up MAP Pricing and Resolving Violations

exciting! new video tip Zaius Integration for coreFORCE

Have you ever wondered how the Amazons and Wal-Marts of the world seem to send you emails containing products you are interested in? It's simple. They pick up the breadcrumbs you leave on their site and build a customer profile based upon your habits while you are browsing. That's the secret to their success. Your customers leave the same breadcrumbs when they visit your site. Why not take that data and give your customers what they want? Zaius can help you do just that.

Watch the webinar for a brief description of how Zaius can help you dominate the E-Commerce Battlefield in 2021.   

If you're interested in this service, be sure and shoot us an email at sales@coreware.com.

new featureexciting! Pay Invoices Without Logging In

Your customers no longer have to log in in order to pay an invoice! Instead, all they need is a direct link that links to their unique contact ID.

The contact who OWES payment on the invoice(s) does not have to have a user account any longer. They can get to this page and make a payment without having a user account.

 If you go to the invoice maintenance page, you will see a link for the contact to use. The link structure is: 


  1. "invoice-payment" is the link to the client's invoice payment page. 
  2. xxxxxxxxxxxxxx is the contact's hash code. This is the contact who needs to pay the invoice. 

There is a hash code (labeled contact code) assigned to every contact in the system. The code can be seen in the Summary tab of the Contact Maintenance page.

This is the page your customer will see:

improvement Shipping Costs Added to Orders Report

The Orders report will now display shipping costs as a column

new feature exciting! Taxes on Shipping

In Orders -> Setup, you now have the option to Charge Tax on shipping. This will be charged based on the customer's address.

new feature tip Help Desk Type Filter

You can now filter by Help Desk Type! To access this, go to your Help Desk and click Filters. 

Drag the Help Desk Type that you'd like to filter by to the box on the right:

improvement exciting! Event Tab in Contact Record

You can now see which events a customer has registered for directly from their contact record in the Events Tab!

new feature FFL EZ Check

There is now a button from the Orders Dashboard, once an FFL Dealer has been selected, to look up the entered FFL. This will tell you whether the FFL is still valid or not.

new feature Fraud Protection Checks

We now have 2 links in the Orders Dashboard where you can do a reverse address lookup and get a whitepages listing for the contact who placed the order. These are useful for verifying the identify of the customer.

Another Tuesday Update - Oh How Time Flies...

The most important question of the day - DID YOU GET YOUR coreFFEINE and mug?  Let us know if you didn't receive it and we will make sure we track it down.  Hopefully, the UPS driver didn't drink it!  It's just a small way for us to tell you all that we truly appreciate you as customers.

Let's get down to business.

fix Yes, I'm starting with a bug!  Transfers of firearms were causing an invalid entry in the bound book. This has been fixed.

important If your computer is rebooting after you try and print labels or receipts, this is a WINDOWS BUG!!!! Yes, believe it or not, Windows has bugs in it and we have no control over them.  The good news is that there is a fix which entails uninstalling the latest Windows update.  Read more here.

fix If you are running the 4473 on an IPAD and have had issues with it working, make sure to do the following:

Download the Chrome app for iOS and then when you run it on the kiosk:

  • Tap the "..." button in the toolbar and tap "Settings"
  • In Settings, tap on "Content Settings"
  • Then tap "Block Pop-ups"
  • Turn of "Block Popups" and exit Settings

From this point on the kiosk should work properly.

new feature Price by serial number

The point of sale system will now allow you to price items by the serial number.  This work by setting the following configuration option which you can find right under the Items section of the Store Config.

Moving forward when you receive items if you make a change to the selling price of the item during receiving it will update the price for that specific serial number which you can see at the bottom of the items screen. You can also go to the items screen directly and update the price on any serial number.   When you do this and you set the store configuration option mentioned above, when you are selling the item the system will grab the price of the item based on the serial number itself.  This provides some flexibility of having the same item but different price points that are driven by the serial number itself.

coreCLEAR is our merchant services offering, yes we are now offering merchant processing.  Clear your confusion about credit card processing with coreCLEAR! We did this because our goal is to continue to unpeel what I like to refer to as the technology onion.  Layer upon layer upon layer of complexity is what you as a small business owner has to deal with.  We are growing Coreware to offer you a one-stop-shop with the most feature-rich, affordable products and services coupled with what I like to call fanatical support.

We offer two of pricing programs for our merchant services.  The 2525 program is 2.5% and $0.25 a transaction or interchange plus.  Both programs have no monthly fees, no statement fees, no hidden fees and no more confusion, well... as little confusion as we can offer.  With our flat-rate program, you can get your coreSTORE subscription upgraded to the unlimited plan and not pay us a dime, as long as you run $10,000 or more worth of credit card transactions a month. 

Interchange rates are extremely complex thanks to Visa/Mastercard and their ridiculous number of over 200 different card and cost permutations.  But we are trying to provide merchants with Clear, honest, and straightforward merchant processing. If you are interested in our interchange+ program we will provide you with a free analysis to show you how much money we can save your business by switching to coreCLEAR.

We will be hosting a webinar on coreCLEAR mid-month of April so be on the lookout for an invite, but in the meantime please do not hesitate to reach out to us if you are interested in learning more about coreCLEAR.

new feature Card Not Present Transactions

For our coreCLEAR users, you can now set up a register that will allow you to enter a credit card manually.  This is great for taking phone orders or if you don't have a credit card terminal connected.

new feature Support for mobile card reader & desktop reader

Using coreCLEAR we now have added support for much cheaper, simpler, and better credit card terminals.   Together with our customer-facing display, they make a wonderful solution. 

The VP3300 shown below is a fantastic mobile credit card reader which supports Bluetooth or USB connection and allows chip & pin, tap, swipe, Apple Pay, Google Pay and Samsung Pay.

The VP8300 shown below works via USB and will work with a desktop PC/MAC, Android tablet/phone or Ipad/iPhone. It's a great counter device.

new video tip Work Order Video

Have you seen our latest video on work orders??? It's FANTASTIC!  Make sure to subscribe to our YouTube channel.  And please show some love, if you like this video and want more, please make sure to Subscribe, click that Like button, and Hit the Bell for notifications so you're notified as soon as we upload.

improvement Customer Facing Display

It now shows the product images.  Super cool!

exciting! 4473 Warp Speed

Searching the 4473 Management screen was excruciatingly slow, it is now instant. Give it a try, we think you will be pleasantly surprised.

new feature Receiving Screen Notification

In the receiving screen, if you receive a serialized item that is on a work order (e.g. it was sent back to the manufacturer for repair), we will notify the user that this serial number is on a work order.

fix Fixed the bug with the Tip Screen which wasn't coming up automatically.  Did you know we have a tip screen?  You may not use it, but if your local food truck needs a system, we've got a solution!

exciting! news Mobile Version Update

Lots of exciting news happening.  We are ACTIVELY working on an updated Android App, and a brand new IOS coreSTORE app.  I believe we are on target to see something in April, so be on the lookout.   In the meantime, you can download our current android app by clicking the link below:


WE LOVE YOUR COMMENTS AND DO READ THEM!  So keep them coming, you can comment on this post, react to it, or as always submit a ticket.   HAPPY SELLING!

Christmas in March?

announcement It's beginning to look a lot like... exciting! 

Yes there is a package coming to you.  A physical package containing a small thank you gift for being a Coreware customer.   Most of you probably received a notice in your email, for that we apologize, being inexperienced shippers we didn't click the do not notify button - way for us to ruin the surprise 😜. We will at least surprise you by not tell you up front what's coming.

At least you will have a fun reason to check your mail in the  next few days.  it's going by snail mail so we have no idea how long it will take to reach you, but we hope you enjoy our small token of appreciation.

improvement Customer Facing Display Improvements

Several improvements have been made to the customer facing display.  You can see the changes by looking at the store configuration.  There is a new section that you can jump to called Customer Facing Display.

You can now do the following:

- Set the background color
- Set the background color of the logo
- Specify whether to show the customer's name
- Choose whether to show the customer's email address and phone number
- Specify whether to show customer loyalty point
- Choose whether to show the customer's account balance

We just published a video on our Youtube channel, please make sure you subscribe to our channel for lots of tips and training videos.

You can download the coreSTORE Android app by clicking this link:

new feature Remove Checks from Register

You can now remove checks from the register during the day.


new feature Order Notes!

Easily add notes to delivery orders.  You can do it from the main screen where the deliveries are listed or you can also add notes when working on an order.

new feature Mark Items as Drop Shipped

When creating a shipment you can now indicate that the items were drop shipped which will not update your local inventory.

new feature New Tax Report

A new sales tax report was developed thanks to Maxon Shooting Sports who sponsored this new feature. There are times that customers ask for features and we don't feel those features would necessarily benefit everyone, so we either delay the feature request or simply do not add it to our to do list. In these situations we do give the customer a choice to pay to have the feature developed. We normally develop about 90% of the requests that we receive at no additional charges.

The new tax report will show the sales tax report driven by the payments made.  The system will calculate the effective tax rate on the transactions and will proportionally show the tax due based on the payments made on the transactions.

improvement Margin Calculation

In the PO/Receiving Screen, the Margin field was actually reflecting the mark-up rather than the margin.  This has been updated to properly show margin.

new feature Application Refresh

There is now a configuration option that allows you to specify how often to refresh the screen if there has been no activity.  This setting is based on minutes. You will find this setting under Application Settings section.

new feature Bound Book Waiting Time

Another thank you to Maxon Shooting for sponsoring this feature.  A new configuration option has been added under the Bound Book section - Waiting Period (in hours).  This option when set will prevent a salesperson from mistakenly completing a sale transaction prior to the period of time passing.  There is a new security setting that allows specific employees to be authorized to overwrite this option in the event the purchaser of the firearm is not required to wait. This option of course varies by state and does not apply to many states.

Happy Hump Day


new feature You can now search for duplicate customers by email address or name.


new feature Similar to the customers merge function, we have now added the ability to merge suppliers in the event that you have duplicates.

Label Printing

improvement Two new replacement fields added: {items.type_name} and {items.manufacturer_name} .  This will assist your favorite chief label maker to improve your labels even more.

Delivery Screen

new feature Added navigation links to the delivery detail screen to easily move between orders.

new feature Added the ability to specify the serial numbers of an item when creating a shipment.  This will allow completing orders without having to access them in the sales screen.

new feature When all items are being shipped in the order, a prompt will be displayed asking the user if they want to mark the order complete.

fix Fixed an issue when importing internet orders and the UPC was missing.

fix Fixed a bug that at times was causing inventory to be reduced twice when creating a shipment.

Bound Book & 4473 

improvement In Manage 4473, the Section D/E buttons will enable or disable based on a new set of criteria after Section C has been completed.

  • If 4437 Date is today and NICS status = PROCEED:
    D = enabled, E = enabled
  • 4473 Date before today OR NICS status = DELAYED AND Section D has not been signed yet:     
    D = enabled, E = disabled     
  • 4473 Date before today OR NICS status = DELAYED AND Section D has just been signed -- (this is possible if the FFL got the customer signature first before changing the NICS status):
    D = enabled, E = enabled   

improvement 4473 Kiosk - When kiosk page opens, focus on the code entry field.

new feature In Store Config there are two new configuration options in the Bound Book section that will allow you to disable the requirement at the kiosk of entering an email address and phone number. Dean, we hope we made your day.

fix Fixed duplicate customer/person bugs   

fix Fixed bug where reopening Section B would not show the phone number formatted properly.

And if you've scrolled this far (and lets face it today this was not very far), we might as well lighten the mood.  Hope you all have a wonderful day!

Quick but IMPORTANT Upate

exciting! new feature Order Notifications via SMS or Email!

Access the statuses directly from the Deliveries screen:

Once there you can now set the color of the status and the notification rules.  You can also add your own statuses.

exciting! new feature View the items ordered directly on the main delivery screen without having to open the order!

new feature Added an option under Column Configuration in Detailed Inventory Report and Summary Inventory Report to show the item's tags in the report.

improvement The save button in the Delivery Screen now floats, so you don't have to scroll down forever to see it.

fix Fixed the issue for coreFORCE users where the item name was getting cut off if it had a double quote in the name.

fix Receipt for a sale with no customer associated to the sale was showing a previous transaction's customer.

fix When using a customer facing display, if the customer signed the display the signature was not showing on the receipt.


Absolutely, you can use a tablet or computer as a customer facing display.  And here is a good article explaining how to set it up and how it works.


fix Corrected the spelling error in the bound book report.  Thank you Dayna with Armed Concepts for catching that very subtle spelling error.

Tuesday Newsday

It's hard to believe that we are past mid February and nearing March.  Today's update has some good nuggets that hopefully will help everyone out.  We made a lot of progress in improving our delivery and pickup screen which will help all of you that are processing internet orders.   As always we appreciate all the feedback we are receiving from everyone.  We have a few things in the works that will be popping up in March which will be extremely exciting, so stay tuned! In the meantime, grab a cup of mojo and read on.


new feature You already could enter line item notes and order comments, well we added the ability to add order notes.  Notes can be added directly from the sale screen, the suspended sales screen and the delivery & pickup screen (both the front screen and detailed one).  

Notes can be marked as Internal only so they will not print on the receipt.  Notes are dated, time stamped and the system will clearly display who entered those notes.  Just tap that little notes icon and start typing away.  

coreFORCE users will be happy to know that we import all the notes that are on an existing internet order.


new featureIf the order is an internet order it will clearly show in the details screen for the order and you can click on the internet order number to pull up the order on your web site.   This is a fantastic time saver if you need to research or look into the details of the internet order.


improvement The internet order number will now print below the sale id for any orders that were imported from your web site.

fix Fixed a few issues related to printing logos on receipts.


improvement Sales summary now includes a checkbox to include subcategories in the report.

Looking for a fully customizable web site with enterprise level functionality?   Leading retailers use coreFORCE including the largest retailers and distributors in the Shooting Sports industry.   We just added some cool features, you can read our latest coreFORCE What's New here:



improvement New Label Replacement Fields

Added new replacement fields to print the value of any item attribute.  The format would be:


You would replace ATTRIBUTENAME with the actual attribute name.  For example if you had an attribute defined called color then you would simply enter:


fix When editing labels and making multiple changes at a time, if you don't hit "Save" each time (which adds unnecessary steps/time), it won't save and then the user can accidentally click somewhere outside of the box resulting in losing all of the changes that were just made. You are welcome Rachael 😜.


improvement coreFORCE inventory bulk sync (from the store config) will mimic what is synced to the website when saving the item in the items screen.

improvement Field titles updated on the suspended sales screen.

improvement Merging customers will merge their store account balance (it will add the balances together to create a new balance).

improvement The items screen will now display the hidden system items like shipping fees.  This will allow the user to easily change fields on this item (for example making shipping a taxable item)

fix Delivery screen will now properly show the company name in the ship to information.

Bound Book & 4473  Updates

new feature 4473 Kiosk - Prevent spacebar from being entered when pulling up a 4473 using keyboard entry rather than a scanner.  A scanner at the kiosk is still the best and quickest way to pull up the 4473.

new feature 4473 Kiosk - Improved Signature Capture Options

Added ability to switch between available signature input methods on the fly through a dropdown control on Section B (to support kiosks where sig input device may fail so the customer can use 'touchscreen' instead).  

improvement 4473 Kiosk - You can hit Enter to trigger Continue button 

fix Duplicate customer records will no longer be created if the 4473 originated as a sale.

fix A new layaway will no longer create a pending disposition.

fix Pickup orders will no longer dispose to the store, they will properly dispose to the individual.

fix 4473 Kiosk - Fixed bug where if you tried to save Section B without a Race checked, after getting the error dialog picking a race and trying to save would bring up the same error dialog. 

fix 4473 Kiosk - Fixed situation where a customer entered an email address in the kiosk that was different from the email address captured at the sale which causing a duplicate Customer record to be created.              

fix 3310 Fixed bug where the 'check for multi-gun alerts on disposition' was calculating the '5 day' date range based on the assumption that the disposition date is always 'today'; it now calculates based on the actual date of disposition entered into the Boundbook record.        ⁃    

fix Fixed bug where 'Transfer Date' column in PDF was not matching the same column when viewed in the 3310 entry screen    

fix The "License State" field was not auto-populating in the Bound Book Acquisition page when firearms are entered as a Trade-In.

coreFORCE News

We have been super busy adding a ton of features to coreFORCE, but what good does it do if we don't share these updates with you.   coreSTORE users are used to our almost weekly updates and now it's time for our coreFORCE users to enjoy the same benefits.

exciting! Forms can now accept paymentsimprovement 

You can now build a custom form that allows you to accept payment on the form. This is a new feature that is extremely helpful for all different types of scenarios. Some examples might be:

  • Create a form to sell a product that requires additional information from the customer.
  • Setup a service or product that is dynamically priced based on what values the user enters into the form.
  • Provide customers with a 1 click shopping experience for a specific item or service

We recorded a video that shows you the process of creating a form that accepts payment.

new feature Help Desk Feedback

If your company/organization uses the Coreware Help Desk, there is now a feature that allows you to request customer feedback.

Here is how it works:

  • First the questions in the feedback form need to be created by going to
    Help Desk->Review Questions. There can be any number of questions. They appear on the form ordered by Sort Order. The reviewer/customer doesn't have to answer any, ie. none will be required.

  • When a ticket is closed, the customer will get an email with a link to review the ticket. There is a standard email, but it can be overridden with a custom email with code "HELP_DESK_REVIEW_INVITE". The substitution values are as follows. Reminder that substitution values appear as %field_name% in the email.
    • help_desk_entry_id - The ticket #
    • description - the subject of the ticket
    • review_url - the link to the review

  • A customer can go back to the review any number of times and make changes. In fact, if the ticket is reopened and then closed again, they will get the email again and can add to it or change it. All changes are logged, of course.

  • When the customer submits the review, there is a very simple response that is displayed. This response can be customized with a fragment with code HELP_DESK_REVIEW_RESPONSE.

  • Finally, in the Help Desk, if you are using the Help Desk as staff, at the bottom of the ticket, there will be a button, if there is a review, to view the customer's feedback.

improvement Help Desk Quick Tip

Are you using the Help Desk module for your customers?   Just a quick tip. In Help Desk you can click ctl-ctl and you will see a popup that allows you to enter a ticket number.  This is a very quick way to view any help desk ticket.

tip When Will a Strike-Through Price be Displayed?

A strike-through price will occur when there is an original price that has been overridden with another price. For example:

- When there's a calculated price that has been overridden with a sales price.

- When there's a calculated price that has been overridden with a list price.

Additionally, if you create a price type with the code ORIGINAL_SALE_PRICE, this will set an original price. 

If you have any questions about this, please feel free to submit a ticket to our Help Desk. 

For our Federally Licensed Firearms Dealers we have updated how the integration works with gun.deals.  This is in response to an increase in pricing by gun.deals which now prices the monthly fee based on the number of products that are being uploaded from your web site.  We have also added the ability to define different shipping charges by department.   Watch this video to learn more about our updated integration with gun.deals.

The integration with Gun Broker has been improved tremendously.  We've been told by one of the top 5 Gun Broker dealers that our latest enhancements have lead us to have the best Gun Broker integration.  Be on the lookout for a video but in the meantime a few highlights to our integration:

Listing Templates

You can now create listing templates which allows you to setup templates for different product types and different listing types.  This will save you a tremendous amount of time when creating a listing for a Gun Broker product.

Importing Gun Broker Orders

Gun Broker orders can be imported at any time (prior to this update they had to be completed on Gun Broker).  You can allow your customers to checkout on your web site or on Gun Broker.  If you allow customers to checkout on your web site you can easily send them a direct link to checkout.   This provides an opportunity for your customer to add items to their order and also visit your site directly, it will also save you some money on fees.  

If payments are made on Gunbroker the payments will be imported with the order.

Importing Listings from a Spreadsheet

You can now import product listings directly from a spreadsheet. This is a huge time saver.   All you need to specify in the spreadsheet are the following fields, make sure the column names match exactly:


Updated Listing Features

We added all of the listing features that we could think of including premium listing features. Let us know if we missed any.  

Batch Import and Email

We added the ability to quickly import all of your orders into coreFORCE instead of doing it one by one.  We also provided the ability to bulk email all the customers at once.

What's new is "What's New"!

exciting! What's New

We don't want to be obnoxious but at the same time we want you to easily see and read our approximately once a week what's new update.  We hope you all love our new updated in your face what's new!

improvement Work Orders

Work orders will now ensure that the item being repaired is always set to 0 price AND 0 cost.

improvement Detail Sales Report Improvement

We now show profit margin % on the Detailed Sales report.

improvement Signature Box on Receipt

Did you know you can use a touch screen or a tablet to let the customer sign their receipt right on the screen?  We darkened the signature box to make it more obvious to see where to sign.

new feature Use the Calendar to Add Appointments

Yes we also have an appointment module.  This is helpful to schedule private lessons or other activities.  You can now add an appointment when you are viewing the calendar view.

fix Fixed a bug related to transfers

Are you a coreFORCE user?  coreFORCE is our Enterprise level ECommerce+ solution.  It has much more than ECommerce and we are proud to say that many of the top Shooting Sports Retailers and Distributors use coreFORCE as their web platform.  Our latest customer that we took live this week is Modern Warriors out of St. George Utah, and happens to be one of my most favorite web sites that we have launched to date.

In this update we have enhanced some of the integration with coreFORCE.

new feature Kit Support

  • You can now flag a kit as an ECommerce item which will cause it to be uploaded to coreFORCE as a product pack.
  • Selling a kit online will result in an order in coreSTORE which has all the individual kit components in it (so it will break the kit out when importing the order.

new feature Custom Product and Kit Fields

Product Custom field data will be imported into coreFORCE.

Important: You have to setup the custom fields in BOTH coreSTORE and coreFORCE. The name of the field in coreSTORE must match the custom field code in coreFORCE.


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