Welcome to our first Tuesday coreSTORE Update (it's still Tuesday on the West Coast), in short this means that in two weeks time we will have another update for you to view. No surprise we are full of surprises and exciting updates, but let me firstshare a piece of news with you that is a bit alarming especially if you are using a PAX credit card terminal at your store.
If you are and you purchased the units from Coreware, please let us know and we will make sure to get you upgraded to our new Equinox terminals that are not only better but the company is US Based and manufacturing is done in Canada and Malaysia.
Our shortest and most fun coreCAST yet, was filmed at the Powder Room in Panama Beach FL. What an amazing range, and incredible hosts. Please watch, like and don't forget SUBSCRIBE!
It's time to replace your Chimp with a real Ape! coreILLA "The Mailchimp Killa", an email marketing platform that blows away the competition. Check out our "Quick Cast" where Joel Cheney and our new Director of Digital Marketing, Chris Pollitzer, talk about the soon-to-be industry standard email marketing platform:
Contact: sales@coreware.com if you are interested!
If you are using the clear8500 or clear6200 Terminals, you can now prompt your customer and ask them if they would like to join the loyalty program and you can prompt them on the terminal and ask them for their Name, Phone Number, and Email Address! Click the image below to learn more about these AMAZING devices.
You can enable these prompts from the Locations Screen (click the Merchant Processing tab at the top).
Sale Screen
exciting! improvement Major Interface Update
I never loved the section of the sales screen that shows the customer information. Why such a small font? Why isn't it organized better? Why can't I easily see if they have a waiver signed and what membership plans they are subscribed to? Lot's of why's lead to lots of action. We are super excited with this interface change that was designed by Glen, our super talented developer who is behind the tremendously powerful Buyer Assistant module. This is just the beginning of cleaning up our sales interface even more. You also may notice the subtle changes we have made to try to prevent you from having to scroll! There is more coming, so stay tuned!
The colors on the membership buttons and waiver mean something:
RED - Expired
ORANGE - Expires within 30 days
GREEN - We are good
When you hover or click on the membership look what pops up:
We also moved some buttons around and made thing more intuitive. I have no doubt you are going to really love the updated interface!
Learn more about it by watching our video:
Do not panic!!!!! We simply renamed it to Fulfillment - seriously it makes a whole lot more sense, since this is the screen you use to fulfill orders (whether you deliver, ship or they are waiting for pickup).
exciting! Nothing Wrong with some extra speed!
As we strive to improve coreSTORE we continue to also work on performance improvements. You should notice snapier screens in this update, and some of it should be pretty significant.
new feature Price an Item with Taxes Included
You can now set a price of an item so that it includes the taxes, no need for a calculator. So imagine you wanted to price an item at $100 and that includes the taxes on the item. Easy, just click the item price and then click the Tax Included button (see screen shot). coreSTORE will do the calculation for you, so it will reprice the item based on the assumption that the item with tax should total $100.
Inventory & Purchasing Enhancements
new feature Deactivate and Discontinue Items
You can now specify a date when an item is going to be discontinued. When that date arrives the system will no longer allow you to sell that item. You can also mark an item as inactive, which will allow you to sell the rest of your inventory but will prevent you from ordering/receiving more of that item. Discontinued items will automatically be marked as inactive once there is no longer any stock of that item.
new feature Hide Payment Section on PO/Receiving Screen
There is now a configuration option under Purchasing/Receiving section in the store configuration to hide the payment section. This will simply allow you to process a receiving transaction without having to choose a payment. Makes a whole lot of sense if you are using an accounting system to process supplier invoices.
new feature Transfer Requests Alerts
When processing a transfer request the location receiving the request will get an alert. When the user clicks on the alert they will be taken to that specific transfer request.
new feature Discounts Don't Apply
There are times when you may want/need to prevent discounts from being applied to a specific item. To accomplish this in the items screen we added a check box under the pricing tab: Discounts Don't Apply. When this checkbox is checked, if a discount is given on the sale transaction it will not apply the discount to any item that has the option checked. Keep in mind even price tiers do not apply when setting this option.
improvement Auto Refresh Price Check Screen
The price check screen will now auto refresh after 60 seconds and go back to the main screen. Yes, we have a price check screen that can run off a tablet and sit anywhere in your store. It's a fantastic feature! If you need help setting this up, contact our incredible customer service staff.
improvement Item Summary Sales Report
We now show total discounts given in the Item Summary Sales Report.
Navigation & Menus
improvement Menu Hover is Now Optional
Added a new configuration option under section Modules that allows you to enable automatically expanding the menus when the mouse hovers. Myself and a couple of customers did not like the hover feature, so rather than removing it completely we decided to make it an optional setting. Check the box to hover away!
Work Orders
new feature Repair Items Not Handled as Inventory Items
This is exciting, when adding a new work order from the work order screen, you can now simply describe your item without associating it to an actual inventory item (which makes a whole lot more sense). The idea is that you are not forced to select an actual inventory item or add an item.
For our gun stores, the system will still acquire the repair item if you check the box to create a bound book record.
We will definitely record a video in the next few days to review the updated work order functionality.
ECommerce Integration
Added the ability to specify which location to import internet orders into which are not pickup orders (pickup orders will always be imported into the pickup location).
coreFORCE Integration
improvement Membership Options Better Organized
Rather than a long list of memberships, we now show the memberships by membership type. If you only have one type then we automatically show all the memberships under that one type. If you have multiple types then you can expand the different types.
Bound Book & 4473
new feature Print the FFL License with the Receipt
A new configuration option was added under the Bound Book Section:
When checked this option will show a button to print the stores FFL from the Receipt screen when selling an item that is in the bound book. Very handy if you are transferring a firearm to another FFL.
*Make sure you have a copy of your FFL loaded into the Locations Screen.
improvement Bound Book Report Enhancement
Added the sale id to the bound book report (invoice #).
improvement Receiving Firearms Must Have Supplier Specified
When receiving a firearm, the system will alert you if no supplier was selected.
improvement Open Transfers
When entering a firearms transfer, if the customer already has an open transfer, the system will alert the user to prevent them from adding a new transfer.