Where is the chat support button? 😨


We have some other news too so keep on reading, it's another update and lots of goodies in this one.  A lot of it I covered in our latest coreCAST!  Make sure to subscribe to our Youtube channel and just click below to watch the video (there is a BIG REVEAL in this video):

new feature exciting! New Interface Updates

It's better, it's faster, it's more pleasing on the eye and just more appealing.  Just watch our coreCAST above to learn more about it.  Try it, we think you will like it!

new feature Historical Valuation Report

The historical valuation report can be found under Reports->Inventory Reports.  This report allows you to print a valuation report for a previous date in time.

new feature Hide System Suspended Types

You can now hide any of the built in suspended types (if your business doesn't use them might as well hide them.  Just visit the Store Config and go to the Suspended Sales section.  You will see a new checkbox that allows you to hide anh of the built in suspended types.

new feature Employee Sales Report

If you are using coreSTORE to track employee time this report may be a good one to look at, it will analyze your total sales by employee and also display the average $ sold per work hour.  Try it you may gain some insight.  The report is right under Reports-> Employees.

improvement Select All Checkbox on Reports

The Select All checkbox now acts as a toggle to quickly select or unselect all options in a report.  Seems minor, but will 100% save some headaches.

improvement Hide Delete Button From Voided Sales

Duh...obviously if a sale is already voided, you cannot void it again...

new feature Easy way to handle Cash Payments

Click the cash payment type and you will be presented with this quick cash entry screen.  Just enter the bills and coins you received from the customer.

improvement Bound Book Filter on Used Only

improvement Export the Bound Book Table

You can now export the table results to Excel (you already can export the entire bound book, but this is a helpful feature if you just want to export the data on the screen with only the columns that are shown on the screen.

bug fixes And as always various bug fixes.

This Week's Update - Why Read When You can Watch?

Lots of little but helpful nuggets in this update, as well as some new video tips, and even some older features that we discovered were never officially announced. By the way keep reading for a chance to win $250!

Support for Preauthorizing Credit Cards

We released support for being able to preauthorize a credit card.  This is a great feature for our customers that use the coreCLEAR or coreCLEAR MX gateways.

Watch this video to learn all about preauthorizations.

Location Restrictions

You can now restrict certain items from being sold at specific locations, this feature can also be used if you have a single location but you have items in inventory that are not for sale (for example raw materials/components).

Here's a video showing how to setup these restirctions.

Email Receipts Layout

You can now choose whether you want to email a sales receipt to a customer in landscape or portrait format, this option will only show up in the store configuration when you enable PDF receipts.

Discontinue Items

You can set a date when an item should be discontinued.  Watch a quick video on how to set this up.

Manufacturer Part Number & Brands

We added a field to the items screen for manufacturer part number.  This field can be used as another identifier for an item.  Many retailers already have a UPC code, an internal product id (or SKU) and need another primary field to specify the manufacturer part number.   This field is now available in the items screen, and users can search for items using this field in the sales and po/receiving screens.

We also decided to separate the brands from the manufacturers and store those separately.  So now you can maintain brands separately from maintaining your manufacturers.  You can easily add brands to the manufacturer right in the manufacturer screen, or right on the items screen you can start typing in a brand name and the system will allow you to add a new brand as long as you selected a manufacturer. You cannot add a brand name without specifying the manufacturer.

Assemblies Keep Getting Better

We expanded the assembly functionality so you can start tracking your entire assembly process and who did what.   Watch the video to learn more about our new assembly build screen.

Mask Your Cost

This request came from a customer who had this feature in their previous system. You can now setup coreSTORE so it will create a special code that represents the cost of an item.  This code can be printed on your price labels or displayed on your digital price tags.  Watch this video to learn more about this awesome feature.

Make the Right Purchasing Decisions

We've added A LOT of information right at your fingertips, and you can access this information directly from the sales/purchase order/items screen.  Watch this video to learn more:

Employee Security Settings are Easier

The security options are vast, but we made it a little easier to navigate by collapsing the security options so you can quickly scroll to the module you want to change permissions on and simply click the module.  Here's a video showing how the new settings work, and also it explains how to setup employee templates.  This is a HUGE time saver when setting up new employees, so make sure to watch this quick video.

2 Factor Authentication And Other Security Options

We added the ability to force 2 factor authentication in coreSTORE.  This is a great way to ensure security and also discourage employees from sharing their user id's and passwords.  Watch this video to learn about the different security options in coreSTORE including facial recognition.


We moved all the ID information for a customer to it's own tab, seems more logical and less scrolling. For our gun store owners we added several fields related to their CCL license.

Speaking of moving, we really did move and now have a couple of office locations. Our main office is now located in Columbus North Carolina:  

799 W Mills St.
Suite B
Columbus, NC 28722

We also have a small office in Colorado Springs and our warehouse is in Lexington, KY.

🎉🎉🎉It's Time for a Giveawy🎉🎉🎉

Lets see who's paying attention to our What's New.  Buried in here is an answer to this question:

What does Ezra Desperately Need?

Be the first one to answer correctly by posting the answer in the comments of this What's New, post the answer WITH your name and email address and you will receive a $250 Amazon gift card.  Coreware Employees are eligible to respond but not eligible for the prize money 🤣🤣🤣.

Bound Book, 4473, 3310

improvement Added code to prevent a 4473 from being changed to INVALID when a corresponding Sale is deleted if it has already been through a NICS check and has a recorded NICS result.    

improvement Drivers license is no longer required when disposing a firearm directly from the Bound Book module.

fix Section E could not be filled out if the 4473 was DENIED or CANCELED. Now when you go to Section E, if the status is DENIED or CANCELED, the Transfer Date is not shown on Section E and is left blank when Section E is submitted. 

fix Fixed bug where using 'Create 3310 From 4473' did not display an error dialog informing the user if the firearm(s) were on a Work Order bound book.

improvement If you attempt to send a 3310 by email that has already been sent before, you are asked to confirm you want to send it again (in which case the email_date stored in the DB is updated) otherwise you can abort the send and leave the previously existing email date alone.   

improvement Fixed bugs in 3310 submission to ATF and LEOs; this build should help ensure everyone gets the 3310 as an attachment. For LEOs, there is also a link in the email to download and display the 3310 PDF on demand if for some reason there is a problem opening the attachment.

Time Flies When You're Having Fun!

Yes it's been two weeks since our last update and as promised we have released an update and we have some great improvements and some new features.  Before we get to the fun stuff please take the time to watch this video especially if you are currently processing your credit card transactions with a Pax terminal:

coreCLEAR Merchant Processing

Did you see our latest challenge?  If you are not using coreCLEAR as your merchant processor we will pay you $500 if we can't beat your current processing rates!  If you are interested in a free analysis and quote just visit: www.coreclear.com.

new feature Manual Card Entry Support

If you are using the coreCLEAR gateway, you can now setup a register to process manual transactions (helpful if you take orders via the phone).

To setup a Manual Register click the Locations menu option under Inventory (Left side of your screen).  Click on the location you are in and then click the Merchant Processing tab and add a register.  Set the register name and then select Card Not Present as the Card Reader Type.

When processing a sale on the manula register when selecting credit card as the payment type, you will be prompted to enter the card information.  

IMPORTANT: Make sure you have a customer selected for the sale and that their address matches the billing address of the credit card.

new feature exciting! Credit Card Terminal Settings

CLEAR 8500 - Counter Top

CLEAR 6200 - Mobile Payment Terminal

If you are using the CLEAR 8500 or CLEAR 6200 (pictured above) then this news will be exciting.  Currently these devices can display banner ads, a video, they will show your customer the items that are being rung up in the sale and now you can request additional information from your customer including their name, email address and you can even ask them to join your loyalty program or if they are already signed up the terminal will display their current point balance.  

An additional option lets you prompt the customer for any missing information that you don't have on file including their email address or phone number.

To activate any of these options, click the locations screen and under the Merchant Processing tab you will see these new configuration options:

Item Assemblies

If you do light manufacturing of products then item assemblies is what you want to use to build your assemblies. In short an assembly defines the recipe for making a product (raw materials) and a build is the action of producing the product (finished good).

We've made a few improvements with item assemblies:

improvement On hand and Committed Clearly Displayed

Showing committed is helpful because it can help with planning your production and material needs, since what is committed reflects what's on order.

improvement Choose Your Columns

Similar to the other screens in coreSTORE you can now choose from many different columns to display, and you can reorder those columns.

new feature Ability to Choose a Different Assembly Item

The assembly item is the finished product that is being assembled can be changed by clicking the Edit button.  This is very helpful when cloning an assembly.


improvement Item Kits

Item Kits can be set to a $0 price.

improvement Manufacturers

The manufacturer screen has been completely revamped and modeled after the supplier screen.  You can now track more information on a manufacturer including their web site, logo, and for our FFL's out there you can enter and validate their FFL#. You can also choose what categories the manufacturer represents, and add a full HTML description.  You are welcome to guess why we did this... best answer submitted in the Send Us Feedback box will get a 💵  $100 Amazon Gift Card 💵, make sure you include your email address with your answer so we know who to send the card to (yes I'm just curious to see if I still have your attention).


improvement When Enable PDF Receipts is enabled under Store Config, then the PO and Receiving receipts will be emailed with a PDF attachment.


improvement Lifetime memberships will now show up in Blue and won't appear like they are expired.

fix Several fixes applied to improve and fix selling memberships in coreSTORE.


Synchronize your 4473 forms directly to a local drive, set it and forget it.  We now have a Windows Application and a Mac Application that can be installed on a local machine where you can now keep copies of all your 4473's.  Satisfying ATF requirements is now a breeze.

Watch the video to see how to download, install and setup.  Warning - there is NO SOUND with this video.  Make sure to maximize the video so you can watch all the details.  This video walks you through the process if you are on Windows.

Every Other Tuesday is coreSTORE Update Day

Welcome to our first Tuesday coreSTORE Update (it's still Tuesday on the West Coast), in short this means that in two weeks time we will have another update for you to view.  No surprise we are full of surprises and exciting updates, but let me firstshare a piece of news with you that is a bit alarming especially if you are using a PAX credit card terminal at your store.  


If you are and you purchased the units from Coreware, please let us know and we will make sure to get you upgraded to our new Equinox terminals that are not only better but the company is US Based and manufacturing is done in Canada and Malaysia.

Our shortest and most fun coreCAST yet, was filmed at the Powder Room in Panama Beach FL.  What an amazing range, and incredible hosts.   Please watch, like and don't forget SUBSCRIBE!

It's time to replace your Chimp with a real Ape!   coreILLA "The Mailchimp Killa", an email marketing platform that blows away the competition. Check out our "Quick Cast" where Joel Cheney and our new Director of Digital Marketing, Chris Pollitzer, talk about the soon-to-be industry standard email marketing platform: 


Contact: sales@coreware.com if you are interested!

If you are using the clear8500 or clear6200 Terminals, you can now prompt your customer and ask them if they would like to join the loyalty program and you can prompt them on the terminal and ask them for their Name, Phone Number, and Email Address!   Click the image below to learn more about these AMAZING devices.

You can enable these prompts from the Locations Screen (click the Merchant Processing tab at the top).

Sale Screen

exciting! improvement Major Interface Update

I never loved the section of the sales screen that shows the customer information. Why such a small font?  Why isn't it organized better?  Why can't I easily see if they have a waiver signed and what membership plans they are subscribed to?  Lot's of why's lead to lots of action.   We are super excited with this interface change that was designed by Glen, our super talented developer who is behind the tremendously powerful Buyer Assistant module.   This is just the beginning of cleaning up our sales interface even more.  You also may notice the subtle changes we have made to try to prevent you from having to scroll!  There is more coming, so stay tuned!

The colors on the membership buttons and waiver mean something:

RED - Expired
ORANGE - Expires within 30 days
GREEN - We are good

When you hover or click on the membership look what pops up:

We also moved some buttons around and made thing more intuitive.  I have no doubt you are going to really love the updated interface!

Learn more about it by watching our video:


Do not panic!!!!!  We simply renamed it to Fulfillment - seriously it makes a whole lot more sense, since this is the screen you use to fulfill orders (whether you deliver, ship or they are waiting for pickup).

exciting! Nothing Wrong with some extra speed!

As we strive to improve coreSTORE we continue to also work on performance improvements.   You should notice snapier screens in this update, and some of it should be pretty significant.  

new feature Price an Item with Taxes Included

You can now set a price of an item so that it includes the taxes, no need for a calculator.  So imagine you wanted to price an item at $100 and that includes the taxes on the item.  Easy, just click the item price and then click the Tax Included button (see screen shot).  coreSTORE will do the calculation for you, so it will reprice the item based on the assumption that the item with tax should total $100.

Inventory & Purchasing Enhancements

new feature Deactivate and Discontinue Items

You can now specify a date when an item is going to be discontinued.  When that date arrives the system will no longer allow you to sell that item.  You can also mark an item as inactive, which will allow you to sell the rest of your inventory but will prevent you from ordering/receiving more of that item.  Discontinued items will automatically be marked as inactive once there is no longer any stock of that item.

new feature Hide Payment Section on PO/Receiving Screen

There is now a configuration option under Purchasing/Receiving section in the store configuration to hide the payment section.  This will simply allow you to process a receiving transaction without having to choose a payment.  Makes a whole lot of sense if you are using an accounting system to process supplier invoices.

new feature Transfer Requests Alerts

When processing a transfer request the location receiving the request will get an alert. When the user clicks on the alert they will be taken to that specific transfer request.

new feature Discounts Don't Apply

There are times when you may want/need to prevent discounts from being applied to a specific item.  To accomplish this in the items screen we added a check box under the pricing tab: Discounts Don't Apply.  When this checkbox is checked, if a discount is given on the sale transaction it will not apply the discount to any item that has the option checked.  Keep in mind even price tiers do not apply when setting this option.

improvement Auto Refresh Price Check Screen

The price check screen will now auto refresh after 60 seconds and go back to the main screen.  Yes, we have a price check screen that can run off a tablet and sit anywhere in your store.  It's a fantastic feature!  If you need help setting this up, contact our incredible customer service staff.


improvement Item Summary Sales Report

We now show total discounts given in the Item Summary Sales Report.

 Navigation & Menus

improvement Menu Hover is Now Optional

Added a new configuration option under section Modules that allows you to enable automatically expanding the menus when the mouse hovers.  Myself and a couple of customers did not like the hover feature, so rather than removing it completely we decided to make it an optional setting.  Check the box to hover away!

Work Orders

new feature Repair Items Not Handled as Inventory Items

This is exciting, when adding a new work order from the work order screen, you can now simply describe your item without associating it to an actual inventory item (which makes a whole lot more sense).   The idea is that you are not forced to select an actual inventory item or add an item.  

For our gun stores, the system will still acquire the repair item if you check the box to create a bound book record.  

We will definitely record a video in the next few days to review the updated work order functionality.

ECommerce Integration

Added the ability to specify which location to import internet orders into which are not pickup orders (pickup orders will always be imported into the pickup location).

coreFORCE Integration

improvement Membership Options Better Organized

Rather than a long list of memberships, we now show the memberships by membership type.  If you only have one type then we automatically show all the memberships under that one type.  If you have multiple types then you can expand the different types.

Bound Book & 4473

new feature Print the FFL License with the Receipt

A new configuration option was added under the Bound Book Section:

When checked this option will show a button to print the stores FFL from the Receipt screen when selling an item that is in the bound book. Very handy if you are transferring a firearm to another FFL.

*Make sure you have a copy of your FFL loaded into the Locations Screen.

improvement Bound Book Report Enhancement

Added the sale id to the bound book report (invoice #).

improvement Receiving Firearms Must Have Supplier Specified

When receiving a firearm, the system will alert you if no supplier was selected.

improvement Open Transfers

When entering a firearms transfer, if the customer already has an open transfer, the system will alert the user to prevent them from adding a new transfer.

One. Eternity. Later.

In all seriousness, it's been a long time since we've released a What's New update for coreFORCE. 

We've been busy at work behind the scenes, making BIG moves to continue pushing forward our motto of unifying and simplifying the way that you do business. This has included the launch of our new product, coreILLA "The Mailchimp Killa", an email marketing platform that blows away the competition. Check out our "Quick Cast" where Joel Cheney and our new Director of Digital Marketing, Chris Pollitzer, talk about the soon-to-be industry standard email marketing platform:

new video

In addition to an incredible marketing alternative, we've also been working on pushing out our incredible new CLEAR 8500 and 6200 credit card terminals that do so much more than any other terminal out there. We've heard incredible feedback about these machines and we're excited to get them into your hands as soon as possible! Check out our NEWEST coreCAST episode where we go on location with our friends at The Powder Room in Panama City Beach, FL and show the new terminals in the wild with some real customer feedback! 

new video

And if you're somehow not tired of our videos yet, or maybe if you just miss Joel, Ezra, and I's off-topic non-sense, heres' coreCAST Episode 7 where we talk about probably our most exciting update of the year! 

Remember to subscribe so you can see all of these videos hot off the press!

Okay okay, enough videos! 

We have so many more exciting things to share. Grab your reading glasses and maybe a fresh cup of coreFFEINE, this may be a long one!

exciting! important improvement One Word... "SPEED"

Over the last month, our developers have been working hard to address speed concerns across coreFORCE and we've managed to increase our page performance across the board, but we are still in the process of making improvements. This is an on-going process, but we are excited to see that Google is giving our websites much higher rankings. Even so, we are committed to continued improvements to improve the customer experience for both OUR customers AND YOUR customers. 

I won't go into the nitty-gritty, but a lot of these speed updates have to do with how prices are loaded by the system, how product search results are displayed, Orders Dashboard enhancements, enhancements to how product maintenance loads, and how background processes function.

new feature improvement exciting! announcement 

Checkout Version TWO

If you watched the videos above, you may already know, but we have been working hard throughout the course of the year to modernize the look of the checkout process. We spent a lot of time consulting some in-house user experience and user interface experts and brought our checkout process into the year 2025.

This checkout process has been heavily beta tested by some of the system's largest users and we are confident that this improved checkout will help increase your sales! These checkouts will be rolled out over the course of a few weeks and will be heavily tested on each customer's system prior to launching it.

Please be patient with us as we bring this checkout process to your websites!

new feature Added Notes to customer subscription self-service

Customers can now enter their reason for pausing or cancelling a subscription.

new feature coreBUY Distribution

We are now offering coreFORCE customers EXCLUSIVE access to some exciting and unique product through coreBUY!

new feature List View of Classes

We now offer an alternate event calendar. If this is a change you are interested in, please let us know and we can add you to the schedule to add this new view.

new feature AVS Control for coreCLEAR users

AVS settings for coreCLEAR (the latest version) can now be controlled directly from coreFORCE in Orders > Setup

The default setting is that only full matches will be approved, but you as a dealer will have full control over the other options. Of course, allowing everything through is not considered a wise idea.

improvement Invoices

Invoices can now be marked inactive to cancel a layaway without losing history

new feature Promotions 

Promotions can now be applied to every recurring payment in a subscription. This must be added from the recurring payment record at this point in time. 

improvement There is now an option to prevent customers from deleting a payment method if it’s used in a recurring payment.

new feature exciting! Facility Reservations

Ability to reserve multiple facilities for an event and have each facility contain its own time slot. Please note that this does not work for multi-day reservations at this point in time.

improvement Event Registrant Report 

The Detailed  Event Registrant Report now includes an Order ID column.

new feature Added Search Filters for Subscriptions

When looking through your subscriptions, there are now filters to clear out which subscriptions are expired or paused.

bug fixes 

  • Fixed issue with create events
  • Fixed issue with submitting orders to Bill Hicks
  • Fixed Issue with Loyalty Points
  • Fixed Banner Issues

Performance Enhancements

  • Price Calculations
  • Improved Internal API Communication
  • Bot Crawling Enhancements
  • Improved coreILLA Integration
  • Fontawesome updates
  • Orders Dashboard improvements




Quick Updates and Giveaway Winner!

We'll keep this week's updates short and quick!

We've been working hard on some of our exciting new updates! 

new Knowledge Base Articles In the meantime, we thought it would be good to draw your attention to some of our newer Knowledge Base Articles!  

If you have any questions about any of these or would like to see some additional information covered in any of these, please submit a ticket to our Help Desk at Help.Coreware.com

Wait, what about our favorite podcast update?

new videoIn honor of our next coreCAST we decided to publish a teaser which gave someone a chance to win a $600+ computer!  If you are not subscribed to our YouTube channel, you are truly missing out on some great entertainment (ok "great" might be stretching it) and some pretty darn good giveaways.

Congrats to Chris Rafrom Winchester Gallery in Fort Worth Texas for winning this AMAZING new HP Chromebase!  It's a nearly perfect 4473 Kiosk!

improvement Promotion Use Report Update

This report now has a CSV export option.

improvement Product CSV Export

This export now has the image_url as a column in this export.

improvements Performance Enhancements

  • Ammoseek Feed Improvements
  • Improved Error Messaging
  • XML sitemap update

bug fixes Bug Fixes

  • Fixed an issue with discount prices
  • Fixed an issue with null values.
  • Fixed Issues with invalid payment methods
  • Dealt with a memory issue with products

The Cart Before the Horse

Did anyone notice we released an update on Monday but there was no announcement????  Make sure to click the Read More below if you want to read up on all the details, but first lets talk about videos! 

In this latest episode of coreCAST we try not to poke too much fun at Mr. Bezos and fail horribly in our attempt, we double down on our love for all things Elon Musk, we discuss Apple's play on privacy, and we give you a few great nuggets from coreSTORE and coreFORCE

Check it out and SUBSCRIBE!

And in honor of our next coreCAST we decided to publish this teaser which gave someone a chance to win a $600+ computer!  If you are not subscribed to our YouTube channel, you are truly missing out on some great entertainment (ok "great" might be stretching it) and some pretty darn good giveaways.

Congrats to Chris Ray from Winchester Gallery in Fort Worth Texas for winning this AMAZING new HP Chromebase!  It's a nearly perfect 4473 Kiosk!

Where are the serial numbers? DO NOT PANIC!

improvement The serial numbers in the items screen have moved to their own spot.  We felt it was tiem to treat them with the proper respect they deserve, so rather than scrolling all the way down to see the serial numbers, you can just click the Serial Numbes tab.


exciting! You can now choose whether a Layaway transaction should deduct or commit inventory.  Although to many of you this may not seem like it should be a choice, we prefer allowing the business owner to decide how to run their business.  To change the behavior go to Store Config and jump to the Suspended Sales section. You can change the behavior of the layaway.


Receiving and Transfers

new feature Item Tags can now be displayed when receiving an item.  To enable this feature make sure to check the Show Item Tags checkbox in Store Config under the Purchase 

new feature Inventory Transfer Requests can now be entered.  If you own multiple stores, you can now enter a Transfer Request which allows one store to request inventory from another store.  This transaction does not affect inventory in any way (it's like a quote).

Item Screen

new feature You can now add the Margin and Margin % columns to the items screen.

Fulfillment Sheets

improvement Location at Store field has now been added to the fulfillment sheets.


exciting! Payment By Day Report

Sometimes a picture speaks 1000 words, so click on the image below to see the new Payment By Day report which you will find in the Reports/Payments section, this will be for sure a fan favorite!

new feature  Custom Fields

The Custom Sales report will now allow you to select a customer custom field as one of the report criteria.

improvement Item Sales Summary Report

Added the ability to add a list of items to report on.  The list can be either item id's or UPC Codes.

Bound Book

improvement Disposition tab and Dialog: Added instructional text under the 'Dispose 4473 Transaction' field to explain what it is.

improvement Disposition tab and Dialog: Automatically insert the 4473 Transaction ID if we can determine that the bound book item is on a 4473, otherwise we enter 'n/a' into that field.        

improvement Added instructional text under the 'Dispose 4473 Transaction' field to explain what it is.

improvement Modal Disposition dialog (from clicking Dispose in main Bound Book screen):         

Bug Fixes

fix Layaways created online were not always importing the correct amount due.  This has been fixed.

fix Unsuspending a sale transaction was unchecking the send sms option.

fix On the sales screen when you add the amount and then change the payment type, the amount was being removed.

fix The 4473 QR code was not showing on emailed receipts.

fix When adding a new firearms to a firearm transfer the system was not automatically going back to the transfer screen.

fix Scanning a bar code in the sales screen would sometimes still bring up multiple results even though an exact match could be found.

fix Enhanced message when age verification was not met.

fix  4473 where gun types that contained a quote mark would cause JavaScript errors when trying to load Section A.    

fix  The 'Dispose 4473 Transaction ID' being mandatory was causing issues with some FFL's.

fix On the h3310 the 'sold date' was showing as the 'Transfer Date' on the form, instead of the disposition date. (Note that this was only for screen display; the PDF generation was using the disposition date correctly.)           

Gotta Love the Weekend!

exciting! We have some great new enhancements to share this week as well as some HUGE updates right around the corner to push us into Fall (stay tuned for those).

Did you know? In the meantime, did you know we have a YouTube channel where we upload tons of different videos? Including, of course, everyone's favorite new video podcast coreCAST! Make sure to subscribe as we would love to be able to livestream to you from SHOT Show this year!

new videoIn this week's episode of coreCAST we try not to poke too much fun at Mr. Bezos and fail horribly in our attempt, we double down on our love for all things Elon Musk, we discuss Apple's play on privacy, and we give you a few great nuggets from coreSTORE and coreFORCE! 

Check it out and SUBSCRIBE!

new video Touchpoints

If you watched the coreCAST episode, there was mention of touchpoints. We went ahead and made a video to show you all about them! 

Check out the video here!

and remember to subscribe for more videos like this... 😁 

new feature exciting! "Add New" option

Okay, this one has actually been out for a few weeks and it somehow slipped through the cracks as far as announcements are concerned...

This is a HUGE update for productivity. Gone are the days of forgetting to add something before you need to select it from a list. You now have an option from almost all dropdowns in the system to "Add New". This will open another tab where you can add the forgotten record. Upon saving it should select it from the dropdown for you so you can continue on with your work unimpeded.

exciting! important improvement Improvements to the Sitemap 

The sitemap will now list products in order of search relevance with in-stock products first, so Google should be much more likely to crawl more important products.

exciting! improvement SEO Updates

You can now set link names and set unused manufacturers as inactive. Both of these options have huge SEO benefits.

This article details how and why this is helpful and how to set it up!

Maintenance tasks for Search Engine Optimization (SEO)

improvement Substitutions

There is now a payment_table substitution that can be used in the receipt to show all the payment methods used and how much charged to each.  

This is especially great for layaways!

Use the substitution %payment_table%

new feature Credova Notification

There’s now a notification email that can be sent when a Credova loan is cancelled (usually because the product went out of stock before the customer completed checkout)

Use the code CREDOVA_RETURN for your email code. 

new feature exciting! Promotion Use Report

There is now a report that records the usage count, sales total, and discount amount for promotions. To use this report, go to Orders -> Reports -> Promotion Use.

Enhancements Performance Improvements

  • State Restrictions
  • Create Events
  • Video Player Improvements
  • GunBroker
  • SEO improvements
  • Contact Maintenance

bug fixes Bug Fixes

  • Fix Issue with Multiple Select
  • Fixed issue with multiple domain names
  • Fixed Issue with Creating New Credentials
  • Fixed Issue with Location Groups
  • Fixed issue with Deleting Events
  • Fixed Issue with Creating Events
  • Fixed Issue with Deleting One Instance of a Recurring Event
  • Fixed Message about Primary Image
  • Fixed Issue with Invoice Reminders
  • Fixed Issue with Location Quantity for Sale Price
  • Fixed Issue with "Add New" Option

First Update in August!

Before we talk updates lets just talk about our YouTube channel.   Not sure it's worth watching the whole cast unless you are super bored, but a few golden nuggets in can be found in the cast where we go through some coreSTORE features (If you expand the description of the video there is a list of bookmarks which allow you to skip to the content that interests you), but if by some odd chance you are interested in some unfiltered political rhetoric, crypto or even aliens then watch the entire video.

Click below on the Read More Link to read the details of this update.


exciting! new feature Quantity Units Support

When setting up items you can now specify various units of measure and receive and/or sell by different units of measure.  For example you may receive and stock items by the case, but sell them by the case, by the box or by each.  

Another example of this is you might sell a beverage as a single, 6 pack and 12 pack. In this case you would have quantity unit variations of 6 and 12. 

You can even attach an item number to a specific variation so it can be scanned easily. In addition to this you can define cost price, unit price, and promo prices for each variation as well as Inventory quantity, Reorder Levels, and Replenish Amounts.

Different units of measure can even have different bar codes associated with them. To add Quantity Units for any item, click the Variation tab and add the additional quantity units that you want to define.

On the sales screen and receiving screen you can change the unit of measure being sold/received:

Sale Screen

new feature Added the ability to require capturing the customer's email address and/or phone number. You can set those as required in the Store Configuration:

new feature Added a new security option to allow employees to see inventory from ALL locations even if they have access to just one location.  When this option is checked if you click the item link in the sales screen, it will show the quantities in all locations.


improvement Search suppliers is now case insensitive.

Purchase Order

new feature exciting! Early Look

We have added an advanced purchasing feature to provide a much more streamlined way to have the system generate purchase orders.  We plan on publishing a video on this in the near future, but in the meantime if you feel brave you can try it out. In the PO & Receiving screen you can click the ... menu and see a new menu option that has the word beta in front of it.

Firearm FFL Transfers

improvement You can now add new firearms to an existing transfer.  If the firearm comes from a second or third FFL, you can still add it to the transfer, but make sure to edit the bound book acquisition information.  Just click the Edit button to add firearms to an existing transfer.


new feature You can now upload a picture of a receipt to an expense.


new feature exciting! Sales Summary By Interval

This report will help you analyze how much activity you have during specific periods of time, you can even break it down by day of the week which is a tremendous tool that will help you better schedule your labor

Super powerful!

improvement Payment Graphical Report will now sum the gift card payments rather than showing them individually.


improvement Modified Disposition Info page to require Dispose 4473 Transaction and Disposition Date for individuals when trying to dispose to prevent issues with 3310 generation, etc.    

improvement Modified multiple disposition popup window to require Dispose 4473 Transaction for individuals 4473

improvement 3310 - Added instructional text under Forwarding Info so FFLs would know how to set it up for automatic insertion.    

improvement  Added additional indexes to 3310 tables to speed up Manage 4473 display

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed bug with PO Import
  • What's new banner should no longer print on receipts
  • When adding a new customer or FFL the user will be properly returned to the transfer screen. 
  • Firearms from other locations with the same Boundbook ID were showing up on 3310 forms.
  • When trying to create a 3310 from a 4473 where the firearms were not linked by the dispose_4473_transaction field, would exit and not display a dialog as to why it didn't work.    
  • The same firearm could appear twice on the same 3310.  
  • Disposed guns would sometimes show up in the serial count screen (in the serial number drop down)
  • FINALLY fixed main code that was causing firearms that had been disposed a long time ago, then re-acquired, sold, and re-disposed from appearing on a 3310.
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