Hump Day? How about Update Day!!!!

Winner of our $100 Amazon Card:  Eric from East Valley Tactical, a long term great customer and one who tends to read our often length and wordy updates.   This should be enough for a pair of reading glasses.


important We wanted to apologize to all of our Ammoready customers for the problems that you experienced this week.   Thanks to the assistance provided by Ammoready we were able to FINALLY isolate the issue and get it resolved.  I want to stress to all of our customers that bugs and problems are not something we enjoy having and they cause us as much aggravation, time and money as they cause you.  

The problem experienced this week with the integration was due to an issue related to a third party library that we were using. It was not easy to track it down, but we finally found and squashed the bug which was causing severe stress to all involved. We appreciate everyone's patience and I feel confident that this issue will not happen again, furthermore, we are seeing some significant speed improvements when looking up the Ammoready catalog, which speaks very strongly to the need of continuing to eliminate layers of what I call the Onion!  You will be hearing me talk a lot about the onion these coming few months so stay tuned.

And now lets proceed to the rest of the update!

new feature For those of you who own a firearms store, when you search for an FFL we are now communicating directly with FFL eZ Check, this should provide a better experience when searching for an FFL.  

Validate FFL

Wherever there is an FFL# you can now click the validate FFL button and it will validate the FFL using FFL eZ Check.

exciting! Hit the Ctl key twice when you are in the sales screen and watch the magic happen 😁.

improvement Work order printout has been updated and enhanced.

Delivery Screen

improvement You can now add the company name to the main delivery screen and the company name will also be shown in the detailed screen.  You can also search for an order using the company name.

Store Configuration

new feature Sales Section: Warn User If Item Is Not Available
This option will alert the user on the sales screen if the total quantity available of an item (quantity on hand less quantity committed) is 0 or less than 0.

new feature Receiving Screen: Require Transfer Out Transaction # 
This option will force a user to enter a valid transfer out transaction number when entering a transfer in.

fix Fixed syncing inventory with Ammoready so that all item information is synced.

fix When merging customers loyalty points will be added together.

fix Orders from your web site will not mark the customer as tax exempt but instead will mark the order as tax exempt while keeping the customer taxable.

fix Email receipts will now include the correct terms based on the transaction type.

For all you programming geeks out there we made some changes to our API.

Sale method
The sale method should properly report the payment amount collected for a transaction, which will be the amount paid less the change due.

Items method
The items method will now return the quantity on order and quantity committed to sales.

Web Hooks
Look on the store config screen (scroll wayyyyy down).  We have added web hooks for various events that occur in coreSTORE.

Work Order Notifications

new feature exciting! You can now notify technicians via SMS (text) or Email when they are assigned to a work order.   You can also notify your customer when there is a status change to the work order.

Technician Notifications

In Store Config under the Work Orders section you can specify whether to notify a technician via email or via SMS (text).  in order to use the SMS features you must sign up to and then enter your credentials on the Locations screen.

Use the Jump To drop down at the top of the store config to quickly jump to any section on the configuration screen.

Once you setup notifications, any time a technician is assigned to a work order the technician assigned to the ticket will be notified.

Customer Notifications

Customers can be notified when the status of a work order has been changed.  For each work order status, you can choose whether you want the customer to be notified and how they are notified (via text or email or both).


I just noticed we had a prior update PINNED to the top so you may have missed our latest update this morning - OOPS!


I'm not shouting, just emphasizing 😀 

Tuesday coreSTORE Update

Happy Two Two! Many exciting features are still being worked on so this will be a fairly short update but still WORTH reading.

improvement When receiving items by default only orders for that specific location will be included in the open order list.  There is a new configuration option that will allow you to list all open orders regardless of location.

improvement New SMS Security option to limit permission of who can send out SMS messages from the customer screen.  Wait did you realize you can text receipts to customers?  Read our previous What's New to learn more.  Sign up to to use this feature.  There is more text/sms features coming in the next update, so stay tuned!

improvement Added a  new button to the messages screen to mark all messages as read.

improvement Added inventory type for non bound book users. Inventory types can be used to further segregate and categorize items.

improvement Commission reports will now allow you to specify if suspended transactions should be excluded from the report.

improvement When entering delivery address information all fields will carry over to the bound book, not just the required ones.

improvement If you have multiple locations and you are entering a transfer (either direct transfer or transfer out) you can now scan the serial number directly without scanning the item itself.

improvement When emailing a PO we added the Product Id below the UPC Code.

fix At times a work order was creating a 4473 record, this has been fixed.

fix Multiple work order notes would cause the item being repaired to print multiple times on the work order printout.

fix coreFORCE orders were being imported and at times marking the customer as nontaxable, instead of just the order itself.  

fix In the items screen when filtering the item list we fixed it so when you navigate between items once you are editing an item it will move to the next or previous item in the filtered list, following the order of the list.  If you have no earthly idea what this means that's ok 😂.  A picture is worth 1000 words.  Wait did you even realize those buttons were on the items screen?  

Write us a comment in the Send Us Feedback  right here in our What's New (include your name and email address) be truthful did you know those buttons were there? We will put your name in a drawing for a $100 Amazon Gift Card.  Winner to be announced Thursday!  And yes for those of you who are new to coreSTORE we sometimes give gift cards away just to try and encourage you to read our often lengthy "What's New" posts.  Welcome to our party!

fix  Both the Closeout report in the Tax section and the Tax report now includes any suspended sale type that is checked with Treat as Sale.  


Happy Hump Day

Another day another coreSTORE update (I think I've used that line before).

improvement Show open orders 

The receiving screen has been enhanced to show all open orders that contain the item being received, rather than just Special Orders.  Layaways, estimates, and work orders will not be included. 

new feature Added Layaway to the Sale Type Drop Down

You can now start a new layaway just like you do a Special Order, Work Order or Estimate.

new feature Transfer In and Transfer Out Inventory

If you have multiple locations, transferring inventory is common practice.  coreSTORE already had the ability to transfer inventory between stores, but the transfer took place immediately.   This update will now allow you to create a Transfer Out and when the transferee store receives the items they would create a Transfer In transaction.

new feature New SMS Configuration Option

A new configuration option has been added to allow sending an SMS message every time a transaction is suspended.

improvement Default Is ECommerce based On Category

You can now specify whether by default items being added to a specific category will default to display on your web site or not.  You can still change the item individually but this is new checkbox will help prevent mistakes and save time.   So if you have a category of items that you don't want to be displayed on the web site, you can uncheck that option.  

IMPORTANT This checkbox only applies when adding a new item, or changing an item's category.  it will not go back and uncheck all the items at once, because you may have a category that by default you don't want those items to show up on the web, but there may be a few items that are the exception, so we wouldn't want to automatically go through and change those.

improvement Export Items

Exporting items will now include the image paths for an item.  Multiple images will be separated with a | symbol.

improvement Added MAP and List Price to the Column Selection field in the items screen.

improvement Added new price fields

On the sales screen when pulling up the item details, the list price and minimum selling price have been added to the screen.

improvement Shogo Integration

Shogo is a product that integrates coreSTORE with Quickbooks.  We have improved the integration into Shogo and they will be updating their system to address some of the integration issues related to suspended transactions.  We just updated our side, so it will take a few days for Shogo to update their end, so please be patient with them.  If you want to learn more about Shogo please visit:

fix coreFORCE orders should flow through to coreSTORE without having to open them again.

fix Fixed a bug on the suspended sales screen which was hiding the search bar if an employee didn't have delete permissions.

fix Fixed the Sales report to show COGS as a negative when exporting the report to Excel.

Bound Book & 4473

improvement Receiving Date for Acquisition

When you change the receiving date, the acquisition date of a firearm in the bound book will be set to the new date.

improvement Added labels for birth city and birth state to Section C.

improvement Enhanced signature validation to help prevent saving a signature that was not done properly.

improvement Modified 'Background Check' dropdown in Store Config to include the associated state.  We now support TN background check and FL background check will be supported soon.

fix Fixed bug where Gender and Type of Identification on form 3310.4 were not being automatically set properly. 

fix Fixed bug where 'number of firearms' on 4473 was set to the word 'zero' because the initial NICS Check was DENIED (because no firearms can be transferred when DENIED), but a later NICS check was changed PROCEED and it didn't update the 4473 to say 'one' 

fix Fixed bug where the place of birth match didn't occur with NICS check.

fix Fixed bug where 3310 alerts were not taking Location into account so false 3310s could be generated. 

fix Fixed bug where 3310 was giving error dialog when trying to make the PDF.

fix Fixed problem where 3310 form wouldn't open because there was a parenthesis in the Caliber of one of the firearms.

fix Fixed bug where 3310.12 was mistakenly generated for shotguns.

fix Fixed bug where "IO" in the First Name field on Section B was being saved, but wasn't showing up in the 4473 or when reopening Section B.

fix Fixed bug in Section C where the instructions for Q27 were not coming up.

fix Fixed bug where a *customer's* FFL was being looked at to determine whether a 3310 alert should be generated, when in fact it should be the disposition FFL of the boundbook record.

fix Fixed bug where the search for previous firearm purchases was not taking into account the location of the disposition.  This relates to the 3310 logic.

fix Fixed bug where a 3310 alert was being considered if multiple firearms were sold at the same time but did not check if the "sale creates pending disposition" Store Config option had been selected. Now it doesn't bother checking for a 3310 alert at all if "pending dispositions" is turned on. 

Tuesday Update

In a world full of non-stop bad news we will try to bring you some semblance of good news and share with you our latest small update.

improvement All Reports

This applies to all reports and will be exciting for those of you who use Excel.  The reports will now export numeric data as numeric values in Excel.   You won't have to go to each column and reformat the column, which means you can easily apply formulas on columns and individual cells.

new feature Detailed Employee Report

In the detailed employee report if you choose to print All the employees in the report the system will download a zip file containing an excel sheet for each employee.  This is a

improvement Sales Commission Report Export

When exporting the sales commission report to Excel we removed all the extra headings making it easier to manipulate.

improvement Bound Book Searching

You can now search the bound book using the NICS approval code, or the 4473 transaction number.

IMPROVEMENT Bound Book Sold Date

The Sold Date field can now be selected to be displayed in the bound book screen (front screen), and it will also be exported when exporting the bound book to Excel.

2021 Here We Come!!!!

Happy New Year Everyone.  We are excited that a new year is upon us and our goal is to keep improving, fixing, enhancing our software offerings, and again many of our changes are driven by customer requests.  Special shout out to Jeff Botelho with MTS who provided us with some great requests and suggestions.   He is the winner of the first 2021 $100 Amazon Coreware Gift Card!

Our goal is to always make your lives easier with every update that we make.  So this is the first update of the year and we hope you are as excited as we are.  

We have big improvements planned for 2021 with a lot of exciting updates so please make sure to pay attention to What's New! And you can even subscribe to our What's New feed so it will get delivered right to your inbox. We really appreciate all the comments that you post we don't always know who made the post but we really appreciate the feedback.  


Did you know that you can print shipping labels directly out of coreSTORE?  Sign up to and enter your API information in the Store Config.  We have a video that walks you through deliveries that you can watch.

new feature Void/Refund a Shipping Label

You can now void/refund a shipping label directly from coreSTORE (no need to visit Easypost to do it).

new feature Support for HAZMAT & Other Shipping Conditions

 We've added some features to our shipping label production:

- Ability to add handling instructions
- Flag the shipment for "Additional Handling"
- Flag the shipment to hold for pickup
- Support for shipping HAZMAT (Hazardous Materials)
- Flag the shipment if it contains Alcohol (it's a good thing to sell these days, it's ESSENTIAL!)

Items Screen

new feature Search Subcategories

A great suggestion from our friends at Centennial Gun Club.   On the items screen when you search by category you can now include all the subcategories under that category.  By checking the subcategory box your results will include all items that belong directly to that category or any item that is in a subcategory related to that category (whether it's a child, grandchild or great-grandchild).

improvement Added Fields to Item Import

Added additional field support to the item import including the consignment fields, fee pricing fields and rental fields.


improvement Payment Detail Report

The Payment Detail Report will now include the authorization code, card type (if available), and gateway transaction id which will help all of you with daily reconciliation.


new feature Replacement Formula

This is for those of you who are courageous enough to venture into the land of ZPL programming and have worked hard to customize your labels.   Those of you who have no idea what I'm referring to, just submit a support ticket if you'd like us to customize your labels.  

Added support for using a Replacement formula:


In the example above the replacement field would be replaced with the word "USED" if the value of the replacement field is 1 or with "NEW" if it's not.

improvement Detailed Receiving Report

The Detailed Receiving report now includes the item's UPC and Item id (part number).

Bound Book 

We know you may not sell guns so skip this section if you don't.   Shout out to Jeff 

new feature Barrel & Finish
You can now maintain the barrel and finish in the bound book.  If you set these up as facets in your items screen (under the Attributes tab), then these fields will flow from your item to the bound book.  

The barrel and finish can also be included on the bound book report if your state or picky but super nice and helpful atf agent wants to see those on the report.

new feature Custom Fields Enhancement

The bound book custom fields can now be included in the grid on the main bound book screen, and will also be exported when you choose to export the bound book (using the ... menu)

new feature Capture Images Directly

Click the camera icon on the Acquisition or Disposition File Section to capture an image directly using your webcam and/or tablet/smartphone camera.

improvement Serial Numbers by Location

We have taken the first steps in tracking serial numbers by location within the inventory module.  Obviously we already do this in the bound book itself.  This means that when you select a serial number from the drop down list it will only show the serial numbers available at the location you are in (you really shouldn't use the lookup, this is why scanners were invented, "ALWAYS scan when you can" famous quote by ejw).

fix There was an issue with printing checks via Checkeeper.  Wait, you didn't know you can create checks using coreSTORE?  And you can choose to print the check or have it printed and mailed for you (for $1.25 which includes postage).  Check out Checkeeper at!  When you sign up you will be issued an API key that you can enter into the Store Configuration and VIOLA, you can now produce a check to a supplier directly from the supplier screen.

Tuesday Update

We hope everyone had a very Merry Christmas.

A few updates to coreSTORE today:

new feature Image Improvement

You can now use your webcam to take an image of a customer, supplier or items.  The new image control will allow you to click the camera icon and snap a picture.  This is useful if you are taking a picture of a drivers license or a product image.

improvement Label Replacement Fields

We've added support for additional fields that can be printed on labels being produced from the items, receiving, and/or bound book screen. 

(This is the field that is typically used to store the bin of an item) 

(good to use for multi locations that have different cost/pricing at different stores) 


location_items.replenish_level location_items.override_default_tax 

improvement Higher Resolution Logos

Many of you have requested better quality logo to print on your receipts.  The system will now allow you to upload a higher resolution logo and the printing will retain the quality of the logo. Make sure to upload your logo again even if you did in the past. Prior to this update we were compressing the logo which is what caused the loss in resolution.

fix The scheduler should now properly show all events that are setup on teh web sit.

Important Update - PLEASE READ!

Please read through the entire announcement.  Lots of exciting updates and just in time for Christmas 😀!  Ignore any typos, grammatical errors, or unfinished sentences, it's 3AM and I'm just too tired to proof read this.


new feature Suspended Sales Major Enhancement exciting! 

For each different suspended sale transaction you can now set how it behaves on a granular level. This will definitely affect your reports so make sure to go to Store Config and jump to the Suspended Sales section to set your suspended sales the way that fits your business.   

For each sale type you can specify:

Update Inventory - How would you like inventory to be updated when suspending the transaction.  You can choose to ignore, deduct or commit.  Commit does not touch your current on hand, instead it adds the quantity to the committed bucket.  The inventory that is available to sell is calculated by taking the on hand less what's committed.

Treat as Sale - When this option is selected the transaction will appear in sales reports as soon as it's suspended.  If you don't want to show the transaction in the sales reports make sure you don't check the box.

Change Sale Date when Suspending - When this option is checked then each time you suspend the transaction the sale date will be changed to the date you suspended the transaction.

Change Sale Date on Completion - When you check this option the date of the sale will change when you complete the transaction.  So if you want to recognize the sale on the date it completes, make sure to check this box.  Otherwise the date of the sale will be the date the transaction was suspended.

Hide In Reports - Checking this box will hide the suspended transaction from any sales reports. Make sure to check this box if you want to hide the transaction from the sales reports while it's suspended.

Minimum Deposit - If you want to collect a minimum deposit amount then specify the % deposit required for this specific suspended transaction type.

Require Customer - Check this box if a customer must be selected in order to suspend the transaction.

new feature Text Messaging (SMS) exciting! 

This is the first phase of building in SMS support throughout coreSTORE.  You will have to sign up for an account with Twilio.  Once you have an account with them make sure to go to your Locations screen to fill out the 3 required fields.

Once you have your account settings, in the sales screen you will see an option to SMS the sales receipt.  

There is also a store configuration option that lets you specify whether you want to automatically send the sales receipt via SMS message:

You can also send an SMS message to 1 or more customers at once, directly from the customers screen:

new feature Sales Transaction Log

Added a log to track the history of a sales transaction.  The log will help see the history of a transaction.  You can view the log on the sales receipt screen.


When you click the log button you will see a full history of the transaction.  In the example below, I started with an estimate and then completed the transaction.

improvement Payment Report Improvement

You can now choose multiple payment types to report on.  

improvement Serial Numbers Updated when Deleting a Receiving Transaction

When deleting a receiving transaction that has serial numbers, the serial numbers will be deleted from the inventory screen as well.

fix On the items screen when changing multiple items at once from ECommerce to Non ECommerce or vice versa the web site will be updated accordingly.

fix Fixed catalog lookup bug when entering a search on the items screen it was kicking back to the dashboard when clicking on the magnifying glass.

fix Fixed issues with Easypost and the delivery screen.  Did you know you can print shipping labels right in coreSTORE (if you are using Shipstation or something else, just ask yourself why?).

🎉🎉🎉If you don't sell firearms you are free to leave!!🎉🎉🎉

Bound Book

new feature When acquiring and disposing a firearm directly from the bound book the system will ask you if you want to update inventory.  This gives you the opportunity to receive firearms without affecting your inventory directly in the bound book.  You can also dispose the firearm without affecting your local inventory.

When responding Yes, coreSTORE will update the quantity in inventory and also create a proper audit trail in the Inventory tab of the item screen.

4473 & 3310

improvement Clicking image icons in Section C will show full-sized versions of the image; clicking close box now deletes image 1

improvement Changed cited USC code for multiple rifle alerts, 4-state limitation on 3310.12s, manual disposition not recognizing bound books marked as 'use for work orders' 

improvement Changed 'days open for business' in Store Config to have individual day checkboxes so that the 5 day 3310 multiple handgun alert will generate properly for stores that are not open on all weekdays.  

improvement Added info to bottom of form letting user know about where their email is sent. 

improvement Added instructional text on Locations page to indicate the purpose of the Agency Emails and how the 3310 emails are sent.

improvement   Modified logic so that 3310.12 alerts are only generated if the FFL is in CA, AZ, NM, or TX.

improvement Modified text of multiple-rifle alert to specify the states involved.

improvement  Subtracted 1 day from 3310 alert check (it was not including the current sale day)

fix Fixed issue on Section C where Q27 was being cleared out when Q29 was selected - some states need to do a NICS check for a concealed carry and provide 27a-27c when 29 is selected 

fix Fixed bug where the section breadcrumbs were displaying at the Kiosk 

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