Miss us? - Come Catch Up on Exciting coreFORCE Updates!

To many, it might not mean much.


To us, it means more than you know.

Thank you for your service.

coreFORCE new features exciting!


Okay, we know we've been a bit MIA on the coreFORCE updates; MIA, but not AWOL. Our team has been hard at work the last few months to bring you HUGE system performance improvements, feature requests, and all sorts of other goodies (just in time for Halloween 🎃 and the holiday season).

To begin, I think it is worth mentioning that while we were experiencing some server issues a few weeks ago, we dug down and used this as an opportunity to do some key enhancements to improve things such as backend maintenance speeds, overall system stability, and laying the groundwork for future exciting updates. We are confident that we came out of the other side of this stronger and more resilient than ever.


We cannot express how much we appreciate every single one of you. We know that our success is completely dependent on YOUR success and we sincerely want you to succeed and use our software to help you crush your goals. 

To help you with these goals, it is important that we update you on some of the things we've been doing so you have as many tools to succeed as possible. After all, it's difficult to use tools 🔨  when you don't even know they exist!

Soooo What's New? new features 



important announcement

As a data aggregator, and not a distributor, we have decided to primarily update MAP prices from distributors that we trust in a ranked order. As we have reviewed MAP, we have determined that MAP prices are a mess because of dirty data from only a few of the distributors. 

After some careful investigation by our team, we have determined which distributors appear to be the best and most consistent sources of keeping MAP up to date. These distributors will have precedence over others where there are conflicts. We will still use MAP pricing from a distributor if the distributor is the only one to carry that product.

A major caveat of this, is that we will be much more reliant on distributors to fix MAP prices when the prices are incorrect. However, Manufacturer MAP uploads and Client changes to MAP now "stick" for 6 months before being overwritten by distributor MAP prices. This should give the distributors time to properly update those. Formerly, updates to MAP were relatively permanent until they were updated again. 

As a dealer, you are ultimately responsible for staying up to date on all MAP policies. There are things you can do to work around the MAP price being wrong, thereby preventing yourself from being placed on a do not sell list. Some options include setting different MAP policies in the manufacturer record, setting a minimum sale price on the products in question, or marking the manufacturer record as "Cannot Sell" (hides the product and removes the product from the site map until the corrections have been made).

If you have any questions, please feel free to submit a ticket at help.coreware.com.

exciting! new feature Add Multiple of the Same Product with DIFFERENT addons!

This is an exciting release that has been requested by several of our dealers!

When orders come in for the same product with different addons, these will be split up as different line items in the orders dashboard with the addons listed directly below the item description.

Note that enabling this feature WILL require changes by Coreware staff to your template. If this is a feature you would like to enable, please let us know with a ticket at help.coreware.com.

improvement Reordering products (Buy Now from customer's Order History Page) now works with all Product Addons. 

improvement Extra Data Added to Orders Income Report: 

Example Demo Store Test Data

new feature FFL's can now receive a separate email (instead of a copy of the confirmation email) when orders are placed to be picked up at their store  

The default functionality is that the FFL will not receive an email. There has always been a way to send a copy of the confirmation email. The benefit of this email, instead, is that it does not need to include the price that you sold it for.

To create this email, you will need to create an email (Contacts > Email > Emails) with the code "RETAIL_STORE_ORDER_CONFIRMATION_FOR_FFL"

new feature Restrict Shipping Charge to Postal Codes  

You can now restrict your shipping charges by postal codes.

To do this, you will still select "United States" and then the corresponding postal code(s) that this shipping charge will be for. 

In the following example, these are all Colorado postal codes. If I were to add another line that said "United States" and then had "Colorado" selected for the state with NO postal codes on that line, this shipping charge would still apply to all of Colorado as this would override the specified postal codes:

New Shipping Dialogue new feature 

There is now a gear icon to the right of the "Create Shipment" button where all of the options for creating shipments have been condensed into a single dialogue box. You can choose to automatically open this dialogue whenever you are creating a shipment if you would like to. 

new feature Contact Identifiers can now include an image of the ID 

With this, you can make it easier to users to upload their military IDs, Driver's License, etc. directly via their My Account pages. Need to check their ID for validity? Simply go to the contact record (Contacts > Contacts), go to the details tab, and scroll to the bottom where you can see all of the custom contact identifiers. 

These images are not being sent to coreSTORE via our contact identifier integration at this point in time.

But really, you can upload any image (or gif if you feel inclined). That part isn't a joke 😉.

Gunbroker Product Listing now has a button to show past Gunbroker orders for that product NEW FEATURE 

This was requested by several Gunbroker users. This should help you see at a glance some of your more popular Gunbroker sellers and also help you manage what products are going where.

Product that are tagged as "Make Offer" can now have an auto accept and auto reject price improvement 

First, you will need to create the product tag if you have not already. There is a preset value for this, to make things easier:

Curio & Relic (C&R) License is now supported new feature 

Extra Information - https://www.atf.gov/firearms/curios-relics

Quick Summary

Having this license will mean that the customer can have C&R products shipped directly to their house instead of to an FFL. 

Setting it Up

1) In order to properly categorize and list these products, you will want to create a product category to place these items in. It may be good to add a detailed description to the product category so that customers will know that there are restrictions on these items.

2) You will also need to create a Custom Field for the license expiration date for customers with this license and create a contact category for these customers (contacts > settings > categories). You will need to add the date to the customer's contact record after verifying their license and tag the customer with the contact category.

3) Finally, and perhaps most importantly, you will need to create a product tag with the code "CR_REQUIRED." This product tag works exactly like FFL_REQUIRED. Typically, C&R products would have both of these product tags.

Detailed Overview and Summary

In order for a user to purchase C&R product without needing to send them to an FFL dealer, they need to have a valid C&R License on file. The dealer indicates this by putting the user into a Contact Category with code "CR_LICENSE_ON_FILE" AND setting a Contact Custom field with code CR_LICENSE_ON_FILE_EXPIRATION_DATE to a date in the future. If NO date is set, or the date is prior to today or the user does not have the contact category on their contact, they will have to choose an FFL.

If they meet ALL those conditions, it means they have a valid C&R License on file and if their cart ONLY has C&R products, NO class 3 or FFL required products, they have have the order shipped to their house 

Product Category

You will likely want to add this product category to the "Firearms" department.

Custom Field

Contact Category

Setting the Data for the Contact

You will set the expiration date custom field in the contact record under the "Custom" tab. 

If you're still reading this, I would say that makes you a detailed individual and we want YOUR detailed feedback!

Did you know that coreFORCE has its own forum for Feature Requests at help.coreware.com? Simply follow this link to let us know about any improvements to the system that would make this platform even better!

We will generally give more weight to feature requests that have a lot of interaction and interest from other dealers, so if you see something you agree with, make sure you are "liking" it and adding a comment about how that feature request would help you operate your business more effectively.


announcement We haven't forgotten, but boy do we have a lot to catch up on!  

With so much to catch up on, we'll probably break things up a bit over the next few weeks. Some of these features, you may already be aware of, others might be new to you but are worth looking into. Now grab yourself a cup of coreFFEINE and enjoy the updates. 

Today's Emphasis: EVENTS 📋 (with a few other goodies 🍭  )

new feature exciting! Event Attendance Status & Pass/Fail 

This is a VERY exciting feature as it has been requested for a long time by many of our customers who run classes.

You can get to this page by going to Events & Facilities > Events > Attendee Status. This page gives you several different pieces of functionality in one:

  • You now have the ability to mark different attendance statuses for class registrants. You can make your own Event Attendance Statuses, but examples might be "Did Not Attend," "Did Not Successfully Complete," or "Successfully Completed." 
  • Additionally, you can utilize this page as a check-in page where instructors can check in students either as they arrive or as the class is beginning with a single click in the box next to their name.
  • There is also a link to the order record in which they purchased the class online. If it is blank, this may indicate that the order was paid for in coreSTORE or the registrant was manually added by a staff member (perhaps for family or another staff member). 
  • Last, this page has a spot where instructors can write down evaluation notes.

You can set up the different Attendance Statuses by going to Events & Facilities > Events > Attendance Statuses

Here, you can create as many or as few statuses as you like.

Attendance Statuses can be tied to certifications... Which brings us to our NEXT new feature!

new feature exciting! Certifications

You can set up your Certification Types by going to Events & Facilities > Events > Certification Types. Certifications can be tied to attendance statuses, or they can also be set manually.

You can also choose whether your certifications expire or not and what classes are required by a user to automatically complete the certification. 

You can see a full list of who has what certifications by going to Contacts > Contact Certifications

If you click on a record, you can see the date issued, the expiration date, and any other notes that you may want to add.

Customers will be able to see their certifications and when they expire (if they expire) by going to "My Account".

Users, after obtaining a certificate, will also be able to print certificates of attendance or achievement from their "My Account" page if you give them one.

You can make a particular class require a certification by going to Events & Facilities > Events > Event Types. From here, at the bottom of a selected event type record, you can select which certification(s) are required in order to take a particular class:

PLEASE NOTE: By default, customers will still be able to register for classes that they do not have the certification for. In this case, a warning will pop up to the customer letting them know what certification they will need before they can attend that class. It is important to still allow the customer to register for the class in cases where they are signing up for a series of classes all at once. If a later level class fills up quickly, you don't want them to have to wait several months between taking classes. 

If you need to check this prior to the class, you can run an "Uncertified Registrants Report" by going to Events & Facilities > Events > Uncertified Registrants Report.

You can also run a Certification Expiration Report by going to Events & Facilities > Events > Certification Expiration Report.

new feature Form that registers someone for an Event

Creating a form that registers someone for an event assumes that the event will not require payment. 

A form could be created to sign someone up for an event, paid or unpaid, but they will be registered without payment. If you have a paid event, the customer will need to pay via coreSTORE at the time of the event. If you go this route, it would be best to have no pre-paid options  available so that, to avoid confusion, every customer who shows up to the event will be unpaid and require payment. 

This is useful if you need to have someone fill out a waiver at the time of signing up for the event (Think along the lines of free events such as a 5k run or a firearm assembly class). 

If you have need of this functionality, we can assist you in creating this form. 


improvement Re-signing up for Old Memberships

We found that if someone re-signed up for an old membership, rather than starting a new membership of the same type, it was advancing their old expiration date.

We made an enhancement so that if someone's old membership has been inactive or expired for a longer period of time, when they sign up for a new membership, it will simply create a new contact subscription record.

improvement Subscription Report Enhancements

To the subscription report, we now added phone number as a column, whether their associated recurring payment record "Requires Attention" (meaning payment failed and needs to be corrected), and the contact ID is now clickable.

new feature Auto-Generated Membership Numbers

Membership numbers in coreFORCE have previously been able to be stored as Contact Identifiers. You now have the ability to create a Contact Identifier that will auto-generate a number. If you choose to auto-generate, then every contact will have a value for this contact identifier. This will not overwrite membership numbers that were already input and admin users can ALWAYS edit these. 

improvement Create Events Page

Event Name is Now Auto-filled when the Event Type is selected. This can still be manually edited from this point if needed. 

Price Per Person is now Auto-filled when the Event Type is selected IF a default price is set directly in the Event Type Record.

This has an added benefit of auto-checking "Enable Shopping Cart Checkout" which will save you a click if you are making lots of events. 

new feature Ability to Combine Classes

If you have multiple classes that all use the same room at the same time, you can put a total amount of attendees on all the classes together. For example, if you can't allow 40 people to take each class because the room only supports 40 people total. This is important if you'd like to allow 1 class to have more registrants than another, especially if one class isn't filling up as much as others. 

To utilize this page, Go to Events & Facilities > Events > Combine Events. Using the dropdown, select the events you would like to combine and enter how many total attendees should be allowed for all of these events combined. 

We have so much more to share but this ends this week's update. 


One. Eternity. Later.

In all seriousness, it's been a long time since we've released a What's New update for coreFORCE. 

We've been busy at work behind the scenes, making BIG moves to continue pushing forward our motto of unifying and simplifying the way that you do business. This has included the launch of our new product, coreILLA "The Mailchimp Killa", an email marketing platform that blows away the competition. Check out our "Quick Cast" where Joel Cheney and our new Director of Digital Marketing, Chris Pollitzer, talk about the soon-to-be industry standard email marketing platform:

new video

In addition to an incredible marketing alternative, we've also been working on pushing out our incredible new CLEAR 8500 and 6200 credit card terminals that do so much more than any other terminal out there. We've heard incredible feedback about these machines and we're excited to get them into your hands as soon as possible! Check out our NEWEST coreCAST episode where we go on location with our friends at The Powder Room in Panama City Beach, FL and show the new terminals in the wild with some real customer feedback! 

new video

And if you're somehow not tired of our videos yet, or maybe if you just miss Joel, Ezra, and I's off-topic non-sense, heres' coreCAST Episode 7 where we talk about probably our most exciting update of the year! 

Remember to subscribe so you can see all of these videos hot off the press!

Okay okay, enough videos! 

We have so many more exciting things to share. Grab your reading glasses and maybe a fresh cup of coreFFEINE, this may be a long one!

exciting! important improvement One Word... "SPEED"

Over the last month, our developers have been working hard to address speed concerns across coreFORCE and we've managed to increase our page performance across the board, but we are still in the process of making improvements. This is an on-going process, but we are excited to see that Google is giving our websites much higher rankings. Even so, we are committed to continued improvements to improve the customer experience for both OUR customers AND YOUR customers. 

I won't go into the nitty-gritty, but a lot of these speed updates have to do with how prices are loaded by the system, how product search results are displayed, Orders Dashboard enhancements, enhancements to how product maintenance loads, and how background processes function.

new feature improvement exciting! announcement 

Checkout Version TWO

If you watched the videos above, you may already know, but we have been working hard throughout the course of the year to modernize the look of the checkout process. We spent a lot of time consulting some in-house user experience and user interface experts and brought our checkout process into the year 2025.

This checkout process has been heavily beta tested by some of the system's largest users and we are confident that this improved checkout will help increase your sales! These checkouts will be rolled out over the course of a few weeks and will be heavily tested on each customer's system prior to launching it.

Please be patient with us as we bring this checkout process to your websites!

new feature Added Notes to customer subscription self-service

Customers can now enter their reason for pausing or cancelling a subscription.

new feature coreBUY Distribution

We are now offering coreFORCE customers EXCLUSIVE access to some exciting and unique product through coreBUY!

new feature List View of Classes

We now offer an alternate event calendar. If this is a change you are interested in, please let us know and we can add you to the schedule to add this new view.

new feature AVS Control for coreCLEAR users

AVS settings for coreCLEAR (the latest version) can now be controlled directly from coreFORCE in Orders > Setup

The default setting is that only full matches will be approved, but you as a dealer will have full control over the other options. Of course, allowing everything through is not considered a wise idea.

improvement Invoices

Invoices can now be marked inactive to cancel a layaway without losing history

new feature Promotions 

Promotions can now be applied to every recurring payment in a subscription. This must be added from the recurring payment record at this point in time. 

improvement There is now an option to prevent customers from deleting a payment method if it’s used in a recurring payment.

new feature exciting! Facility Reservations

Ability to reserve multiple facilities for an event and have each facility contain its own time slot. Please note that this does not work for multi-day reservations at this point in time.

improvement Event Registrant Report 

The Detailed  Event Registrant Report now includes an Order ID column.

new feature Added Search Filters for Subscriptions

When looking through your subscriptions, there are now filters to clear out which subscriptions are expired or paused.

bug fixes 

  • Fixed issue with create events
  • Fixed issue with submitting orders to Bill Hicks
  • Fixed Issue with Loyalty Points
  • Fixed Banner Issues

Performance Enhancements

  • Price Calculations
  • Improved Internal API Communication
  • Bot Crawling Enhancements
  • Improved coreILLA Integration
  • Fontawesome updates
  • Orders Dashboard improvements




Quick Updates and Giveaway Winner!

We'll keep this week's updates short and quick!

We've been working hard on some of our exciting new updates! 

new Knowledge Base Articles In the meantime, we thought it would be good to draw your attention to some of our newer Knowledge Base Articles!  

If you have any questions about any of these or would like to see some additional information covered in any of these, please submit a ticket to our Help Desk at Help.Coreware.com

Wait, what about our favorite podcast update?

new videoIn honor of our next coreCAST we decided to publish a teaser which gave someone a chance to win a $600+ computer!  If you are not subscribed to our YouTube channel, you are truly missing out on some great entertainment (ok "great" might be stretching it) and some pretty darn good giveaways.

Congrats to Chris Rafrom Winchester Gallery in Fort Worth Texas for winning this AMAZING new HP Chromebase!  It's a nearly perfect 4473 Kiosk!

improvement Promotion Use Report Update

This report now has a CSV export option.

improvement Product CSV Export

This export now has the image_url as a column in this export.

improvements Performance Enhancements

  • Ammoseek Feed Improvements
  • Improved Error Messaging
  • XML sitemap update

bug fixes Bug Fixes

  • Fixed an issue with discount prices
  • Fixed an issue with null values.
  • Fixed Issues with invalid payment methods
  • Dealt with a memory issue with products

Gotta Love the Weekend!

exciting! We have some great new enhancements to share this week as well as some HUGE updates right around the corner to push us into Fall (stay tuned for those).

Did you know? In the meantime, did you know we have a YouTube channel where we upload tons of different videos? Including, of course, everyone's favorite new video podcast coreCAST! Make sure to subscribe as we would love to be able to livestream to you from SHOT Show this year!

new videoIn this week's episode of coreCAST we try not to poke too much fun at Mr. Bezos and fail horribly in our attempt, we double down on our love for all things Elon Musk, we discuss Apple's play on privacy, and we give you a few great nuggets from coreSTORE and coreFORCE! 

Check it out and SUBSCRIBE!

new video Touchpoints

If you watched the coreCAST episode, there was mention of touchpoints. We went ahead and made a video to show you all about them! 

Check out the video here!

and remember to subscribe for more videos like this... 😁 

new feature exciting! "Add New" option

Okay, this one has actually been out for a few weeks and it somehow slipped through the cracks as far as announcements are concerned...

This is a HUGE update for productivity. Gone are the days of forgetting to add something before you need to select it from a list. You now have an option from almost all dropdowns in the system to "Add New". This will open another tab where you can add the forgotten record. Upon saving it should select it from the dropdown for you so you can continue on with your work unimpeded.

exciting! important improvement Improvements to the Sitemap 

The sitemap will now list products in order of search relevance with in-stock products first, so Google should be much more likely to crawl more important products.

exciting! improvement SEO Updates

You can now set link names and set unused manufacturers as inactive. Both of these options have huge SEO benefits.

This article details how and why this is helpful and how to set it up!

Maintenance tasks for Search Engine Optimization (SEO)

improvement Substitutions

There is now a payment_table substitution that can be used in the receipt to show all the payment methods used and how much charged to each.  

This is especially great for layaways!

Use the substitution %payment_table%

new feature Credova Notification

There’s now a notification email that can be sent when a Credova loan is cancelled (usually because the product went out of stock before the customer completed checkout)

Use the code CREDOVA_RETURN for your email code. 

new feature exciting! Promotion Use Report

There is now a report that records the usage count, sales total, and discount amount for promotions. To use this report, go to Orders -> Reports -> Promotion Use.

Enhancements Performance Improvements

  • State Restrictions
  • Create Events
  • Video Player Improvements
  • GunBroker
  • SEO improvements
  • Contact Maintenance

bug fixes Bug Fixes

  • Fix Issue with Multiple Select
  • Fixed issue with multiple domain names
  • Fixed Issue with Creating New Credentials
  • Fixed Issue with Location Groups
  • Fixed issue with Deleting Events
  • Fixed Issue with Creating Events
  • Fixed Issue with Deleting One Instance of a Recurring Event
  • Fixed Message about Primary Image
  • Fixed Issue with Invoice Reminders
  • Fixed Issue with Location Quantity for Sale Price
  • Fixed Issue with "Add New" Option

Did We Mention the NSSF Range Retailer Expo?

Okay, we probably have... But only because it's worth mentioning!

exciting! We are so excited for this expo in West Palm Beach and to meet those of you who are going to be there! If you attend this show be sure to stop by booth 523 and have a cup of coreFFEINE on us. Whether you're able to attend or not, stay tuned for updates from the show! Make sure to SUBSCRIBE to our YouTube channel for all of the updates!

new video Speaking of YouTube, we couldn't leave you hanging so we released EPISODE 3 of coreCAST with some great discussion on new updates to both coreFORCE and coreSTORE with some additional discussion on the 1st Amendment. This one's a bit quicker so grab a cup of coreFFEINE and give it a listen while you drive to work, take a shower, or clean your Glock. 

announcement important PCI COMPLIANCE

We just wanted to go ahead and remind everyone that per PCI compliance it is imperative that you do NOT have a generic admin user on coreFORCE that multiple admin users log in to and work off. Having a generic admin user like this opens you up to data breaches and this should be taken very seriously. 

If you need help on setting up additional admin users, please let us know by submitting a ticket to our Help Desk

improvement Text Expansion

The Canned responses dropdown in the orders dashboard can now be used for texts as well as emails. If you have a short email with limited HTML formatting, the system will automatically strip the HTML out of the email so it can be sent as a text. 

improvement Event Registration Report

Custom fields for contacts can now be added to the event registration report (things like driver's license number, etc.). Helpful for checking attendees in if you need to verify certain pieces of information.

new feature Tracking Icon

There is now a tracking icon next to the tracking number on the orders dashboard which will open the tracking page on the carrier's site to see the progress of the package.

improvement Placeholders

There is now a results table placeholder for the invoice payment notification email that gives the details of how much was paid against each invoice. 


Additionally, user type and code were added as additional placeholders for use in pages. 

user.user_type_code or user.user_type were added. 

new feature Added "Ship to Store Option" for Order Directives

This is used in automatic order processing controls. We added an option to make sure that any orders placed are shipped to directly to your physical store. 

new feature Add Facility Tags

You can now create and apply tags to facilities, similarly to how you create and apply tags to products. 

These tags can be things that describe what type of facility a particular facility is. For a gun range, you could specify that a particular lane has more advanced targeting or gamification technology. 

TOO MANY Incredible Updates? Nonsense.

exciting! Happy Independence Day Weekend everyone!

This is such a great time of the year to celebrate the Declaration of Independence when the Continental Congress declared that the thirteen American colonies were no longer subject to the King of Britain, King George III. 

Did you know that the Congress had actually voted to declare independence two days earlier on July 2nd, but it was not officially declared until July 4th? 

At Coreware, we are proud of our country and proud to stand alongside so many great businesses and individuals who love our country and the freedoms that we get to enjoy. We sincerely thank you for your business and we sincerely hope you all have an incredible weekend. 

announcement On to the announcements!

We've been hard at work and we have a LOT of exciting updates in this week's What's New! Hold on to your hats cause we have some HUGE updates!

First things first, though, make sure to subscribe to our YouTube Channel where you will receive new tutorial updates for both coreFORCE AND coreSTORE. We will also post replays of any webinars that we host here and perhaps the most entertaining industry podcast around: coreCAST

new videoCheck out our latest episode, Episode 2 for fun discussion on Coffee, Crypto, Aliens, and an overview of new updates. Additionally, make sure to comment for a chance to win another bag of coreFFEINE!



This is a HUGE update! A lot of of you have been asking for this for a while and we now give your customers the ability to purchase events and classes for friends and loved ones. This will create a simple contact for that person if they do not already have a contact.

exciting! new feature Ammo Seek Integration!

Not familiar with Ammo Seek? It's basically gun.deals but for ammo. To set up your integration, go to Orders -> Settings where you can set it up in the AmmoSeek tab.

 Not using Ammo Seek yet? 

Join Here

exciting! new feature Invoice Updates!

You can now create Invoice types AND send reminders for invoices. Especially useful for layaways! Go to Payments -> Invoicing -> Invoice Types.

Additionally, you can now check the "Requires User" flag to a payment method in order to make this feature only available to users who are logged in. Go to Payments -> Payment Methods. This was done for layaways/invoices but could be used for any payment!

improvement Book Days Ahead by User Group Using the Public Facing Event Scheduler

We made an update so that user groups will have priority if there is a conflict between setting the DAYS_AHEAD text chunk code for user group, user type, and no user group/type. This will allow you to give special permissions to certain users so that they can book out facilities further in advance than other users!

Please note that the Public Facing Event Scheduler can be used to book out any type of event or event to allow customers to set appointments and meetings. 

If you would like to learn more about how to set this up, and what it looks like, we have this series here where we explain how to set this up for a gun range in particular. 

improvement Additionally, we now have better Page Text Chunk Documentation directly on the page which will include the usable page text chunks for a particular page. 

new feature Added Contact Notes to the recurring payment maintenance page

This is used to improve membership management so that you can make notes on a contact's payment status/issues so that they can be seen directly on the contact record.

improvement Added filter for Orders with low inventory Items

Access this in your Orders Dashboard.

new feature Expiration Days and Emails for Forms 

Forms can now include an expiration day as well as emails. Please submit a ticket if you think you may have a need for this!

improvement exciting! Placeholders

Placeholders are now more generalized and codified. You can add the following placeholders in any page or template. 

Click here for full list.

improvement Added a field named "Metro Area" to locations. This will allow a company to show all stores, for instance, in the Houston area.

new feature exciting! Promotions

Promotions can now be restricted to people who have made specific previous purchases. This will allow a dealer, for instance, to give a 10% discount on specific products (perhaps a membership) for 30 days after a person purchases a class.

new feature exciting! Help Desk Mentions

You can now tag other Help Desk Staff when writing notes. Just type @ and start typing the user's name. The person tagged should receive an email notification.

improvement Miscellaneous Updates

  • Form List Updates
  • Orders Dashboard Updates
  • Video Display Updates
  • EasyPost Updates
  • Product Imports
  • Contact Picker
  • Zaius Communication Updates
  • product export report
  • Order Items report
  • Order Tracking
  • Email Log
  • Export Formatting
  • Refund Dashboard
  • Text Messaging
  • Sitemap Changes

bug fixes 

  • Lipseys Fix
  • Fixed issue with Content Builder for email
  • Fixed Issue with Updated Payment Methods not updating Recurring Payment accounts.
  • Fixed Issue with Kit products not creating recurring payments.
  • Fixed an issue with updating products
  • Fix issue with 360 images and duplicated code
  • Fixed an issue with attendees for events
  • Fixed an issue with translation for menu items
  • Fixed an issue with cart minimums and maximums
  • Fixed an issue with Modals
  • Fixed an issue with logging out while simulating a user who hasn't reset password yet.
  • Fixed an issue that was causing some prices to not be cached
  • Fixed an issue with user groups for subscriptions

Grab some coreFFEINE! Our first coreCAST is here!

new video  exciting! Is it a podcast or an update?... 

In the world of POS-Ecom (pause-ee-comm), no one does it better than Coreware.

Grab a snack and tasty beverage (like coreFFEINE) and settle in for our first coreCAST 🎤 .  We cover some surprises in regard to both coreSTORE and coreFORCE.  Be sure to subscribe to keep up with everything in the Coreware Universe!

Our goal is to take these What's New updates, and bring them to life! Perfect to listen to while you're getting ready for work, on your way to work, or even at work if things are slow 😁 

Additionally, we try to keep things interesting with an off-topic segment every episode... tune into this episode to find out more about DISCLOSURE 🌎 🚀👽  🌌 

But seriously... SUBSCRIBE!

new feature exciting! You asked, we delivered... SMS SUPPORT!

With coreFORCE, we now offer Twilio Integration, allowing you to reach your customers more effectively. One of our clients found that roughly 75% of their website traffic was coming from cellular devices! Now, more than ever, it is crucial that we reach our customers in the form that they are most likely to receive our updates.

To use Twilio, you will need to have an account. You can Sign Up Here!

Once you have an account the process is super simple! Simply go to your Orders -> Setup where you simply input the required information. 

See this Article for a Step by Step Walk-through

new feature exciting! Additional FontAwesome Support?!

This update keeps getting better and better! 😱 

If you're already familiar with FontAwesome, you already know how exciting this is (I'm looking at you front-end developers). You may or may not have known that FontAwesome icons are already fully integrated into coreFORCE but we now give you the ability to use the library of 7,865 icons directly in the (still horribly named) WYSIWYG editor!

What is FontAwesome? Well, FontAwesome is a library of professionally designed, pixel-perfect icons and symbols that you can use in your websites. 

Start taking a look today!

improvement exciting! Add Notes to Completed Orders

You can now add notes to a completed order without having to reopen the order. This is especially important for dealers who have automatic notifications when an order is marked completed!

 new feature exciting! Event Registration for Another Person

If you're using the eventregistration.php page for your events and classes, there is now an option for you to register another person for this event. This will not be an option if you are using the product details page for your events and classes.

improvement Product Listing Report Now Includes MAP

To run this report, go to Products -> Products -> Product Listing

new featureexciting! GunBroker Tax Report!

It was brought up to us that GunBroker cannot and will not generate a sales tax report... 🤦‍♂️🤦‍♂️ 🤦‍♂️ 🤦‍♂️ 🤦‍♂️ 🤦‍♂️ ... So we did it! 

To run this report go to Orders -> GunBroker -> Tax Report.

Okay, but seriously @GunBroker, you should REALLY add this report on your end as well!

new feature important Fixed Tax Amounts

You can now set fixed tax amounts for any products or for products in departments. This was needed for Illinois, where there is a flat $25 tax plus a percentage on firearms.

You can change this in Orders -> Settings -> State Tax Rates.

improvement Reservation Confirmation Page Now Includes Tax When Applicable


Enough said! 🎈 

new feature EasyPost Signature Preference

The EasyPost Create Label dialog will check "Signature required" if the shipment is being sent to an FFL.  To make "Adult Signature Required" checked by default, add the department codes you want to require an adult signature here in a comma-separated list.

This can be set up in Orders -> Setup in the EasyPost tab.

new feature HazMat support for EasyPost

The EasyPost Create Label dialog will give you a dropdown list of the various HazMat options. 

This can be set up in Orders -> Setup in the EasyPost tab.

new feature  You can add an Inventory Alert to the list of orders in the Order Dashboard. 

Did you know you can modify the column headers in the Orders Dashboard? If you select Actions -> Preferences you can actually select a LOT of different potential column headers! Our newest addition allows you to see inventory alerts for when orders contain products that are low on inventory!

What does it look like in action?


improvement Contact CSV Import Now Verifies Addresses

While this is GREAT for verifying that your data is clean, this also makes it possible to accurately parse addresses that aren’t broken out.  So, instead of having separate fields for Address1, city, state, and postal code, you can now just have a single full_address field, and coreFORCE will figure it out. This is especially useful for our new clients coming from AmmoReady. 

Please note that we do pay for those address lookups though, so if you are wanting to import thousands of addresses, we might have to charge a data import fee. 

improvement Add Location in Event Maintenance List View

improvement Added Aria Labels to login forms

This is mainly used for ADA compliance, and something we'll implement on our end 😁 

improvement Minor Code Structural Enhancements

These simply include miscellaneous behind-the-scenes structural enhancements. These types of changes generally just help the overall speed or efficiency of certain functions.

  • Orders Dashboard
  • Order Shipments
  • EasyPost Integration
  • Client Preferences
  • API updates
  • Images
  • Template Maintenance
  • GunBroker
  • Product Reviews
  • Product Manufacturers

bug fixes Miscellaneous Bug Fixes

  • Fixed a minor issue regarding tax on shipping
  • Fixed a minor contact ID bug
  • Product Listing Report - MAP communication
  • Event Calendar - display priority
  • Fixed 2 minor functions causing system lockup
  • Fixed issue with minified code
  • Fixed minor issue with updating UPC
  • Fixed Issue with updating List Prices

tip Don't wash your Coreware mug in the dishwasher!

We heard from one of our customers that the label can come off in the dishwasher 😥 

Full Steam Ahead!

announcement  exciting! coreCLEAR IS A GO!

If you'd like a quick overview of some of the things you can expect, make sure to check out this video!

And if you'd like to see the full webinar on this, make sure to click the link below

coreCLEAR Webinar

improvement exciting! Speaking of coreCLEAR... Are you Hesitant About Switching Merchant Providers?

We now have the ability to import saved accounts from a different merchant provider, including updating any recurring transactions to use the new merchant provider.  This allows us to perform an nearly seamless migration to coreCLEAR from other merchant gateways.

improvement Orders Dashboard Updates!

1) On the Order Dashboard, if the billing address is a long distance from the shipping address, the billing address will now be highlighted with a warning showing the distance.  This should help catch potentially fraudulent orders. 

2) On the Order Dashboard, there is now a count of the total quantity of items ordered (less deleted items) and the total quantity of items shipped (less secondary shipments).  This will help ensure that no products are missed when fulfilling large orders.

improvement Reservation Confirmation Page Update

If you've worked with online scheduling, you may know this as the page running the script: reservefacility.php.

This page now includes a business name field, and if the customer is not logged in, there will also be a phone number field. This allows a bit more flexibility to this page, especially if you'd like to use it for scheduling appointments whereas it has traditionally been used for events and facility reservations.

improvement Contact Subscription - Notes Field

Contact Subscription records now have a notes field to allow staff to record the reason why a subscription was paused or cancelled. 

This reason will show in the subscription report. 


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