πŸŽ„πŸŽ„πŸŽ„Tis the Season for One More UpdateπŸŽ„πŸŽ„πŸŽ„

important The updates discussed below were released in the last couple of weeks, no updates were released today.  We would NEVER release an update right before Christmas unless it's a hotfix for a critical bug.

Welcome to the Coreware release notes in which we announce changes and updates related to the product. 

From now on, you will never miss out on what is new. This will include NEW FEATURES, BUG FIXES, IMPROVEMENTS, and new product updates posted regularly. You can subscribe via 📩 when new posts are published, so even when you aren't logged in, you can stay updated with product updates.

If you have any feedback, please let us know what you think using the feedback option.

Many thanks and Happy Holidays!

SAVE THE DATE - coreFEAST - January 24, 2024!


new feature coreCLEAR Terminal Banners and Survey Questions

Upload Your Own Banners and Survey Questions EXCITING! exciting! 

NEW FEATURE Finally, you do not have to contact us to upload banners or change survey questions on your CLEAR8500 or CLEAR6200 Credit Card Terminals.  Better Late Than Never would be an understatement for this one.

Legacy Be Gone! announcement 

important If you are still using the Legacy Sale Screen interface, please take note that as of January 15th, we will be removing the Legacy Sale Screen Interface and replacing it with our default sale screen interface.  If you have no idea what we are talking about, take a minute to watch this video.

improvement Quickly Register core tags

A new feature has been added to our Digital Price Tags to allow you to QUICKLY register multiple tags at once.   Simply scan the bar code on the box of tags, and they will all register into your account at once! This can save hours of time when you are adding hundreds or thousands of tags.

improvement Updated Catalog/Supplier Availability Screen

If you are using coreFORCE and are connected to the suppliers, we have greatly improved the lookup screen so it's easier to read and has a much better layout.

Updated 4473 - Switch Now announcement 

Watch the video below to see how to switch to the Latest 4473 Form.

 important Once you switch to the new 4473 form you CANNOT switch back.   All customers will be switched to the new form on January 15th.  This will provide you with a couple of weeks before the mandatory February 1st deadline.

To see the list of changes made to the August 2023 4473 Form click the link below:

4473 Revisions

exciting! Updated Chrome Extension for Federal and State Background Checks

We have updated our Chrome extension and in addition to fixing some lingering bugs, we have sped up and stabilized the entire process.  Even more exciting is that we now support the following state background checks:

  • Florida
  • Illinois
  • New Jersey (firearms and ammunition)
  • New York (firearms and ammunition)
  • Pennsylvania
  • Tennessee

We expect to have the following States completed in Q1 2024

  • California
  • Colorado
  • Connecticut
  • Maryland
  • Oregon
  • Nebraska
  • Utah
  • Virginia

tip Here is a quick tip on how to set coreSTORE to use the correct State/Federal Background Check.

If you are in NY or NJ, make sure to watch this video to see how you can QUICKLY process ammunition sales.  California, we will have you covered soon, so it's worth it for you to watch this video.

new feature Clear Section D Option

tip If you don't see this option, click the Company->Employees and make sure the employee has permission for this option 

November Is Upon Us and It's Time for Another Update

Lots of work going on at Coreware as we approach the busy season.   We are excited to introduce some great new improvements and a few new features.  As always the team has been hard at work tackling bugs and other fixes. 

General Updates

improvement Customer Tag Improvements

Customer tags will now show up on the sales screen, and it's easier to add and manage customer tags which can be used for segmentation and other purposes.

tip Setting up Multiple Tax Exempt Groups

The video tip below explains how to set up multiple tax-exempt groups for sales tax reporting purposes.  

new feature Disable Serial Number Drop-Down

You can now turn off the serial number dropdown on the sales screen.  It's best practice to scan serial numbers rather than choosing them from a dropdown list.  For our wholesale and manufacturer customers, we highly recommend turning off this feature.   

Company Settings -> Sales 

new feature Use Variations in Price Rules

You can now select the primary variation item as the reward or as the qualifying item when setting up price rules. This allows you to choose any variant that is part of the variation.  An example is if you want to give a free tee shirt away with any purchase over $50.  

improvement Updating Multiple Items at Once

When multiple items are selected you can now update the serialized flag, eCommerce, type, category and add attributes along with attribute values in bulk.

new feature PDF Invoices

You can now set sales receipts and invoices to be sent via PDF.   

Company Settings->Receipt

new feature Scale Support

Added support for using a USB-connected scale when fulfilling orders. Watch the video below for more information.  If you are ready to add a scale to your operation don't hesitate to submit a ticket to our support team and they will assist you with the setup.

new feature Gift Card Screen

Two new columns were added to the Gift Card Screen.  The sale id which is the original sale when the gift card was sold along with the date of the sale.

Work Orders

improvement Updated Status Screen and Menu

Throughout coreSTORE, we are improving the look, feel and ease of use of our screens.  The work order status screen has been redone to match the other maintenance screens.  The status maintenance screen was also moved to a menu option under the updated Work Order menu.

new feature Import Work Orders

You can now import Work Orders from a spreadsheet.

Bound Book & 4473

improvement 3310 Type Identification

The Type of Identification dropdown in the 3310 screen now matches the options in Section C of the 4473.

improvement Bound Book Correction Report

You can now print the notes on deleted bound book records

improvement New Security Option

You can now specify whether an employee has access to Dispose of a firearm from the sales screen.  You can edit the security option by pulling up the Employee and setting the security option under the Bound Book Module.

exciting! For our NY Firearm Dealers, we have Great News!

Watch one of our recent coreCAST episodes to see what we have done for our customers in NY.  More states coming soon!

If you are a coreFORCE customer using coreSTORE this section is for you.  We have made several improvements to the integration between our two platforms.

new feature Layaways

Layaways that have been created in coreFORCE will now create a layaway transaction in coreSTORE.   Layaway payments made in coreFORCE will now properly be added to the coreSTORE layaway.  Payments made in coreSTORE on a layaway that originated in coreFORCE will update the coreFORCE invoice.

new feature coreSTORE Fulfillment Now Creates Shipping Records in coreFORCE

When using the coreSTORE Fulfillment, a shipping record will be created in coreFORCE.

fix coreSTORE Fulfillment Email Fix

Orders that originated in coreFORCE were not sending out shipment email notifications from coreSTORE.  This has now been fixed.  

Tuesday Update - Not a very big one

new feature Price & Cost Change Log Added to Items Screen

Have you ever wanted to see the history of price and cost changes on an item? On any item, if you click the Pricing tab and then scroll to the bottom you will see a full history of the price and cost changes and what user made them.

important If you don't see the logs, make sure the employee has the security right setup to see the logs. You will find this security option under the Employee in the Items security section.

improvement Invoice Enhancements

Customer invoices will now display the line item details of an invoice. If you have the system set to partially fill orders, invoices will be created with the items that were fulfilled.  An invoice will be created for each fulfillment.

improvement Trade In Automatic MarkUps

If you have category markups set up in coreSTORE, those markups will now be applied when adding a trade-in item.  You can set default markups for categories directly in the category screen.

improvement Improved State Restrictions for Firearm Sales

Added additional controls to prohibit handgun sales to out-of-state individuals

Added a new configuration option to allow users to restrict long gun sales to in-state or border states.  This will prohibit any long gun sales to out-of-state individuals unless the state is a border state.  This is not an ATF requirement, but it is an additional control that you can put in place by choice.  You can optionally specify a waiting period to assign for any long gun sales that are to an individual from a border state.

coreSTORE Update

I hope you all had an incredible 4th of July.  Typically we release updates on Monday night but with the Holiday falling on a Tuesday we decided to postpone and release the update last night.

If you are attending the NSSF Range & Retail Show in Milwaukee next week, please stop by our booth, we will be serving coreFFEINE and would love to visit with you.  Click the image to let us know you are attending and would like to see us.

As always this update includes several bug fixes and a few new features.

Sale Screen

  • improvement Reason codes have been expanded so all forms of discount will require a reason code if the system is set up to request or require reason codes.   If you want to set up reason codes in your store please watch this video and make sure to subscribe to our Youtube Channel: https://www.youtube.com/@Coreware.

  • improvement Parties on Sales can now use or add existing customers and will show Membership and Waiver Info.


  • improvement When marking an item as used, you can now specify the Used UPC Number. This allows you to associate the used item to a valid UPC.   Simply check the Used checkbox and a new field will be displayed called "Used UPC".  This will be used in the future with integration into different marketplaces. 
  • new feature Added the ability to age-restrict selling items by category.  This allows you to set up age restrictions by category rather than setting it up for each individual item.
  • exciting! Multi-select items is a new feature that makes it easier to perform operations on several items that you can scan or search for quickly.  An example use case is if you need to print labels for several unrelated items.  Watch the video to learn more.


  • new feature You can now merge suppliers just like you merge customers.  Simply select two suppliers that need to be merged and you will see the merge button on the screen.

Work Order 

  • new feature You can now add the estimated repair date to the work order list screen

Bound Book & 4473

  • new feature You can now flag a customer or supplier as a Class 3 dealer.
  • important Firearm Incoming FFL Transfers will no longer create a 4473 when they are first entered.  The 4473 will get created when you suspend the transaction at the time the customer picks up their firearm.

Trade In's

  • improvement New configuration section for Trade-Ins (under Company -> Settings)
  • improvement Added the ability to choose what category to assign ALL trade in's.  This is optional and will force all trade-ins to be assigned to that category and will not allow the sales associate to make any changes.

Warehouse Module

  • improvement Added support for variations for putaway and receiving transactions
  • improvement Bin Locations will now show the actual variation in the bin (not the parent item)

Overall Performance Improvements

  • improvement Item Location Stats speed has been improved
  • improvement Customers are loaded faster on the sales screen
  • improvement Boundbook books with many entries should now load faster

Latest Update on coreSTORE

A Message from Ezra (CEO)

It's been a while since we published a What's New but this is not an indication that we haven't been hard at work improving and fixing coreSTORE.  Many of you I'm sure have noticed the incredible speed improvements in the system that were released in the last few weeks, along with many other new features.  We now have a dedicated person that will be focused on building out coreU for coreSTORE and our other products.  We are now at a cadence of releasing coreSTORE updates every 2 weeks (on Monday night/early Tuesday morning).

In the next few weeks, MANY exciting new features will be released all to help you manage your business more efficiently and effectively.  Our job of communicating what is new has not been good, but we now have Charming Chami who has volunteered to step in and make sure that we keep you better informed of all the changes.   Rest assured we are listening to your requests and issues and continue to strive for excellence. 

Make sure to register for our tech-tacular sweepstakes for a chance to win an awesome new register setup that works off a mobile phone (phone included). Click the image below to register.

ImportanTnew featureS We're excited to announce some great new features and improvements to coreSTORE!

Sale Screen

First, the Sales Register will now make it apparent that a Suspended Sale is currently open. This will help you keep track of what sales are completed and what sales are still open.

Item Tags

Next, Items and Item Tags can now be marked as restricted in chosen states. These items won't be able to be sold to customers that reside in the restricted states. This will help ensure that your store is compliant with all state regulations.

4473/3310 New Features

We've also added the ability to Flag Serials on Previously Denied 4473s. 4473s that get denied will now flag the serial for any subsequent 4473 to a customer with a matching last name or address. The 4473 can still be completed but the record is flagged so users can review as needed. This will help you quickly identify which serials have been denied in the past and take the appropriate action.

4473 Kiosks will now pull location data from Google. This will make it easier to fill out Form 4473 by entering the zip code and ensuring that they're in the proper location.

Added Validation to prevent more variations of "USA"/"United States" in the 4473 County field.

Add the ability to reset a 3310 form.

New Video - Partial Order Fulfillment (how to handle backorders, partial shipments etc.)

Non-Tax Items

Non-taxable amounts will now show a breakdown in the report. This will help you keep track of how much of your income is coming from taxable and non-taxable sources.

Plus, you now have the option to add on Items to Round Up to Nearest Dollar. This can help you quickly and easily round up any prices that need to be adjusted.


Our latest feature will force a user to select a subcategory when assigning a category to an item. This mandatory setting guarantees that Items are exclusively assigned to the lowest-level categories in the hierarchy.

Category names in the Categories screen will now link to a filtered Items listing showing only items in that Category

A "Require Customer" checkbox has been added to the Categories to allow forcing a customer to be selected based on selling items from a specific category.

Items can now be searched by Brand

Customer Invoice Improvements

Customer sales invoices have been improved. The default terms for a customer will be displayed on the sale screen and on the sales receipt.   You can change the terms right on the sale screen when clicking Continue.   Invoices for partial shipments will be created based on quantities being fulfilled.  The sales invoice screen will now clearly show the last time an invoice was emailed to the customer (last sent).


Subscriptions are now fully available for any coreSTORE customer.  If you are a coreFORCE Express or coreFORCE Enterprise customer you will keep managing subscriptions on those platforms.   For coreFORCE Lite and non coreFORCE customers you can easily setup and sell subscriptions in coreSTORE.


You can now see and pull up a waiver from the customer screen directly.

Added a configuration option to allow capturing a customer's PO number.


Do you sell subscriptions and/or memberships?  We've had a subscription option for a while, but now you don't have to contact support to enable the feature.  Subscriptions in coreSTORE are only avaliable to coreCLEAR customers.  You can now choose your subscription provider (coreSTORE or coreFORCE).   The Subscription/Membership button on the sale screen allows you to quickly and easily sell a subscription.

API Enhancements

  • API Logs will now show how long a request took (in milliseconds)
  • API Result column has been added to API logs 
  • create_distributor_order has been added to the API Logs search dropdown
  • Updated API Docs

ADDITIONAL improvementS 

  • A customer address is now required for Work Orders
  • You can no longer edit completed Firearm Transfers (seems obvious)
  • Corrected the error message when searching e-commerce for an item without a UPC
  • "Edit Sale" is only allowed after a register has been opened.
  • Tax Rate on Internet Orders has been replaced with the verbiage of Tax Charge
  • The option to "Delete Sale" has been updated to "Void Sale" for improved clarity in conveying the user's action
  • Zip and Security Code (CVV) are now required on coreCLEAR manual register transactions
  • Imported event orders are now imported as completed sales
  • Multiple Suppliers can now have the same FFL number
  • SmartWaiver will now match on Phone Number if the Driver's License and Email both fail to find a match
  • When selling a kit the components of the kit are printed on the sales receipt and below each component we now show the kit that component belonged to.
  • Add FFL info to the "Ship To" section on the Sales screen
  • Item Setting "Discounts Do Not Apply" -> "Prohibit Manual Discounts" and now only applies to employee-entered discounts. Price rules will now apply as normal
  • Improved Easypost error messages
  • When selling a coreFORCE class or event coreSTORE will also create the order in coreFORCE allowing users to manage the class registration directly in coreFORCE.
  • When entering shipping information if shipping to an FFL the FFL Trade Name, FFL Number, and FFL Expiration are now displayed.

We hope these changes will make your experience with Coreware even better. As always, if you have any questions about these updates or anything else, please feel free to contact us. We are always here to help.

Thanks for being part of the Coreware community!

The revised ATF FORM 4473 is Here!

news Greetings Coreware Customers,

We are pleased to announce a major improvement to coreSTORE that will greatly benefit our Shooting Sports customers, you can stop reading this post if you do not sell firearms. The ATF Form 4473 - Firearms Transaction Record has recently been revised and we are proud to incorporate these changes into our software.

The revised ATF Form 4473 (Form 4473) is a key part of the process for individuals purchasing firearms from federally licensed firearms dealers. To ensure coreSTORE remains compliant with all applicable federal laws and regulations, we have updated the Form 4473 to the latest version and are now offering it to our customers.

Watch this video to see all of the changes that are also outlined below.

The revised 4473 Form is mandatory for use on April 1, 2023 and this is when it becomes active in coreSTORE.  Please contact your local ATF Industry Operations office should you have any questions regarding the changes to the form. Feel free to access the ATF link here for further information.

improvement Changes to the NEW FORM


  • Added § to every U.S.C. reference.
  • Page 1, top right: deleted “serial” from this box.  It now reads:
    Transferor’s/Seller’s Transaction Number (if any)

Warning Statement

  • The first sentence of the statement was changed from “The information you provide will be used to determine whether you are prohibited by Federal or State law from receiving a firearm” to “The information you provide will be used to determine whether you are prohibited by Federal or State law from receiving a firearm, or whether Federal or State law prohibits the sale or disposition of a firearm to you”.  
  • The second sentence of the statement was changed from “Certain violations of the Gun Control Act, 18 U.S.C. 921 et. seq., are punishable by up to 10 years imprisonment and/or up to a $250,000 fine” to “Certain violations of the Gun Control Act, 18 U.S.C. 921 et. seq., are punishable by up to 15 years imprisonment and/or up to a $250,000 fine”.  

Section A

Question 1 Manufacturer and Importer:

  • “Privately Made Firearm (PMF)” added to item 1, Section A.  It now reads:  Manufacturer and Importer (if any), or Privately made firearm (PMF)(If the Manufacturer and Importer are different, include both.)

Question 8 Private Party Transfers:

  • “if any” added after Check.  Question 8 now reads:  Check if any part of this transaction is to facilitate a private party transfer.

Section B

Question 10 Current State of Residence and Address: 

  • Question 10: Added, “Reside in City Limits? []Yes [] No []Unknown”.

Question 21.a Actual Transferee/Buyer:

  • The first sentence of Question 21a. has been changed from “Are you the actual transferee/buyer of the firearm(s) listed on this form and any continuation sheet(s) (ATF Form 5300.9A)?” to “Are you the actual transferee/buyer of all of the firearm(s) listed on this form and any continuation sheet(s) (ATF Form 5300.9A)?

New Question 21.b: 

  • Do you intend to purchase or acquire any firearm listed on this form and any continuation sheet(s), or ammunition, for sale or other disposition to any person described in questions 21(c)-(m), or to a person described in question 21.n.1 who does not fall within a nonimmigrant alien exception?

To clarify: Question 21b is asking the transferee (customer) if they intend to sell or distribute any of the firearms, they are acquiring, to a person prohibited from receiving or possessing firearms?  The prohibited categories are listed in questions 21(c) – (m) and 21.n.1 (unless that person falls within a nonimmigrant exception).

New Question 21.c:

  • Do you intend to sell or otherwise dispose of any firearm listed on this form and any continuation sheet(s) or ammunition in furtherance of any felony or other offense punishable by imprisonment for a term of more than one year, a Federal crime of terrorism, or a drug trafficking offense?

Due to the addition of the two new questions in Section B, the questions are now renumbered from 21.d. through 21.n.

Questions 21.n.2 parenthesis at end of questions now reads: (U.S. citizens/nationals leave 21.n.1 and 21n.2. blank).

The last sentence of the certification statement has been changed from “I further understand that the repetitive purchase of firearms for the purpose of resale for livelihood and profit without a Federal firearms license is a violation of Federal law” to “I further understand that the repetitive purchase of firearms for the purpose of resale to predominantly earn a profit without a Federal firearms license is a violation of Federal law”.

Section C

Question 25 Qualifying Gun Show or Event:

  • Added the address, county and zip code where the gun show takes place.

Question 26.b Supplemental Government Issued Documentation

  • Changed “if identification document does not show current residence address or full legal name” to “if identification document does not show current residence address or legal name”  

Question 26.c Official Military Orders Establishing Permanent Change of Station (PCS)

  • Changed PCS Base/City and State” to PCS Base, City and State 

Question 26.d Exception to the Nonimmigrant Alien Prohibition:

  • This question now refers to item 21.n.2. NOT 21.l.2.

Added a header before NICS questions begin: Notice: If transferee/buyer is under 21, a waiting period of up to 10 days may apply where notification from NICS is received within 3 business days to further investigate a possible disqualifying juvenile record.  A NICS check is only valid for 30 calendar days from the date recorded in question 27a.

Question 27.c Response initially provided by NICS

  • Next to the delayed check box a new check box has been added:  The firearm(s) may be transferred on ____ if time period is not extended by NICS or the appropriate State agency, and State law allows (optional)

Question 27.d NICS Delayed Response. Added blocks for the following statements:

  • Notice of additional delay of transferee under 21 years of age received on   _______ (date) and may be transferred on ____________ (date).
  • No response was provided within 10 business days after additional delay for transferee/buyer under 21 years of age.

Questions 27.f. and 27.g. have been removed.

Section E

Transferor Certification
Added the following: If this transaction required a NICS check, I further certify that this firearm(s) transfer is within 30 days from the date of the initial contact with NICS.

We understand the importance of staying current with the latest ATF regulations and are committed to providing our customers with the most up to date version of the Form 4473. By incorporating these changes into coreSTORE , we are helping our customers stay compliant and remain safe when conducting firearms transactions.

new feature KIOSK / Fill out 4473
When filling out the address in 4473 Kiosk it will auto-fill the address if you enter the zipcode
When entering the code you can now just enter the code + the first 3 letter of the last name of the customer (10587TES)

Thank you for your continued support, and we look forward to providing further updates to coreSTORE in the future

Spring Is Nearly Here and We Have Another Update!

Who doesn't hate dealing with Chargebacks?  Well, we believe we can make your lives easier.  We are excited to announce our upcoming webinar, which takes place later today: February 28th at 1:00PM Eastern.  The webinar will feature MiDiGator which is a leading chargeback management platform that offers a comprehensive suite of tools and services to help businesses effectively manage and prevent chargebacks. 

The platform uses advanced algorithms and machine learning technology to analyze transaction data and identify potential chargebacks before they occur. This proactive approach allows businesses to take immediate action and prevent chargebacks from happening, ultimately reducing the overall number of chargebacks and saving money.

During the webinar, you will learn about the many benefits of using MiDiGator, including:

  • Automatic chargeback alerts and notifications
  • Detailed chargeback reporting and analytics
  • Customizable dispute management workflows
  • Seamless integration of coreCLEAR and Midigator
  • Expert support and guidance from Midigator's experienced team

Our team of experts will also be available to answer any questions you may have about coreCLEAR and Midigator. Don't miss out on this opportunity to learn how coreCLEAR and Midigator can help your business streamline chargeback management and improve profitability.

To register for the webinar, please click on the following link.  We look forward to seeing you there.


Otter Waiver Integration

We are pleased to announce an integration with Otter Waiver.  Otter Waiver is the only digital waiver and participant management software designed specifically for the outdoor industry. With Otter, save time, money, and trees.   We will be hosting a free webinar on March 14th at 1:00PM, so be on the lookout for more information in the next few days. Make sure to save the date in your calendars.


improvement We do listen and some of you didn't like the new Items Screen layout with multiple columns, so we made it your choice.  Once you choose a layout we will remember your choice.

improvement Item assemblies now support item variations.

improvement If you are using our bound book module you will no longer be able to add serial numbers directly in the items screen.  This is to help prevent mistakes.  Instead any serialized item should be received in the Receiving screen or in the Item Assembly screen.

improvement When an inventory location is excluded from the website a tag will be displayed in the inventory and locations tab.


improvement Removed the ability to mistakenly delete a suspended transaction, without first accessing the transaction.


new feature Added a Detailed item fulfillment report that shows what items in open orders were fulfilled and the dates of fulfillment.  

This report will only show information if you are using coreSTORE to manage your back orders/special orders and updating the fulfilled column.   If you are not familiar with how coreSTORE can manage your back orders and special orders, please watch the video below.

improvement Added manufacturer part number to the Purchase Order printout/email.

Work Order and Transfer Screen

improvement You can now search using the prefix and sale id (e.g. pos1001), this is helpful when scanning a bar code of the transaction id.

4473 Improvements

improvement County field will no longer accept USA or United States as an entry.

improvement Added option of Other to background check for states not using NICS or any of our other options to prevent the expired status in the manage 4473 screen. 

improvement 4473 PDF: PDF generation improved to support special characters.

improvement Added missing question numbers in 4473 instruction dialog.

improvement Removed the date picker from the birthdate field.  Using a date picker to select a birthdate is time consuming and a pain.  Much quicker to type in your birth date.

improvement Current date is now used for signing section B similar to section D.

February 15th coreSTORE Update

news Customer Service Response Times

If you haven't subscribed to our Youtube Channel please click the link below, subscribe and also click the bell icon to get notified when we publish a new video.  Our goal this year is to significantly increase the number of videos we are publishing.  We currently have just under 200 videos with nearly 50,000 views.  Most of our videos are instructional product related videos, and a few are amusing.

Our latest coreCAST is about customer service which is SO IMPORTANT for us.  Our goal is to meet and exceed your expectations.  We know it's been tough lately, we are adding more staff and if you know someone that you think would be a great addition to our team, please have them email me their resume directly to:  ezra.weinstein@coreware.com.



news Bug Fixes

We have many new customers so I wanted to let everyone know how we address bugs. Wait...did we just say bugs?  Yes BUGS!  EVERY SOFTWARE APPLICATION has bugs.  It's the nature of the beast.  The more features a software application has, the more bugs it has.  Our goal is always to squash those pesky bugs, but sometimes that's easier said than done.  The hardest bugs to squash are the ones that we cannot recreate.

Typically we categorize bugs based on priority.  Any urgent bugs are fixed and deployed ASAP, we do not wait for our regular update cycle.  We are fixing bugs every day, we don't list the bugs we fixed because many bugs are unique to a particular customer, and many are not experienced by most users.  But rest assured, we are always at work addressing these bugs.  Keep in mind, the longer it takes us to fix a bug, the more users report it, and the more tickets come in which of course frustrates our customer service team.  

Always remember - WE ARE NOT THE ENEMY!  We are doing our best, and a problem that affects you, affects us too, an issue that costs you time and money has the same exact effect on us.  We are in this together and our entire goal is to make your lives easier.  Please keep that in mind and PLEASE be patient with us.

exciting! coreILLA Version 2.0

Are you still using Mailchimp or a simple email campaign program?  We call coreILLA the Mail Chimp Killa for a reason.  If you haven't already looked at coreILLA please visit: www.coreilla.com.  coreILLA offers a powerful and complete marketing platform which will absolutely help you grow your business.  With an integration into coreSTORE this platform is a must have tool for your business.  One of our customers attributes a 40% rise in sales to coreILLA.  If you are interested in learning more please book a demo with our team and they will walk you through the benefits of coreILLA.



new feature Search by Product Id

You can now search by product id in the suspended sale screen.

improvement Customer Suffix

The customer suffix has been added to the sale screen.  Making it easier to identify your seniors from your juniors.


exciting! New Layout

So many fields for items, we decided it's time to reduce the scrolling and show more information on the screen.  You will see the item screen now has three columns of fields all organized into nice and logical sections.  We hope you like it!


improvement Detailed Sales Report Enhancement

The detailed sales report can now show all sales that are trade ins.  

improvement Detailed Sales Report Now Shows Reason Codes

The detailed sales report is now showing reason codes. 

improvement Smartwaiver

Easier Integration
We have enhanced the integration with Smartwaiver so it's a lot easier to setup the integration and requires less steps. 

coreFORCE & coreFIRE 

exciting! Variations

Variations in coreSTORE will now properly create variations in coreFORCE and/or coreFIRE.  

exciting! Loyalty Points

Loyalty points have been integrated between coreSTORE and your online store (coreFORCE/coreFIRE).  So points can be earned at the store and online, and the same points can be redeemed on both.   

Boundbook and 4473

improvement New Warning Message
In Section C, when saving or submitting, show a confirm dialog if the Types in Question 24 don't correlate to the Types found in Section A.

improvement Bound Book Move
When moving a boundbook record to a different group we now dispose the record and create a new acquisition record.  The reason for this is to prevent gaps in bound book id field. 

new feature Import from FastBound

If you are a new customer and need to import your boundbook records from Fastbound, you don't need to wait on our team anymore.  You can quickly import your records from Fastbound with one click.  The video below will show you how:

Happy New Year - 2023 Here We Come πŸŽ‰πŸ₯³πŸŽ‰!

We hope everyone had a wonderful holiday season and a very Happy New Year.   We are done with our code freeze and now it's time for an update.  It's going to be an exciting year and we have lots of exciting developments.  Before we delve into the updates, there are a few announcements to make.

Shot Show is coming up next week and we hope to see you there.   Stop by to get some coreFFEINE, talk to our team, learn about new products and get some really cool patches.  We will be in the Caesar's Forum at booth #72627.

Our customer appreciation dinner is being held Thursday January 19th in Vegas between 7:00PM and 9:00PM.  There are a few spots open (but not many).   If you haven't RSVP'd, please click on the image below.  We hope to see you there.

Update Time

exciting! Subscriptions

Do you offer any memberships in your retail store? You can now set up subscription items in coreSTORE and sell them at the register.   Selling subscription items requires coreCLEAR, and the feature needs to be activated by our support team.  Please submit a support ticket if you would like this feature activated.

new feature Use Serial Number Cost

For serialized items, by default coreSTORE uses the actual cost of the individual serial number.  A new configuration option under Company Settings->Sales has been added to let you choose whether the cost should be pulled from the individual serial number or pulled based on average cost or standard cost depending on how you have the inventory costing set.

new feature Cancel Order Fulfillment Status

When managing fulfillment statuses, you can now choose to cancel an order when a specific status is assigned.

Check the Cancel Order box to cancel the order.

improvement Data Imports

All data imports have been improved to allow large data sets to be imported without needing to break apart the import into smaller files.   A progress bar has been added to show the status of the import.

improvement Buyer Assistant New Criteria

If you are not using the Buyer Assistant to better manage your inventory, we highly recommend using it. In this latest update, we added the ability to limit the criteria to show items that are currently in special orders.  If you are connected to any distributors, the Buyer Assistant will show what special orders need to be fulfilled along with the item availability in local inventory and distributor inventory.

improvement Buyer Assistant Show Last Year's Sales

In addition to Last Year to Date Sales the Buyer Assistant will now also display the total sales for last year for any item.  This will help plan out the year ahead better.

improvement Buyer Assistant Variations

Item variations will now show all the variations of an item (so will the Transfer Assistant, see below).

improvement Payment Portal Improvement

If you are a coreCLEAR customer, your customers can easily pay you online for layaways, open orders, and open invoices.   The Payment Portal can easily now be set up to use the merchant credentials from coreSTORE.  If you have multiple locations, the online payment will use the merchant credentials for each location.

new feature Open Special Order Report

Under Reports->Sales a new open special report has been added which will allow you to print the open special orders.

new feature Transfer Assistant

Similar to the Buyer Assistant module the Transfer Assistant module allows you to better manage your multi-location inventory, and help determine what items need to be transferred from your warehouse to your stores.  

Important The transfer assistant needs to be turned on by our support staff. If you would like to use the Transfer Assistant, please submit a request via our help desk - https://help.coreware.com.

new feature Fractional Quantities

A new Company Setting has been added to allow fractional quantities.  This is off by default, so if you need to use fractional quantities make sure to turn this setting on first.

new feature Force Login By Register

Currently, there is a Company Setting - "Require Employee Login Before Each Sale ", this forces the user to log in before each sale transaction, which is helpful if you have multiple users on the same register.   

We have now added a feature in the Locations screen that allows you to set that option by register.  This is helpful when you don't want all the registers to force a log in before each sale.

improvement Brand Management

In addition to tracking the manufacturer of a product, you can track the brand of a product.  Previously there was a constraint on the brands that required the brand to exist in the manufacturer table, this constraint has been removed.  You can also now merge brands (like you merge manufacturers).

coreFORCE & coreFIRE Related Changes:

new feature Item Variants integration with coreFORCE and coreFIRE

If you use item variants in coreSTORE (for tracking apparel or other variations), you can now transmit item variants to your website.   Item variants created in coreSTORE will properly be created in coreFORCE and coreFIRE so instead of individual products the user can quickly select the variation they want (for example showing a drop down for size and color).

new feature FFL Update

Updating an FFL in an order in coreFORCE/coreFIRE will be reflected in coreSTORE. 

Miss us? - Come Catch Up on Exciting coreFORCE Updates!

To many, it might not mean much.


To us, it means more than you know.

Thank you for your service.

coreFORCE new features exciting!


Okay, we know we've been a bit MIA on the coreFORCE updates; MIA, but not AWOL. Our team has been hard at work the last few months to bring you HUGE system performance improvements, feature requests, and all sorts of other goodies (just in time for Halloween 🎃 and the holiday season).

To begin, I think it is worth mentioning that while we were experiencing some server issues a few weeks ago, we dug down and used this as an opportunity to do some key enhancements to improve things such as backend maintenance speeds, overall system stability, and laying the groundwork for future exciting updates. We are confident that we came out of the other side of this stronger and more resilient than ever.


We cannot express how much we appreciate every single one of you. We know that our success is completely dependent on YOUR success and we sincerely want you to succeed and use our software to help you crush your goals. 

To help you with these goals, it is important that we update you on some of the things we've been doing so you have as many tools to succeed as possible. After all, it's difficult to use tools 🔨  when you don't even know they exist!

Soooo What's New? new features 



important announcement

As a data aggregator, and not a distributor, we have decided to primarily update MAP prices from distributors that we trust in a ranked order. As we have reviewed MAP, we have determined that MAP prices are a mess because of dirty data from only a few of the distributors. 

After some careful investigation by our team, we have determined which distributors appear to be the best and most consistent sources of keeping MAP up to date. These distributors will have precedence over others where there are conflicts. We will still use MAP pricing from a distributor if the distributor is the only one to carry that product.

A major caveat of this, is that we will be much more reliant on distributors to fix MAP prices when the prices are incorrect. However, Manufacturer MAP uploads and Client changes to MAP now "stick" for 6 months before being overwritten by distributor MAP prices. This should give the distributors time to properly update those. Formerly, updates to MAP were relatively permanent until they were updated again. 

As a dealer, you are ultimately responsible for staying up to date on all MAP policies. There are things you can do to work around the MAP price being wrong, thereby preventing yourself from being placed on a do not sell list. Some options include setting different MAP policies in the manufacturer record, setting a minimum sale price on the products in question, or marking the manufacturer record as "Cannot Sell" (hides the product and removes the product from the site map until the corrections have been made).

If you have any questions, please feel free to submit a ticket at help.coreware.com.

exciting! new feature Add Multiple of the Same Product with DIFFERENT addons!

This is an exciting release that has been requested by several of our dealers!

When orders come in for the same product with different addons, these will be split up as different line items in the orders dashboard with the addons listed directly below the item description.

Note that enabling this feature WILL require changes by Coreware staff to your template. If this is a feature you would like to enable, please let us know with a ticket at help.coreware.com.

improvement Reordering products (Buy Now from customer's Order History Page) now works with all Product Addons. 

improvement Extra Data Added to Orders Income Report: 

Example Demo Store Test Data

new feature FFL's can now receive a separate email (instead of a copy of the confirmation email) when orders are placed to be picked up at their store  

The default functionality is that the FFL will not receive an email. There has always been a way to send a copy of the confirmation email. The benefit of this email, instead, is that it does not need to include the price that you sold it for.

To create this email, you will need to create an email (Contacts > Email > Emails) with the code "RETAIL_STORE_ORDER_CONFIRMATION_FOR_FFL"

new feature Restrict Shipping Charge to Postal Codes  

You can now restrict your shipping charges by postal codes.

To do this, you will still select "United States" and then the corresponding postal code(s) that this shipping charge will be for. 

In the following example, these are all Colorado postal codes. If I were to add another line that said "United States" and then had "Colorado" selected for the state with NO postal codes on that line, this shipping charge would still apply to all of Colorado as this would override the specified postal codes:

New Shipping Dialogue new feature 

There is now a gear icon to the right of the "Create Shipment" button where all of the options for creating shipments have been condensed into a single dialogue box. You can choose to automatically open this dialogue whenever you are creating a shipment if you would like to. 

new feature Contact Identifiers can now include an image of the ID 

With this, you can make it easier to users to upload their military IDs, Driver's License, etc. directly via their My Account pages. Need to check their ID for validity? Simply go to the contact record (Contacts > Contacts), go to the details tab, and scroll to the bottom where you can see all of the custom contact identifiers. 

These images are not being sent to coreSTORE via our contact identifier integration at this point in time.

But really, you can upload any image (or gif if you feel inclined). That part isn't a joke 😉.

Gunbroker Product Listing now has a button to show past Gunbroker orders for that product NEW FEATURE 

This was requested by several Gunbroker users. This should help you see at a glance some of your more popular Gunbroker sellers and also help you manage what products are going where.

Product that are tagged as "Make Offer" can now have an auto accept and auto reject price improvement 

First, you will need to create the product tag if you have not already. There is a preset value for this, to make things easier:

Curio & Relic (C&R) License is now supported new feature 

Extra Information - https://www.atf.gov/firearms/curios-relics

Quick Summary

Having this license will mean that the customer can have C&R products shipped directly to their house instead of to an FFL. 

Setting it Up

1) In order to properly categorize and list these products, you will want to create a product category to place these items in. It may be good to add a detailed description to the product category so that customers will know that there are restrictions on these items.

2) You will also need to create a Custom Field for the license expiration date for customers with this license and create a contact category for these customers (contacts > settings > categories). You will need to add the date to the customer's contact record after verifying their license and tag the customer with the contact category.

3) Finally, and perhaps most importantly, you will need to create a product tag with the code "CR_REQUIRED." This product tag works exactly like FFL_REQUIRED. Typically, C&R products would have both of these product tags.

Detailed Overview and Summary

In order for a user to purchase C&R product without needing to send them to an FFL dealer, they need to have a valid C&R License on file. The dealer indicates this by putting the user into a Contact Category with code "CR_LICENSE_ON_FILE" AND setting a Contact Custom field with code CR_LICENSE_ON_FILE_EXPIRATION_DATE to a date in the future. If NO date is set, or the date is prior to today or the user does not have the contact category on their contact, they will have to choose an FFL.

If they meet ALL those conditions, it means they have a valid C&R License on file and if their cart ONLY has C&R products, NO class 3 or FFL required products, they have have the order shipped to their house 

Product Category

You will likely want to add this product category to the "Firearms" department.

Custom Field

Contact Category

Setting the Data for the Contact

You will set the expiration date custom field in the contact record under the "Custom" tab. 

If you're still reading this, I would say that makes you a detailed individual and we want YOUR detailed feedback!

Did you know that coreFORCE has its own forum for Feature Requests at help.coreware.com? Simply follow this link to let us know about any improvements to the system that would make this platform even better!

We will generally give more weight to feature requests that have a lot of interaction and interest from other dealers, so if you see something you agree with, make sure you are "liking" it and adding a comment about how that feature request would help you operate your business more effectively.

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