The revised ATF FORM 4473 is Here!

news Greetings Coreware Customers,

We are pleased to announce a major improvement to coreSTORE that will greatly benefit our Shooting Sports customers, you can stop reading this post if you do not sell firearms. The ATF Form 4473 - Firearms Transaction Record has recently been revised and we are proud to incorporate these changes into our software.

The revised ATF Form 4473 (Form 4473) is a key part of the process for individuals purchasing firearms from federally licensed firearms dealers. To ensure coreSTORE remains compliant with all applicable federal laws and regulations, we have updated the Form 4473 to the latest version and are now offering it to our customers.

Watch this video to see all of the changes that are also outlined below.

The revised 4473 Form is mandatory for use on April 1, 2023 and this is when it becomes active in coreSTORE.  Please contact your local ATF Industry Operations office should you have any questions regarding the changes to the form. Feel free to access the ATF link here for further information.

improvement Changes to the NEW FORM


  • Added § to every U.S.C. reference.
  • Page 1, top right: deleted “serial” from this box.  It now reads:
    Transferor’s/Seller’s Transaction Number (if any)

Warning Statement

  • The first sentence of the statement was changed from “The information you provide will be used to determine whether you are prohibited by Federal or State law from receiving a firearm” to “The information you provide will be used to determine whether you are prohibited by Federal or State law from receiving a firearm, or whether Federal or State law prohibits the sale or disposition of a firearm to you”.  
  • The second sentence of the statement was changed from “Certain violations of the Gun Control Act, 18 U.S.C. 921 et. seq., are punishable by up to 10 years imprisonment and/or up to a $250,000 fine” to “Certain violations of the Gun Control Act, 18 U.S.C. 921 et. seq., are punishable by up to 15 years imprisonment and/or up to a $250,000 fine”.  

Section A

Question 1 Manufacturer and Importer:

  • “Privately Made Firearm (PMF)” added to item 1, Section A.  It now reads:  Manufacturer and Importer (if any), or Privately made firearm (PMF)(If the Manufacturer and Importer are different, include both.)

Question 8 Private Party Transfers:

  • “if any” added after Check.  Question 8 now reads:  Check if any part of this transaction is to facilitate a private party transfer.

Section B

Question 10 Current State of Residence and Address: 

  • Question 10: Added, “Reside in City Limits? []Yes [] No []Unknown”.

Question 21.a Actual Transferee/Buyer:

  • The first sentence of Question 21a. has been changed from “Are you the actual transferee/buyer of the firearm(s) listed on this form and any continuation sheet(s) (ATF Form 5300.9A)?” to “Are you the actual transferee/buyer of all of the firearm(s) listed on this form and any continuation sheet(s) (ATF Form 5300.9A)?

New Question 21.b: 

  • Do you intend to purchase or acquire any firearm listed on this form and any continuation sheet(s), or ammunition, for sale or other disposition to any person described in questions 21(c)-(m), or to a person described in question 21.n.1 who does not fall within a nonimmigrant alien exception?

To clarify: Question 21b is asking the transferee (customer) if they intend to sell or distribute any of the firearms, they are acquiring, to a person prohibited from receiving or possessing firearms?  The prohibited categories are listed in questions 21(c) – (m) and 21.n.1 (unless that person falls within a nonimmigrant exception).

New Question 21.c:

  • Do you intend to sell or otherwise dispose of any firearm listed on this form and any continuation sheet(s) or ammunition in furtherance of any felony or other offense punishable by imprisonment for a term of more than one year, a Federal crime of terrorism, or a drug trafficking offense?

Due to the addition of the two new questions in Section B, the questions are now renumbered from 21.d. through 21.n.

Questions 21.n.2 parenthesis at end of questions now reads: (U.S. citizens/nationals leave 21.n.1 and 21n.2. blank).

The last sentence of the certification statement has been changed from “I further understand that the repetitive purchase of firearms for the purpose of resale for livelihood and profit without a Federal firearms license is a violation of Federal law” to “I further understand that the repetitive purchase of firearms for the purpose of resale to predominantly earn a profit without a Federal firearms license is a violation of Federal law”.

Section C

Question 25 Qualifying Gun Show or Event:

  • Added the address, county and zip code where the gun show takes place.

Question 26.b Supplemental Government Issued Documentation

  • Changed “if identification document does not show current residence address or full legal name” to “if identification document does not show current residence address or legal name”  

Question 26.c Official Military Orders Establishing Permanent Change of Station (PCS)

  • Changed PCS Base/City and State” to PCS Base, City and State 

Question 26.d Exception to the Nonimmigrant Alien Prohibition:

  • This question now refers to item 21.n.2. NOT 21.l.2.

Added a header before NICS questions begin: Notice: If transferee/buyer is under 21, a waiting period of up to 10 days may apply where notification from NICS is received within 3 business days to further investigate a possible disqualifying juvenile record.  A NICS check is only valid for 30 calendar days from the date recorded in question 27a.

Question 27.c Response initially provided by NICS

  • Next to the delayed check box a new check box has been added:  The firearm(s) may be transferred on ____ if time period is not extended by NICS or the appropriate State agency, and State law allows (optional)

Question 27.d NICS Delayed Response. Added blocks for the following statements:

  • Notice of additional delay of transferee under 21 years of age received on   _______ (date) and may be transferred on ____________ (date).
  • No response was provided within 10 business days after additional delay for transferee/buyer under 21 years of age.

Questions 27.f. and 27.g. have been removed.

Section E

Transferor Certification
Added the following: If this transaction required a NICS check, I further certify that this firearm(s) transfer is within 30 days from the date of the initial contact with NICS.

We understand the importance of staying current with the latest ATF regulations and are committed to providing our customers with the most up to date version of the Form 4473. By incorporating these changes into coreSTORE , we are helping our customers stay compliant and remain safe when conducting firearms transactions.

new feature KIOSK / Fill out 4473
When filling out the address in 4473 Kiosk it will auto-fill the address if you enter the zipcode
When entering the code you can now just enter the code + the first 3 letter of the last name of the customer (10587TES)

Thank you for your continued support, and we look forward to providing further updates to coreSTORE in the future

How to highlight products in the local store

There has been some confusion about how the location filter works.  Clients having a single store location were expecting that filter to only show results from their local store, and hide distributor results, but that is not how it was designed; the filter always shows distributor results because they are available to be shipped to that store for pickup.  Because of the confusion, we made a change to hide the location filter for dealers who have only a single store location.

For clients who have only a single store location, or who have multiple stores, but want to customers to see local inventory first in the search results, you can do one or both of the following:

1. Turn on Location Availability Texts, which will show text like "Available in-store today" prominently on the search results and the product details page.  You can turn this on in Client Preferences.  Click Add, select "Show Location Availability" from the dropdown list, and change the client setting dropdown to True.  Once that is done, you may want to customize the text and appearance of those messages. This is done in Orders > Coreshop setup on the Fragments tab.  Filter the list of fragments by the word "available" and set each of those fragments to "customize."  They will then appear in Website > Fragments as HTML that you can edit.

2. Add a Search Multiplier for your local store location(s).  You can do this in Products > Settings > Locations.  Near the bottom of the page on the Details tab, you will see an item called Search Multiplier.  It defaults to 1.00, which means that the inventory location will not affect the results of a customer's search.  If you want to force your quick ship products always to be displayed first when a customer searches, you can change this number to 100.00.  Note that there are several places where a search multiplier can be added, which may affect your search results in unexpected ways.  To see how the system calculates search relevance, you can use the report in Products > Product Relevance.

Need more help?  Submit a ticket to Coreware support at

Loyalty Points!!!

One of the best ways to keep your customers coming back to your store/web site is offering a great loyalty point program.  We are excited to announce the release of our latest Coreshop feature which is a comprehensive loyalty point program.

Some of the benefits of offering a loyalty program to your customers include:

  • Stop competing on price
  • Retain existing customers
  • Increase Customer Lifetime Value
  • Build personal relationships
  • Create brand advocates

Some interesting stats:

  • Loyalty programs increase overall revenue by 5-10%.
  • Loyalty members spend 5-20% more than non-members on average.
  • Loyalty program members buy 5-20% more frequently than non-members.

Watch the video to learn all about this great feature and how to set it up on your web site.

Receiving Screen Improvement

Exciting! Many of you have requested this feature and it's FINALLY here 😀. When you receive an item that is on a Special Order, we will show you the list of orders that the item is on and you can click on any order directly from the receiving screen to access the order.

Featured Video - Merge Data

Merging data in Corestore is a new feature that allows you to combine data together without having to go through every record individually.   It's a helpful feature and you can learn all about it by watching our latest video.