Not a massive update, but still exciting!


exciting! After many trials and tribulations Apple has finally approved our app.  If you are an Apple fan, download our app.  It has many cool features.  Use it for line busting, kiosk, or even as your main register.

And we have also updated our Android app with stability fixes and added new features to both IOS and Android.  

new feature Display Type

For both IOS and Android you can now choose what the primary use of coreSTORE will be.

Choose if you are using the app as a secondary display, as a price check station, or as the 4473 Kiosk.   For any mode that is customer facing we make sure any option that should not be accessible to the customer.

new feature Employee Permission Templates

You can now setup Employee Permission Templates.  This is a powerful feature that will allow you to setup multiple templates and then assign an employee to a permission template.  Anytime you change a template, all employees with that template will be changed as well.

Building employee templates can be done by clicking the Permission Templates menu option on the employee screen.

On the employee screen you can select which template to associate to them.

exciting! new feature Price Rules By Day and Time of Day!!!!

You can now setup pricing that changes based on day of the week, and even time of the day.  Imagine setting up a Happy Hour special at your store during the week to encourage your customers to visit during slower times.  This is a really powerful new feature coupled with some good marketing will hopefully help result in higher traffic and more sales!

improvement Receiving Screen Improvements

The receiving screen has been updated to show the total quantity received for the purchase order that is being received against.

The receiving screen will now show the list price of the item being received and you can now change the list price directly on the receiving screen.

improvement Customer Middle Name

You can now add the customer's middle name to the list of columns on the customer screen.  The customer's middle name will also be displayed on the sales screen.  You can also search for a customer by entering their first/middle and last name.

improvement Search for Customer by Driver's License

You can now search for a customer on the customer screen by entering their license number.

improvement Customer Display Logo

You can now specify a different logo for the customer facing display.

improvement Classes and Events are now Location Specific

When pulling up events and classes in coreSTORE the system will default to show only the classes and events available for that location.

improvement Bound Book Menu Options

Moved a couple of critical bound book menu options to the left side menu where it is more visible for users.

Bug Fixes

fix When clicking a customer's name after merging two customers all the transactions were not being displayed.

fix The system will prevent a user from entering the same gift card twice on a transaction.

fix Boundbook formatting issue fixed when printing the bound book.