Good morning everyone, yes the update has finally arrived. Be on the lookout for new video tips. If you haven't subscribed to our YouTube channel make sure to click the link below so you can be notified when we publish a new video.
🎉🥂🎉Chat is Back 🎉🥂🎉
exciting! Chat support is back up and running. We are switching to a new help desk system which will provide you with a better and more unified customer experience.
Sales Screen
improvement Search the suspended sale screen using custom field values.
new feature Hide tags from the grid of buttons just like you can hide categories from the button grid on the sales screen.
improvement A customer's middle name can now be used when searching for customers.
new feature A category can be flagged to require a waiver If you are using coreFORCE or Smart Waiver. If the customer doesn't have a waiver on file or they have an expired waiver the item belonging to that category cannot be sold when this box is checked (checkbox is in the category screen).
new feature If a customer has an FFL we clearly show it. Green background means the FFL has not expired, Red means it's expired.
new feature LETS PARTY!!!!!! You can now track multiple contacts, this is useful for a range or gym that wants to track who is in the facility. To enable party mode make sure you check the Enable Party Support option in the Store Configuration:
Once Set during a sale transaction you will now see a new Party button on the sales screen.
Once you click the Party button to start the party, you can then click the Member button to add new members to the party.
Click the Party button to view the members of the party.
improvement coreSTORE has some items that are set up which are called System Items. This includes Fees and Gift Cards. Previously these items were hidden and could not be changed. With this update, the user can now edit system item information. The user is prevented from deleting the item or changing the product id, but other information can be changed such as the description.
new feature You can now edit cost and price information for an individual serial number in the Item Serial Number screen. Any information updated will also be reflected in the bound book.
improvement Location category taxes have been enhanced to support specific tags. Click the screen below to see a sample setup of fees/taxes. The first one shows how to assess an extra fee for any ammo that has a tag of 9mm.
Purchasing & Receiving
new feature New purchasing dashboard for better management of purchase orders, receiving, transfers and returns. The new dashboard provides the user with a front screen to see all open transactions and quickly add a new transaction. A new help guide will walk users through the new screen and highlight the new features.
new feature Enter your own Purchase Order Number. By default purchase order numbers are assigned by the system, in this update the user is able to enter their own purchase order numbers. To enable this option in Store Config check the option Use Purchase Order. You can optionally require a purchase order number.
new feature When entering a purchase order you can click the On Order quantity field to see which other purchase orders have this item.
new feature During the receiving process you can now optionally display a serial number audit number. This number is generated by taking the numeric values of all serial numbers on the line item and adding them up (the non-numeric part of the serial number is stripped out).
In the example below, 2 serial numbers are being received. The first one is translated to 10000 (the A's become 0, leading 0 is dropped) and the second serial number is translated to 20000. This adds up to 30000.
The benefit of using a serial audit is to provide a mechanism for a second individual to verify that all serial numbers were scanned and no mistakes were made. It adds a step, but at the same time helps ensure accuracy.
Bound Book & 4473
new feature New 4473 Kiosk. The new 4473 Kiosk will provide your customers with a more pleasant experience. Instead of one big form, the new kiosk splits the form into more manageable steps and will stop the user from moving to the next step if they forgot to fill in any information.
important To enable the new 4473 kiosk you must change the configuration option in Store Config (you can also change it in the locations screen and only activate it at certain locations).
new feature Added Spanish support in the new 4473 kiosk.
new feature Extended Search in 4473 Screen. The new extended search screen allows you to search for 4473's by any combination of fields.
new feature Serial number count can be done for all bound books at once.
new feature New location-based configuration option to force sales of firearms only to an FFL. This is beneficial for wholesalers who want to sell only to customers that have an FFL.
new feature Added ability to include corrections on the bound book report
new feature New kiosk screen is out of beta 🎉🎉🎉
improvement Bound Book System Types
Added system types to prevent users from mistakenly deleting a required inventory type.
new feature The Bound Book report allows to print all bound books together.
new feature Added the ability to select columns and sort by any column on the 4473 screen.
new feature Added a new employee security option to allow setting up a manager user who can override the warning that a 4473 must be completed for the sale.
This new option will prevent an employee from completing a sale that requires a 4473 unless they have the security option to override this option.
If this option is set to false AND the configuration option: Override 4473 Warning During A Sale is false then:
The warning dialog will only have an OK button and the user will not be allowed to complete the sale prior to filling out a 4473.
new feature We added another employee security option to prevent them from downloading 4473's.
new feature 4473 screen Improved menu:
new feature Integration into More information coming soon.
improvement Improved Category Synchronization.
improvement The event schedule screen will default to the current location (coreFORCE only).
improvement Improvement with online payment integration to coreFORCE.
Bored with nothing to do? Watch our video on the latest ATF regulations, we promise it's RIVETING!