Change Can Be Good - We Promise!

New Help Desk and Chat Tools

Carrie Despaux walks you through our new help desk system which we are very excited about, and hopefully, you are too.  Make sure to subscribe to our Youtube Channel, we are going to be publishing more videos in this last quarter of the year.


Yes I am shouting because that might be what you are doing, but PLEASE do not panic, all the menus are still there.  As you may have seen there is a nice tour that shows you how to navigate around.   Not much has changed but it was time to put things in a more logical order and quite frankly the accordion-style menus were a bit of a  pain, It was time to rip that band-aid off!

Store Config is No Longer Store Config!

Take a deep breath - it's now called SETTINGS.  And yes it's more streamlined and looks FANTASTIC.  At least we think it does but I'm pretty sure you will too.

Guided Tours - Help When You Need It

We only have two so far, but we plan on many more over the next few months, so keep an eye out for the big question mark, and don't be afraid to click it!

Leave Feedback

Ideas, New Feature Requests? Leave us feedback or vote on existing requests.  This is where some great ideas originate and the more votes that an idea has the more attention we will give it.

Sale Screen

Fulfill the entire order with one click
If you enter special orders then this might be a good time saver for you! We have now made the column header Qty To Fulfill clickable.  So when you are fulfilling an order which has many line items, you can click the magic link and it will default all the quantities to fulfill to the quantity that was ordered.  Very convenient!

Edit Sales
When editing a sales transaction you can now change the salesperson.

Require Login Option By Register
You can now set each register to require login after every sale.  This is useful if you want only specific registers to require login after each sale.  Visit the Locations screen to see this new setting:

Button Font Size
You can now change the font size of the text that shows up on the Sale Screen buttons (referred to as our grid). Visit the Settings screen under Company  and click the Grid Options.  You can modify several options when it comes to the buttons on the sales screen.

Company & Locations

Taxes & Fees

Set up location-specific taxes, or create special fees and/or taxes based on either the category of an item or an item tag.  In the screenshot below we demonstrate how to set up an automatic background check fee, anytime someone purchases an item from the Firearms category.  Click the screenshot below to see an expanded view, good for us old folks that are fighting the need for reading glasses.


Price Rule Enhancements
You can now specify the number of days between uses of a coupon.  For example, if you wanted to limit the use of a coupon to each customer to every 30 days.  

Location Totals
When looking at an item the locations tab will now show total stats for all locations combined.

Category Screen Enhancement
We now show you the number of items under each category.  This is helpful to see, so you can easily manage your categories.

Work Orders

Work Order Notes
You can now enter Notes on the Work Order and separate notes on the item that is being Repaired.


Work Order Technician Report
We added a new reporting section for our work order module and the first report added to that section is the Work Order Technician Report.  Make sure to scroll all the way down to see this new report section, it's WAY BELOW!  More work order reports will follow.

Search by Serial Number
You can now search for work orders based on the serial number.  This is convenient if you have a repair item that you are not sure which work order it belongs to (work order tag fell off).

Purchasing & Receiving

You can now enter a discount on purchase orders and/or receiving transactions.  Discount all line items by a % or discount the entire transaction by a whole amount.

Bound Book & 4473

Bound Book Report Enhancement
You can now choose to print the oldest record first or the oldest record last in the bound book report.

Bound Book Serial Count Enhancement
Added additional columns to the serial count screen to show the caliber, model and manufacturer to more easily identify the serial numbers being counted. Also added these columns to the Not Counted screen.

Destroyed Firearms
Added the ability to mark a firearm as destroyed.