Happy Hump Day


new feature You can now search for duplicate customers by email address or name.


new feature Similar to the customers merge function, we have now added the ability to merge suppliers in the event that you have duplicates.

Label Printing

improvement Two new replacement fields added: {items.type_name} and {items.manufacturer_name} .  This will assist your favorite chief label maker to improve your labels even more.

Delivery Screen

new feature Added navigation links to the delivery detail screen to easily move between orders.

new feature Added the ability to specify the serial numbers of an item when creating a shipment.  This will allow completing orders without having to access them in the sales screen.

new feature When all items are being shipped in the order, a prompt will be displayed asking the user if they want to mark the order complete.

fix Fixed an issue when importing internet orders and the UPC was missing.

fix Fixed a bug that at times was causing inventory to be reduced twice when creating a shipment.

Bound Book & 4473 

improvement In Manage 4473, the Section D/E buttons will enable or disable based on a new set of criteria after Section C has been completed.

  • If 4437 Date is today and NICS status = PROCEED:
    D = enabled, E = enabled
  • 4473 Date before today OR NICS status = DELAYED AND Section D has not been signed yet:     
    D = enabled, E = disabled     
  • 4473 Date before today OR NICS status = DELAYED AND Section D has just been signed -- (this is possible if the FFL got the customer signature first before changing the NICS status):
    D = enabled, E = enabled   

improvement 4473 Kiosk - When kiosk page opens, focus on the code entry field.

new feature In Store Config there are two new configuration options in the Bound Book section that will allow you to disable the requirement at the kiosk of entering an email address and phone number. Dean, we hope we made your day.

fix Fixed duplicate customer/person bugs   

fix Fixed bug where reopening Section B would not show the phone number formatted properly.

And if you've scrolled this far (and lets face it today this was not very far), we might as well lighten the mood.  Hope you all have a wonderful day!