Over a month no update? Well that's actually not entirely true. We have been releasing updates but have gone a month without letting you know about them. As a growing company we have been busy at work and myself (Ezra Weinstein, CEO) seems like I have turned into a full time recruiter. Our company has grown to over 40 amazing individuals.
I personally love writing these updates and decided not to delegate this task, so I apologize. This update (assuming anyone reads it) is going to take a look back, it will look at the present release and give you a glimpse into the future. This will be a long one so make sure to grab your coreFFEINE, relax, watch and read(and if you don't have any coreFFEINE let us know and we will be glad to send you a bag).
Please make sure to click read more right below, if you don't see it just keep on scrolling down.
Our Mission
Let me take a moment to share our mission with you, we hope you enjoy this video, it speak to our ethos. I feel it's important these days to know who you are doing business with and what their purpose is.
Exciting New Customer Service Tools
As many of you know we are FANATICAL about providing great customer service. At the end of the day the best software out there is worthless without having great support.
We have now added the ability for you to chat DIRECTLY with our customer service team and also for our Support Specialists to "hop" on your computer and see exactly what you are seeing with essentially one click of a button!
Below is our latest coreCAST we are at 200 subscribers on our Youtube channel so please subscribe and like our videos. This coreCAST is totally focused on our new customer service tools.
If you don't feel like watching the whole video just click here to learn more about our new chat feature:
Feedback Site
Many of you know that we LISTEN. A lot of new functionality that shows up in our products comes from customer feedback, suggestions and requests. As we have grown the number of suggestions keeps growing to the point where it has become a bit challenging to keep track of, and it tough sometimes to decide how important a request might be. Well we have published a site that will allow our Coreware community to vote for features, this will help us determine what features to focus on and how to prioritize them. So take the time not just to make a request or suggestion but make sure to read through all the requests and upvote any of them that you think would be beneficial to you.
You can access the feedback site directly from coreSTORE by clicking your name in the top right corner of the screen. If you are not watching our entire video above, you can click here to jump right to the discussion about our feedback site.
Buyer Assistant Module
We have mentioned before, and some of you have seen our Advanced Purchasing module, well we have rebranded it and now it shall be known as our Buyer Assistant Module. Why the name change? Because in our opinion this new feature is not an advanced feature, but a necessary feature for every retailer to use and we don't want you to shy away from it because it's called "advanced". Click below to view a video that will walk you through the main features and benefits of this new module.
Inventory Enhancements
improvement Location Specific Price and Cost
You can now choose to see the location specific price and cost in the items screen if you have different prices/costs set for different locations.
new feature Search for an Item by Serial Number
You can now search for an item by scanning or typing the serial number in the items screen (this already can be done in the sales screen, now you can perform the same search in the items screen).
new feature Bulk Price Update for Serialized Items
If you have serialized items and you price the items individually, you can now update the prices of the items in bulk by applying a % markup to all the items.
new feature Update Multiple Items at Once from the Web Site
When selecting one or more items in the item screen you can now update all the items at once from your web site.
improvement Assemblies Enhancements and Tutorial
We added the ability to clone an assembly and also added costs and totals to the assembly screen. Watch this video to learn all about assemblies.
new feature Default Category to Hide/Show on Grid
Added a new store configuration option: New Category Defaults To Show On Grid, this will determine when setting up a new category whether it will default to show the category on the grid.
Sales Screen
new feature Text Receipt Button (SMS)
Added a button to the receipt preview screen to SMS (text) the receipt to the customer.
Customer Improvements
new feature Search By Drives License Number
You can now search for customers in the customer screen by drivers license number.
new feature Suffix
We added Suffix to the customer screen so users can separate out the suffix field. For our firearm dealers this enhancement was also added to the Bound Book module as well.
Purchasing/Receiving and Transfer Improvements
improvement Transfer In Improvement
When transferring items into a location the system will show any open orders that have the item being transferred.
Precious Metals
You can now price items based on current precious metal pricing. Currently you can select Gold, Palladium, Platinum or Silver. When an item is set to a precious metal price. Learn more by watching the video below.
Work Order Modifications
improvement Added costs and a total to the Parts & Labor section.
Bound Book and Firearm Transfers
improvement Firearms Transfers
You can now lookup items by UPC, add transfers from multiple FFL's on one transfer and add a new FFL without losing your spot.
Watch our latest video on FFL Transfers to learn more.
new feature Create Work Order from Bound Book Entry
You can now create a work order directly from a bound book entry.
new feature Create 4473 On Sale Completion
You can now choose based on suspended transaction type when to create the 4473 (at time you suspend or at the time you complete the sale). This feature is handy if you don't want to create the 4473 record immediately when suspending a transaction. You can set the option under Store Config under the Suspended Sales/Layaways section. By default the system creates the 4473 record once the transaction is suspended.
new feature Serial Count Error Sound
When performing a serialized count you can specify a sound to sell if the system cannot the serial number that was scanned. Make sure to select a small audio file that is in MP3 or WAV format.
improvement Concealed Handgun Permit
Added a new License Type: Conceal Handgun Permit in the Bound Book Acquisition and Disposition screens.
coreFORCE Integration
improvement Customer Custom Fields
Customer custom field values will be transmitted to coreFORCE as long as the custom fields share the same name.
improvement Customer Summary Sales Report
The customer summary sales report can now be sorted by the total amount and it will sort the entire report not just the page you are on.
new feature Detailed Sales Search Report
You can now show sales based on a specific selling price (under custom reports).
You can also filter by customer state or gender.
improvement Receiving Report
Added the ability exclude transfers from the receiving report.
improvement Sales Reports Show markup
Both the sales detail and sales summary reports will now show the markup % not just profit %. If you want to know the difference well here is a brief explanation:
Profit Margin
Profit margin refers to the revenue a company makes after paying COGS. The profit margin is calculated by taking revenue minus the cost of goods sold. However, the difference is shown as a percentage of revenue. The percentage of revenue that is gross profit is found by dividing the gross profit by revenue. For example, if a company sells a product for $100 and it costs $70 to manufacture the product, its margin is $30. The profit margin, stated as a percentage, is 30% (calculated as the margin divided by sales).
Markup shows how much more a company's selling price is than the amount the item costs the company. In general, the higher the markup, the more revenue a company makes. Markup is the retail price for a product minus its cost, but the margin percentage is calculated differently. In our earlier example, the markup is the same as gross profit (or $30), because the revenue was $100 and costs were $70. However, markup percentage is shown as a percentage of costs, as opposed to a percentage of revenue.
Lots of bug fixes and minor annoyances addressed. I will leave it at that 😀, otherwise this What's New will never see the light of day.