It's Been a Long Time...

announcement You might want to grab a cup of coffee because this is going to be a long announcement with lots of exciting updates and in no particular order.

Sale Screen

improvement Line Item Notes

You can now edit and delete notes.  Line item notes will now show the full history of notes and you can add additional notes.

Bound Book

new feature ATF Mode

You can now setup an employee and set the employee to ATF mode.  This will allow an ATF agent to view your bound book and 4473's without having the ability to change or update any record.  This is a requirement by the ATF in order to obtain a variance.  Make sure to give them access to Manage 4473 and Search Bound Book.

new feature 4473 Revisions

Added the ability to keep track of 4473 revisions.  When there is a revision on a 4473 you will see it noted on the button and you can choose what revision to print. 

new feature 4473's Not Modifiable

When a 4473 is marked complete it will no longer be modifiable as required by the ATF.

improvement FFL #

Shortened FFL# now supported (most helpful for imported records). The format is the 8 digit format: 1-23-45678.

new feature Canceled or Denied 4473's Enhancement

You can now resubmit a cancelled or denied 4473.

new feature Local Agency Information

You can now specify your local agency information for 3310's to be automatically emailed to.  To enter your local Agency information under Inventory/Locations click the Locations information and fill the information out.

new feature Reconcile Serial Numbers

A new utility added which will update the inventory serial table so that it matches up to the In Stock bound book serial numbers.  This typically should not be run unless the serial numbers from the bound book are not showing up in the items screen.  Please make sure to check with our support staff prior to running this utility.

bug fixes Various bugs squashed 

Modified Section B submit button so it wouldn't automatically go to Section D if the status was DENIED or CANCELED

3310's were only pulling data from a single bound book.  Now the system will check across multiple bound books.

3310 Alerts were not showing up under certain circumstances.

3310 Fixed bug that defaulted an empty birthdate to 12/31/69.

3310 Blank address was showing up ",,(no country),,"

Fixed bug where 4473 status was not showing up properly.


exciting! Login using just your face!!!!!

Say what? yes we added the ability for you and your employees to log in using facial recognition.   To enable this make sure to go to your Store Config and check option:

Of course you will want to visit the Employee screen and add a photo of each employee.  You can click the camera icon to take a picture right from the screen:

Once you enable this option, on the login screen once you allow camera access you will be able to log into the system.

NOTE: This is still what we would call an experimental feature, we are looking for feedback on how well it works.

new feature My Punches Choose a Date Range

Employees can now select a date range to print out to see their clock punches.


improvement Item Import

Additional fields supported in the item import: List price, MAP Price, ECommerce Id

improvement Items Screen

You can now show the ECommerce Id of an item in the Items listing.  This field is beneficial especially for Coreshop users that need to correlate the item

Work Order

improvement Work Order Screen

Increased the font size of the description field.

improvement Work Order Notes

Work order notes can now be edited/deleted.

improvement Serial Number

The work order screen will now show the serial number of the item that is being repaired.


improvement Defaults to Hide Completed Order

Purchasing & Receiving

new feature Receiving Screen

You can now see the quantity on order when entering a purchase order.

fix Detailed Receiving Report

The detailed Receiving report will no longer show purchase order transactions.


improvement Cash In&Out Report 

The report now shows the amounts of the transaction.

Store Config

new feature API Logs

You can now view the API logs which will show all activity to outside systems including your web site, your merchant gateway, Checkeeper, Easypost, etc.


new feature When importing orders from Coreshop the status of the order is imported. In addition, orders will be updated in Corestore when they are updated in Coreshop.

bug fixes Certain products when downloaded from 


bug fixes Various bug fixes in the AmmoReady integration.