Labor Day is a Day of Labor for Coreware

Another week another update.  This one is not a large one but has some good new features, most of them came from YOUR suggestions and requests.

Purchasing & Receiving

new feature Bound Book Items New Field Display

If you have the bound book module enabled you will now see a new line when you are receiving a serialized item showing the type, manufacturer, caliber and model.  

important If any of these fields do not have values then the system will notify you and will not allow you to complete the receiving.

Credit Card Processing

new feature Added support for corePAY.


improvement Custom Sales Detail Report

The custom sales detail report will now include the sold to email address and physical address.

improvement Detailed Payment Report Improvement

By default the payment detailed report includes payments related to the transaction even if they fall out of the date range that was selected.  By checking this box the report will ONLY include payments within the date range that was selected.


improvement coreSHOP Payments

coreSHOP payments are now being recorded on the date the payment was made.

fix AmmoReady Product Type

When transmitting an item to AmmoReady, coreSTORE was not transmitting the correct type.  This should now be resolved.