Lots of work going on at Coreware as we approach the busy season. We are excited to introduce some great new improvements and a few new features. As always the team has been hard at work tackling bugs and other fixes.
General Updates
improvement Customer Tag Improvements
Customer tags will now show up on the sales screen, and it's easier to add and manage customer tags which can be used for segmentation and other purposes.
tip Setting up Multiple Tax Exempt Groups
The video tip below explains how to set up multiple tax-exempt groups for sales tax reporting purposes.
new feature Disable Serial Number Drop-Down
You can now turn off the serial number dropdown on the sales screen. It's best practice to scan serial numbers rather than choosing them from a dropdown list. For our wholesale and manufacturer customers, we highly recommend turning off this feature.
Company Settings -> Sales
new feature Use Variations in Price Rules
You can now select the primary variation item as the reward or as the qualifying item when setting up price rules. This allows you to choose any variant that is part of the variation. An example is if you want to give a free tee shirt away with any purchase over $50.
improvement Updating Multiple Items at Once
When multiple items are selected you can now update the serialized flag, eCommerce, type, category and add attributes along with attribute values in bulk.
new feature PDF Invoices
You can now set sales receipts and invoices to be sent via PDF.
Company Settings->Receipt
new feature Scale Support
Added support for using a USB-connected scale when fulfilling orders. Watch the video below for more information. If you are ready to add a scale to your operation don't hesitate to submit a ticket to our support team and they will assist you with the setup.
new feature Gift Card Screen
Two new columns were added to the Gift Card Screen. The sale id which is the original sale when the gift card was sold along with the date of the sale.
Work Orders
improvement Updated Status Screen and Menu
Throughout coreSTORE, we are improving the look, feel and ease of use of our screens. The work order status screen has been redone to match the other maintenance screens. The status maintenance screen was also moved to a menu option under the updated Work Order menu.
new feature Import Work Orders
You can now import Work Orders from a spreadsheet.
Bound Book & 4473
improvement 3310 Type Identification
The Type of Identification dropdown in the 3310 screen now matches the options in Section C of the 4473.
improvement Bound Book Correction Report
You can now print the notes on deleted bound book records
improvement New Security Option
You can now specify whether an employee has access to Dispose of a firearm from the sales screen. You can edit the security option by pulling up the Employee and setting the security option under the Bound Book Module.
exciting! For our NY Firearm Dealers, we have Great News!
Watch one of our recent coreCAST episodes to see what we have done for our customers in NY. More states coming soon!
If you are a coreFORCE customer using coreSTORE this section is for you. We have made several improvements to the integration between our two platforms.
new feature Layaways
Layaways that have been created in coreFORCE will now create a layaway transaction in coreSTORE. Layaway payments made in coreFORCE will now properly be added to the coreSTORE layaway. Payments made in coreSTORE on a layaway that originated in coreFORCE will update the coreFORCE invoice.
new feature coreSTORE Fulfillment Now Creates Shipping Records in coreFORCE
When using the coreSTORE Fulfillment, a shipping record will be created in coreFORCE.
fix coreSTORE Fulfillment Email Fix
Orders that originated in coreFORCE were not sending out shipment email notifications from coreSTORE. This has now been fixed.