It's been a month since our last update but we have not been resting easy. Our development team has been hard at work, mostly addressing bug fixes (a never-ending job), but we also have some great new features and improvements, so keep on reading.
Can you believe it's already Thanksgiving? Our support staff will all be around this coming Black Friday as well as Cyber Monday. We will of course have coverage of the busy weekend as well. I will take this moment to wish everyone a very Happy Thanksgiving, and we are thankful to all of our customers and hope you have an incredibly busy weekend!
announcement In just over a year, we have processed over 1 MILLION transactions on our coreCLEAR credit card Terminals. That is a massive achievement, and we thank all of our customers for helping us achieve this milestone!
announcement Time for a Code Freeze
Simply put, a code freeze is a period of time in which developers stop releasing any changes. The site's code is truly “frozen” at that point in time, most often to prevent any issues during a busy time of the year (i.e. the holiday season). During this time we will keep coding, and any critical bug fixes will be addressed and released, but no new features or enhancements will be released till after the holiday season (beginning of January).
new feature Restrict Sales By IP Address
Similar to restricting the ability to clock in/clock out to your location, you can now also restrict sales transactions from being entered outside of your establishment. You can also specify which employees are exempt from this policy. To enable this option, go to Company->Locations, and you will see the checkbox to restrict sales. To mark an employee
To mark an employee as exempt from these restrictions simply edit their employee record and check the box that exempts them.
new feature Recurring Charges for Memberships and more
If you are a coreCLEAR customer, you can set up recurring charges in coreSTORE. These can be used for selling memberships, subscriptions, or other recurring charges. If you are interested in using this feature, please submit a support request, and we will turn this feature on. Keep in mind, at this point you can only sell recurring charge items at the register, they cannot be sold online. If you are a coreFIRE customer, we plan on adding support for this in the near-ish future (after the holidays).
new feature coreILLA Workflows exciting!
Are you using coreILLA? If not, you should be because it offers an entire marketing platform for your store, and we keep enhancing the integration between coreSTORE and coreILLA. You can now choose what workflow to assign to a customer when they purchase an item. You can assign the workflow either on a category level or an individual item level. Learn more about coreILLA by visiting
new feature Quick Fulfillment
Quickly cycle through multiple orders and fulfill them by entering what is being shipped, shipping dimensions, and weight, print the label, go to the next order, and repeat. All is done directly from the fulfillment screen without having to enter into each order. Simply select multiple orders at once and click the Fulfill button at the top of the screen. You can blaze through your orders. We will definitely release a video on this feature soon.
new feature Reason Codes
Ok, so it's not so new, but we don't recall announcing this feature. So hopefully, this is a good one. Imagine you want to force a reason to be entered any time a price is changed on an item during the sale or a discount is applied. This can easily be done by simply going to the Company Settings and clicking on the Rason Codes section. You can specify when to prompt for a reason and also add any number of reason codes.
new feature Update Cost from Receiving
If you are not set to use Average Costing, you can now toggle an option to update the cost of an item when you update the cost on the purchase receiving screen.
new feature Gun Spot Orders
Orders from will now be imported into coreSTORE.
new feature Add multiple items to be repaired on a single work order exciting!
You can now add multiple items to be repaired on a work order.
improvement Apply fees/taxes to subcategories
You can now apply special fees to the subcategories.
improvement Enhanced Item Information when Receiving Items
When receiving an item when you click the item name we have enhanced the information that is displayed. In the receiving tab we added the PO# and Cost.
In the sales tab we now show historical sales by month. This will help you determine how many to order.
improvement Reason an item is banned
We now clearly show if an item is banned from selling at a specific location. Since item bans can be setup based on an item tag, category or individual item, having this tooltip is helpful to diagnose why an item can't be sold at a specific location.
improvement Multiple Price Rules for the Same Item
If multiple price rules apply to a line item in the sale, then the system will now choose the best price rather than defaulting to the first price rule that it finds.
improvement Enhanced BOGO (Buy One Get One) Support
You can now specify which items, item kits, categories, or tags qualify for a BOGO to be applied. You can also specify what items, item kits, categories or tags are the reward for the BOGO. A video on price rules will be coming soon!
improvement Custom Sales Report Enhancements
Fields are not listed in alphabetical order, and we have added the ability to produce a report that only shows serialized items or only shows non-serialized items.
improvement Edit Sale Restriction
When editing a sale, you can no longer add or remove line items. This is important because having that ability was causing other problems. We recommend entering a return and a new sale transaction if items need to be added or removed from a completed sale transaction.
improvement Payment Fees Enhancement
Payment Fees that are set up in coreSTORE will now also apply to online payments that are being made using the coreSTORE payment portal. The coreSTORE payment portal is available for all of our coreCLEAR customers, it allows your customers to make payments on orders, layaways, and invoices online.
new feature Manage 3310 Alerts Screen exciting!
We added a screen that will allow you see all the 3310 alerts including the ones that were dismissed (deleted, but they are not really deleted).
improvement Updated NICS Plug-In - important
If you are using our NICS Plug-In, PLEASE make sure to install the latest version of the extension. Follow the directions in this article:
We have corrected several issues and made some minor enhancements.
improvement Expired NICS Verification
When attempting to access Section D, the system will now verify that the NICS check was done within 30 days. If the date is older than 30 days, access to Section D will be prevented and a message is displayed:
"Your NICS verification has expired. Please fill out a new Form 4473"
The 4473 will then be invalidated.
improvement Moving Bound Book Records
You can now move deleted bound book records to another book.