Upcoming Training Webinar, and a Few Updates

exciting! New 4473 Training Webinar

Tomorrow on Tuesday, October 27th at 2:00 PM Eastern we have a webinar to introduce everyone to the new 4473's - If you don't know what a 4473 is that means you are not a licensed firearms dealer so you can move on to the next topic.   We strongly suggest you attend the webinar, because it's not just a new form, it's a new workflow, and we are excited to show you what we have done.   The new 4473 will be rolled out this week, we have a select number of beta testers providing us with some final input, but so far we are looking good.

Click here to register to the webinar, and you will receive a link to attend. Make sure you join from your computer or tablet so you can see the screens clearly.

improvement Suspend and Pay with One Step

You can now choose payment type, enter the payment amount and then just click Suspend and the system will process the card right then and there. Saves an extra click and an extra step.   More importantly, the issue we had with suspended transactions that had no balance which was trying to process a card again should be resolved.  Technically I should have placed this in the Bug Fixes section, but let's be real, most of you don't scroll that far down the page, and this one is important.

improvement Transfer Inventory

When transferring inventory between locations, the system will now prevent you from transferring inventory to your current location, thus saving some minor headaches.

improvement Work Order Images

Images for work orders are now stored on the work order itself rather than the notes, so when deleting a note the images won't get deleted.

new feature Payment Processing - Store Card On File

If you are a gun range or a store that has members and you want to allow your customers to store their payment card on file and then quickly charge their account on future purchases you can now do that.

improvement Sale Screne - Added Phone Number

Added the phone number to the sales screen when selecting a customer.


ImportantThis feature only works if you are a coreCLEAR customer.  coreCLEAR is our new merchant services.  Unfortunately, our other payment processing solutions do not provide this feature for card-present transactions.  

bug fixes Bug Fixes

fix When importing an FFL the company name will now be filled in properly.

fix coreSHOP fix when adding a customer from the web site.

fix Choosing a serial number would sometimes cause a PHP error to show up.

fix Fixed problem when editing a sales transaction that had a serialized item on it.

fix Credit Card Receipt was not printing auth code all the time

fix Duplicate credit card receipt was not printing

fix Couldn't place an order for an out of stock item if the setting was set to not allow sales of out of stock items